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Posted by by Shubham 7 minute read
Also Read: 29 Best Hentai Anime Recommendations
Also Read: 13 Best Yaoi Hentai of All Time
Also Read: 11 Most F*ckedup Hentai of All Time
Does Smauel l Jackson watch anime ?
“Yes, I do. Hentai too” ~ Samuel L Jackson.
These words have given anime watchers much strength. If you have watched anime, there has been that one time that you opened an Incognito Tab on your iPad and googled some hentai.
We bring you a curated list of all popular Hentai, which you should give a try. We have looked everywhere so that you don’t have to look any further and we present you this list so that you can enjoy that sweet time alone, fapping away.
We are starting off with a somewhat f*cked-up anime relative to the Hentai’s I have watched. Gakuen de Jikan yo Tomare is about a rich but abandoned boy who has only one goal, revenge on his father !
He and his mother were abandoned by his rich snob of a father and now he wants revenge. He has found a way of exacting his revenge, by hurting his step-sisters, who are adored and cared for by their father.
He obtains a magical time-freezing device that lets him enter his step-sister’s prestigious school and then do as he pleases with their s*xy, curvy bodies. He rapes his step-sisters repeatedly, leaving them confused and vulnerable. They beg for his mercy!
Yup, Hentai is f*cked-up, but at least not all of it, so hang around and read about all the other solid hentai on this list.
Etsuraku no Tane is based on a game published by WendyBell.
It is a visual novel , where you can see and read stuff that happens and sometimes make some important choices that affect multiple storylines of the game.
Etsuraku no Tane is about a tentacle monster ! The monster makes a parasitic relationship with a cute girl named, Hiyori and attacks other cute girls , and forces them to have s*xual intercourse with his brow sluggish and slimy tentacles.
This one is an amazing watch for the tentacle hentai fans.
This Girls Love, erotic hentai is an amazing watch for you! It has sensual pleasures, romance , two seriously cute-looking divas, and of course the adrenaline of s*xual pleasures.
The story starts without two main characters, Mai Sawaguchi and Reo Kawamura. Two pretty normal, school-going teenagers that are friends with each other. Although they are friends, they argue and fight a lot with each other and sort of hate each other.
When Mai confronts Reo about whether she actually hates her. She is met with a surprise when Reo confesses to her. After that, they both go along with their relationship and eventually have s*x.
It’s a great Girls Love, yuri hentai.
Yuuki moves to his grandparent’s house in a small hot-spring town called Yomase-machi.
It’s the end of November and the town is covered in snow, some of it melting in backyards of snow-covered houses, the walkways have to be shoveled daily and it is Yuuki’s duty to keep his grandparent’s house free of snow.
Yuuki is bored in his free time, he doesn’t have any friends in the town and there are no arcades or malls cause it’s a really small town. His grandfather suggests he find love!
There are three love interests for Yuuki, a shrine maiden who goes by Sayuki, she is kinda introverted. Mizuki, his senpai and housemate, and finally Koharou who works as a mascot for a local cafe.
Let’s see how this vacation goes for Yuuki.
This is like a dream come true story for a teenage boy. Something he would think when he is all alone in his room and all the characters in his dream would be his crush and other pretty classmates at school.
Harem Time is about a teenage boy who, on a random day discovers that he is actually the son of a rich lord and that he will inherit a sh*t tonne of property like a castle, however many cars he wants, everything a teenage boy could think of.
Although he finds out that to inherit the property he has to produce an heir and for that, he has to choose a wife from his very own harem! Yeah, he gets to have his very own harem. What more should I say?
Do not be fooled by the title of this Hentai it is actually only the second installment in the popular series, Wife Eater or Tsumamigui.
The hentai revolves around Akito Natsuki, a young adult who returns to his hometown in the summer after his company shuts down for renovations. Having little money and almost no energy he decides to relax and spend his time mostly chilling but he had no idea what awaited him.
He lived with his sister-in-law, Miyuri, wife to his older brother, Kazuto, and his mother-like figure who had been there for him when he needed, Sayoko.
This is the type of the hentai that you’d watch for the story rather than the good part. It takes place in a matrix designed by some crazy overlord who enjoys watching people suffer and of course, is perverted.
Keisuke awakes in a random white-colored room and sees six monitors in front of him all showing live footage of six very familiar girls, two of his classmates Rinne Byakuya and Nemu Manaka, his childhood friend, Kanae, his English teacher , Natsuki Aoi, the class representative, Miyakou Ando and one of his juniors Rika.
The game is simple, he must select and violate five of the girls in a very “specific” way, obviously s*xually, and only then will the group can leave.
I mean the hentai is pretty much self-explanatory if you glance over the title ain’t it?
The story takes place in a hospital, obviously and a creepy , crazy doctor performs weirdly s*xual experiments on the nurses in the night shift, again obvious.
He discovers something crazy, watch to find out!
This series has some crazy story and for that sole reason, it also has a second part called Discipline ZERO. It is definitely worth the watch.
The story is about a high school that has suddenly opened its doors for male students after being an all-girls school for quite some time. The school had common dorms and Hayami Takuro just cannot shake the idea of sleeping with s*xy classmates in his bed!
All sounds good, except everyone fails to realize that these female students are s*x-hungry divas that would scratch and growl at the sight of a male companion.
When Hayami is seduced by one of his roommates, she discovers that Hayami has a special power! He has amazing s*xual prowess and soon the entire school finds out about it!
Another anime that seems to be like the dream of a teenager.
Muroto Kouta, an introverted social pariah, a secluded teenager, with average looks and average abilities thinks that he would never ever get a girlfriend, in the real world he would probably be right but not in hentai.
He stumbles upon one of his classmates, Chii-chan in a convenience store and there begins his dreamy story. She has the looks, the body, and the attitude of a total s*xy lady.
She’s got big breasts, a body so curvy your eye slip down that slide like butter on a sizzling pan. She is like a dream!
The hentai follows Naoto, a young adult who had moved in with his new family when his father remarries. He has a step-sister, Yui, and his new step-mother, Sachiko, it takes him quite some time to get to know them and be good with them.
One night he finds an app on his smartphone that allows him to take over someone else’s body in order to understand them better, thinking nothing of the app he tries to switch with his younger sister.
The next morning he wakes up in his sister’s body, the app had actually worked.
All the nasty things happen when he finds his original body is still intact and his mind has not been transferred but duplicated.
If you are looking for awesome s*xy hentai but also an amazing story, look no further. Bible Black is the real deal when it comes to hentai with a story!
A dark hidden secret of his school hidden in the basement gathering dust for twelve long years and covered in the blood of those who once sat there and followed this secret is now unveiled when he discovers the Black Bible.
Taki tries using the spells and love curses insider the book and discovers that they work easily and soon he starts using them on his classmates for getting what he wants!
The plot is quite great and so are the ladies in this anime!
Sourced and based on a Visual Novel, a sort of a game which you play as the main character and make decisions that can alter the story, and there can be several endings.
The story is about you! a young teenager that has moved to his aunt’s place for a vacation and there is nothing for you to do.
One day your aunt asks you, “Are you not interested in girls at all?” and of course, you decline all such allegations and tell her you just have not had any luck finding the person you are looking for.
With a little push from your aunt, you set out to find love! and love you find and soon you start making some love too!
Women, women, women. I already loved this hentai cause the title has all the reasons that I watch hentai for!
You won’t believe this, Kanojo x Kanojo x Kanojo has women and ice cream, both the things I crave for lying down on my bed at night.
Shiki moves to his relative’s house when the island he lives on is destroyed when the volcano there explodes. There he finds that he has three super attractive sisters, Mafuyu, Akina, and Matsumi.
There is also some plot about ice cream and the ice cream shop owned by the father of the three sisters but mostly the hentai is about the cream if you know what I mean.
Keiichi Oyamada has a super power. A superpower you’d wish for yourself. A power so immensely good that he has to be fired and kept at bay to stop him.
Keiichi has a perverted power that makes him f*ck any woman he meets, one way or another, he ends up having s*x with every woman he meets. He has to be fired from his jobs after he sleeps with his colleagues so he has to take odd jobs or keep switching jobs.
One such opportunity shows up when his friend recommends him for a job at a manga cafe. There he meets another woman Rei Suzukawa, who works for the cafe, and his childhood friend, Kururu Hiiragi.
Will he do the same again? Will his powers work on these two women?
Yokosou! Sukebe Eld no Mori e is a supernatural , fantasy hentai with elves, magical powers , and kind of a political war that revolves around an ancient prophecy.
The Shrine, the source of all magical powers of the Elves is fading and the Elven race is nearing extinction. The prophecy states that a man will arrive and save the race of the elves.
The Elves decide that they must have s*x with the man and reproduce in order to keep the Elven race alive but some of the Elves deny doing such heinous acts.
Later they discover that the s*men of the man if ingested through their female parts increase their magical powers and so begins the harem of the prophesized man.
Hey there! I am Shubham, currently a final-year engineering student and a blogger. My favorite anime series, HxH surely and for my favorite movie, I'll go with Spirited Away. That's about it.

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Anehame: Ore no Hatsukoi ga Jisshi na Wake ga Nai Episode 1
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