Her Favorite Dress

Her Favorite Dress

The last year had been a mixed bag of emotions. 2020 brought about a pandemic, and unlike other professions, Edward's job had seen an uptick in business. Things became chaotic. He left for work early, stayed busy through lunch, and pulled into the driveway after dark. He couldn't complain, he had the best financial year of his career. Other aspects of life, however, had taken a hit. 

Vacations had to be canceled, birthdays and anniversaries with family and friends were postponed, and due to the hectic work schedule, time at home had been cut. It was Mid-March 2021 and Edward's business remained at full tilt. Ilene desperately missed him but understood it was part of the circumstances. 

For their entire history together, Ilene felt a profound connection with Edward. The cliché sayings and sentiments that existed among other couples simply did not capture what they shared. It wasn't that they always agreed on topics or liked all of the same things, but they had a deep respect and love for each other that seemed to have no limits. They wondered if all spouses were as compatible as they were, or was their connection something special. 

The compatibility wasn't just in their normal day, but branched out and became even deeper in their intimate life. Navigating different levels of their sex together was easy. Ilene had regularly woken Edward up with blow jobs, surprised him at work with lunch dates-turned passionate sex romps, and they spent hours in the evening offering each other hand and back massages followed by unhurried, thoughtful lovemaking. Never selfish, the favor was always returned by Edward. Her own body was something he could not get enough of, feasting on her flesh both visually and physically.

They kept communication open and challenged each other to play and have fun with whatever they conjured up to explore. This shared attitude had brought about anything ranging from slow and sensual sex to wild adventures full of kinks.

Ilene allowed her mind to amble to their kinky trysts while she prepared dinner one night. As of late, she and her husband took pleasure in frequent sex, however, it was just that- standard vanilla sex. Ilene yearned for those uninhibited nights brimming with intense fucking. Her imagination was frantic with images of all the private things they had done to one another. 

A few years ago, Edward and Ilene had engaged heavily in a D/s role in the bedroom. Ilene had a natural submissive disposition and was eager to please. She thrived on alleviating any tension Edward harbored from his day by giving herself completely to him, and Edward embodied the role of a generous Dom. The excitement and pleasure that resulted from this kink was unparallel to anything else they had explored. 

Just thinking about it had her heart racing and her skin flushed. The heat from between her legs built and her panties became damp. The familiar ache for release settled in her mound as she stilled herself against the counter and took a deep breath. 

It would be a lonely night. Edward had called earlier and wouldn't be home before Ilene retired to bed. She couldn't help but wonder, was Edward going mad with the same thoughts?

As Ilene climbed into bed that night, the full moon caught her eye. She didn't participate in organized religion anymore, but she had a deep faith in the universe. She held the moon's gaze until her eyes became heavy. As she started to dream, she felt the words, "Yes, Sir, " cross her lips. 

The next morning, Ilene slowly started to ascend from slumber. Her awareness began to hone in on her surroundings, registering weight next to her in the bed. 

"Good morning," she whispered to the body under the covers.

With a long stretch and extended yawn, Edward peeked around the duvet. "Good morning."

He opened his arms, beckoning her to fall into his embrace. As she crawled to him, she felt like she was coming home. His strong arms encircled her and she breathed deeply, taking in his familiar scent. His face nuzzled into her hair and neck muffling his words, "I miss you." 

"I miss you. I miss us." There were a thousand other confessions Ilene wanted to share, but Edward's ringing phone stopped her short. 

"I'll be there in 30 minutes," Edward promised the caller. He kissed Ilene's forehead and swung himself out of bed. "I have to run. It's work. I'm sorry." His words trailed off as he made his way to the shower. 

Ilene fell back into the still-warm bed. Her naked body sprawled across the messy sheets. Last night's recollection of her submissive role to Edward still had her hot and bothered. That blissed-out feeling made her forget about everything outside of that moment.

"You are stunning." The words made Ilene's eyes snap open. She saw Edward walk into the room as he toweled off. His stare was overflowing with a primal hunger, compelling Ilene to feel unnerved. "There is nothing I wouldn't do for an uninterrupted day with you," he said in a throaty voice. 

"Prove it," Ilene playfully teased as she arched her back and cupped her perky 34C breasts in her hands. The morning sun cast the perfect light on her toned body making Edward's throat go dry with desire. 

Anyone else would have missed it. But not Ilene. She knew this man better than he knew himself. She caught the almost imperceptible change in Edward's look as she sexily writhed on their bed. 

"Come here," he growled, but before she had a chance to move, he jerked her by the hips to the edge of the mattress. Ilene came up onto her elbows and looked down at her husband. Edward was kneeling on the floor and her legs were resting on his shoulders. He licked his lips and groaned as he took in the sight of her.

She gave him a demure smile and lowered her green eyes. A deep shiver overtook Edward's body. She knew exactly what she was doing to him. As she laid back Edward buried his face in her pussy. His tongue traveled up her wet slit, separating her lips. Her clit was already deep red as he began to slowly suck. 

Ilene moaned and grabbed the back of Edward's head, pulling him deeper. The stubble from his beard tickled her inner thighs and she thought she might lose herself right then and there. He was a genius at oral pleasure. 

Sensing the tension in her legs and hearing her breathing change, Edward knew Ilene was close to an orgasm. "Cum for me," he instructed. He wanted her juice to flood his mouth. He was wild with desire. 

And then everything stopped. His lips weren't drowning in pussy, his cheeks didn't have the warmth of her inner thighs, and he felt pressure on his shoulders as he was gently being pushed away. "What the hell?" he sputtered.

"You have to get to work," Ilene casually stated as she sat up. Edward was stunned. She took his face in her hands and sucked on his bottom lip. "I love tasting me on you," she breathed. Edward's cock stiffened. "Get ready. I'll get together something for you to eat on the way." It was her turn for her words to trail off as she walked away. 

By himself, Edward was left kneeling, hard as a rock, and frustrated. What just happened? Begrudgingly, he stood up and dressed for work. His head was a mess trying to process the morning. The raging case of blue balls he was experiencing was not helping matters. 

In the kitchen, Ilene splashed cold water on her face as she tried to calm herself down. She was a lick and suck away from exploding in Edward's mouth when she pulled away. 

It was a calculated move in her strategy to kick-off another D/s scene with her husband. She saw that shift earlier when he took in her naked form. She remembered that flash in his eyes years ago and knew he craved to unleash himself again as her Dom. She also knew he would deduce she was on board for the adventure. Compatible. 

Footsteps came towards the kitchen just as Ilene finished putting together Edward's breakfast. Still naked, she suddenly felt vulnerable. She sorely regretted not grabbing her robe as she left the bedroom. Edward looked flustered. 

"Have a good day," Ilene wished. "I'll see you at some point tonight?" 

"Yes. Tonight." It was an effort to get the words out. He thanked her for the meal and went out the door. Ilene watched as he fumbled with his things and stepped into his truck. She couldn't help but giggle. Turning away from the window, she hoped she was right that she had sparked the dominant flame within him. 

Edward couldn't hold focus. Work had never been more difficult. He repeatedly made careless errors and his staff began to notice he was pacing. He had to pull it together. "Damn you, Ilene," Edward thought to himself. But he wasn't mad in the least. Just the opposite, he was reignited with lust. 

It had been several years since he and his wife had fallen into the delicious rabbit hole of the D/s world. At the time, it was something new to both of them, but never once did it feel awkward. The release after a scene was insane. It was unlike any sex act he had ever experienced. And Ilene...it was apparent how much she enjoyed herself. She was an extraordinary sub. 

And that's when it hit him. Of course! This morning started to make sense! He had been so caught up with work, their sexual exploring had taken a back seat. Sweet, smart, slutty Ilene had baited him hook, line, and sinker. She lured him in with her seductive behavior and then tossed him aside knowing it would strike a chord with his Dom alter ego. 

Without a second thought, Edward called to his assistant, "Clear my books for tomorrow. I have an important meeting that came up."

With that figured out, Edward's head slightly stopped spinning and he was able to get through the rest of his work. When the end of the day finally rolled around, Edward left on time for the first time in over a year. He hoped he had read his wife correctly in her desires because he was more than ripe with suspense to engage in a D/s scene this evening. 

Ilene heard Edward's truck pull in hours earlier than his normal time. A wicked smile played at the corners of her mouth. She hoped he showed up in full Dom mode. 

"How was your day?" he inquired.

"Good. Productive. You're home early." Why was Ilene stammering?

"I was productive today too," he answered smoothly. "I'm happy to be home at a decent time. Let's eat dinner and catch up."

Ilene prepared their plates as he went to clean himself up. She noticed her hands were shaking. "I'm being ridiculous," she muttered to herself. "It's just Edward."

As he walked to the table, Ilene's breath caught in her chest. He was freshly showered and dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. His hands were behind his back, holding something. He was devastatingly handsome with a square jaw covered in several days of dark stubble. His broad shoulders and strong chest made goosebumps rise on her skin. 

Although his physical attractiveness had her attention, it was the look in his eyes that had her transfixed. He was in full-blown Dom mode. Her nipples tightened as they became hyper-erect and she could hear her heartbeat slamming into her ribs. 

Instinctively, Ilene lowered her gaze. Her chin dropped towards her chest at the same time her hands folded into her lap. She entered sub-mode. This is how Edward previously trained her to be positioned during a scene. Ilene was dripping wet with excitement.

"Good girl." His voice had become husky, thick with desire. 

Ilene didn't move. Her senses were piqued. She could feel his stare warming her skin. She listened as his breathing quicken. His fresh scent threatened to lure her closer. 

He was testing her, looking for any fidgeting or change in her bow. Muscle memory kept her still. Years ago, she had been amazed at how comforted being a sub made her feel. The same was true now. 

"You will come to me, kneeling at my feet to assume your sub position," he commanded.

"Yes, Sir," Ilene whispered. Kneeling at his feet provoked a deep stir in her belly. Suddenly aware of his movement, Ilene almost looked up. Her jaw clenched as she realized her close call. 

Edward brought something from behind his back and placed it around her neck, clasping it snuggly around her throat. Her collar! The leather was worn at the buckle from their previous use. A small tag still hung from the D ring with "Miss A" engraved on one side. 

Wearing a collar for her husband had been an unexpected turn-on. She relished the ownership to him that it symbolized. Ilene had forgotten how close it laid on her delicate skin. She swallowed and felt the leather strain. 

"Are you ok?" he asked. Ilene trusted Edward explicitly. The respect and love that was shown with these check-ins brought about an indescribable feeling within Ilene's heart. They had conceived limits and safe words last time, and she would use them if need be tonight.

"Yes, Sir," she once again whispered. 

"Good Girl. Now follow me. You have a punishment for your earlier antics."

Edward helped her stand and told her to walk in front of him towards the bedroom. He watched as her hips seductively swayed with her gait. Her waist was small giving way to luscious curves. She had a firmly lifted ass and for only being 5'2", her legs were long. 

Her blonde hair fell to the middle of her back in gentle waves. Underneath, he knew his collar was on his wife's neck. Collaring Ilene did something to Edward. It was one of his favorite parts of D/s play. 

Punishment. Ilene knew why. She had led him on this morning and then pulled herself away, leaving Edward a mess. She remembered one of his rules: Ilene could not deny him of herself. Of course, she knew that when she did it. This slutty sub loved punishment. 

Edward always came up with the most inventive and titillating punishments. The previous years of play had a learning curve for what was suitable. He had mastered the art by the end. No doubt he would gift a correction that would leave Ilene deep in sub space, dizzy with excitement.

He stopped just inside the door. "Turn around and face me." Ilene did as she was told but never lifted her eyes to meet his. "Undress starting with your pants. Leave your bra and panties on."

Deliberately, she peeled off her pants and then her shirt. As she pulled her top over her head, she arched her back and stretched out giving Edward an impressive front view. She was grateful that she had slipped skimpy black lace lingerie on this afternoon after her shower.

Edward's jaw clenched and un-clenched in rhythm with his fists. A grunt escaped him as Ilene stripped. It was taking all of his self-control not to throw her on the bed and fuck her tight pussy right now. 

"Face away and place your hands flat on the wall above your shoulder height." Ilene's punishment had commenced. "Do you know why you are being punished?"

"Yes, Sir."


"I denied you access to my body this morning."

"Good girl. I'm going to place a penny under each of your fingertips. Your hands stay above your shoulders and your fingertips keep the pennies against the wall. Do not let a single one drop. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sir."

Edward pulled 10 pennies from his pocket and came up behind Ilene. Her hands stayed pressed firmly against the wall, but she pushed her hips back against Edward. She could feel his swollen dick on her ass. Instinctively, she began to slowly grind her hips against his hardness. Cracking from character in the slightest fraction, Edward clutched her hips and allowed the sexy dance. 

Growling, Edward backed away from his temptation. "Stop." Ilene became still. He picked up each of her fingers and placed a coin underneath. "Not a single one drops," he reminded her.

Ilene's eyes were fixed on her toes. Not knowing what was coming next made her knees weak. She felt him stand off to one side. He took a moment to kiss her neck, trailing down her shoulder, and ending at her side. She couldn't control the shutter that wracked her petite body. His large hand grabbed her ass and squeezed. 

"This is mine. You are mine. You will not take yourself away from me again."

Before she had a chance to respond with a "Yes, Sir," Edward's hand collided with her right ass cheek with determination. "SMACK!" 

The sound and feeling of a perfectly placed ass smack was priceless. Three more smacks landed in the same spot as the first. Ilene felt her fingers start to slightly lift. Her reflexes tried to take over as the stinging sensation mounted. He graced her with a brief pause in which he lightly traced his fingers over his red handprint tattooed on her flesh.

Just when she started to relax, four more consecutive smacks branded the same spot. She couldn't hold back the moans any longer. Her panties were uncomfortable from her wetness. She held all 10 pennies like he had instructed. 

Petite in both height and weight, Edward could easily hurt her. She once had confessed that she adored feeling his power and trusted that he would wield it with perfect intensity towards her body. It was this total submission that made these sessions so addicting for both of them.

"Drop them," Edward said out of breath.

She lowered her arms and heard the pennies clink as they fell. Her ass cheek was numb. Edward spun her around and put a finger under her chin, lifting it so she could meet his eyes. He held her there for a solid minute, his stare boring into her soul. 

"You are beautiful," he said and kissed her deeply. "I love you." Their tongues intertwined. He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. Ilene yearned to touch his engorged cock. He carried her over to a full-length mirror and set her down. "Face your reflection with your eyes up. I have a gift for you."

He disappeared for a moment. Ilene took the opportunity to view what lingered from her punishment. As expected, a perfect replica of Edward's hand, complete with crimson raised edges. She adored it. 

"I got you a dress," he said as he held up a long black rope. Confusion crossed over Ilene's face.

Ilene suddenly felt very heady from everything. She relinquished the last bit of control she was trying to maintain. Edward reached over and unhooked her bra. He cupped her breasts and rubbed his thumbs in circles around her nipples. She couldn't stand it anymore. She needed more. 

"Please, Sir," a simple plea. 

Edward brought his hand to the back of her head and dug his fingers into her hair down to the scalp. He would give her more. He grabbed a handful of her hair and tugged her head back. Her collar was on display, making his dick twitch. He needed release soon. 

His other hand left her breast and traveled down to her panties. He wasn't surprised to feel the lace sopping wet with her sweetness. His fingers hooked under the lingerie and he pulled them down in one swift motion. She was on full display now and ready for the ropes. 

"Stay facing the mirror with your legs spread," Edward's words were confident and steady. 

Ilene was wildly turned on. She watched in the reflection as he skillfully began to weave the rope around her naked body. She ached with desire. Having Edward's thick cock in her suddenly seemed as vital as breathing. 

Twenty minutes passed and Ilene took in the gorgeous rope dress that he had tied with his expert hands. The detail was astonishing. Not only was there intricate design around her body, but knots adorned the midline of her body. He was about to tie the last knot. 

"This one is special. It's called the love knot," Edward explained. "It's special because it goes right here," She felt him tuck the rope between her labia and tie a knot right on top of her throbbing clit. She bucked her hips from the sensation. Her wetness that was dripping down her inner thighs was now being soaked up by the rope. 

Edward stepped back to enjoy his work. Nothing Ilene had ever worn before looked as beautiful as this rope dress. Aside from aesthetics, the act of tying the dress on and watching Ilene as he did so, was foreplay in itself. r"











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