Hentai Subreddit

Hentai Subreddit


Hentai Subreddit
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Comment deleted by user · 2 yr. ago
Welcome to r/antipornography! We are a diverse group of individuals who share one common belief: Pornography is harmful.

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Hentai subreddits are fucking disgusting. As a woman who was been sexually abused since childhood, it's disgusting to see it's in animation form as well.
Hentai actively promotes rape and abuse. I hate that no one is talking action against it. The amount of rape videos that are made is truly disturbing.
Not only does it promote rape, it gives mostly men unrealistic expectations. Sex is no longer about intimacy and it shows through these disgusting animations and drawings.
Thank you for taking the time to read.
And it's also leading more young male teens into the negative effects of pornography addiction. Sick
The women drawn in hentai appear quite under-aged too if I may add :/ but with ridiculous body proportions and hairlessness which arouse men to the point they can't get aroused by the body of a real life woman, so that's psychological erectile dysfunction.
(the kicker is when some of those perverts have no shame in saying the real female body is "ugly" in comparison... delusional creeps.)
I too also hate how rapey hentai is, most of the time the woman is screaming/begging in reluctance throughout the video... and then sometimes there is this disgusting ending where somehow they show that the woman "wants it".
Yeah what's up with Japan and pedophilia and/or rape? Yes of course those are endemic to every culture, but it seems weirdly integrated into society in Japan in a way it's not in other cultures.
Like, you don't see this shit in England. https://i.imgur.com/98PLwIa.png
Last time I brought this up someone defended it by saying that Japanese women aren't built like European women and that consequentially being smaller and less curvy is normalized and doesn't neccesarily mean they're kids, but I think that's bullshit because there's a huge fucking difference between a smaller adult and a fucking 14 year old.
I also read an article a while ago that I'm sorry I can't find at the moment, emphasizing that the more provocatively a woman is dressed, the less likely they are to be sexually assaulted. They were making the argument that Japanese men think that sexually forward women will fight back and then go to police, so instead they go after the most demure and innocent looking women, which means younger is better as far as they're concerned.
Not to mention r/hentaibeast which has deceptions of beastiality, which is illegal in the UK mind you, and reddit is just totally fucking fine with it.
I'm pretty sure it's illegal in most places. Definitely illegal where I live.
I actually used to be really into anime (not hentai) as a teenager. I thought some of the art was beautiful and some of the stories were incredible (Death Note). But as I got older and anime started getting awkward to watch because most of these were about young teenagers and children being in very sexual scenarios. Now I strictly only watch horror anime because I love horror.
I also saw in r/relationshipadvice that this one dude broke up with his girlfriend because he didn’t believe that she was aroused because milk didn’t come out of her nipples like it does in hentai. Yeah, really.
I also saw in r/relationshipadvice that this one dude broke up with his girlfriend because he didn’t believe that she was aroused because milk didn’t come out of her nipples like it does in hentai. Yeah, really.
I like anime too and a while ago I tried hentai too. Worst decision ever. "Wholesome" hentai can be fine because it shows healthy relationships and no rape but it's sad that almost all other hentai is this toxic. I also hate that so many regular anime have hints of hentai too. Like panty shots, big bouncing boobs, etc. I really didn't like Evangelion mainly because of that (especially because most characters were underage). It's hard to find good anime with no sexual fanservice :(
It honestly is a way of portraying every illegal concept, but drawn and thus people decide to defend it. Pedophilia called loli I believe is defended because they're not "kids" they're "drawn" and therefore it's "legal" and should not be looked down upon.
The amount of horrendously drawn young girls with big proportions is fucking disgusting. I used to love anime, but after coming across this shit accidentally once due to my ex, I was baffled. Such young looking girls just get raped by their own brother or father. It is so casual to see a young girl say something like "oh my dad is the only one that touches me like this".
Shit is fucking pathetic dude. Incest, child porn, animal abuse, etc etc w/e you name it, it will have it and the only justifiable argument is that it is drawn.
I can't stand the "it's not real so don't judge me" bullshit.
Yes, no one was trafficked or abused in order to make it. Yes, you are masturbating to it because you're turned on by little kids, and you need massive amounts of help.
Hentai is so aggressive and rapey, yuck
So what you are saying is if one watches hentai, a future as a pedophile is inevitable?
"Not only does it promote rape, it gives mostly men unrealistic expectations. Sex is no longer about intimacy and it shows through these disgusting animations and drawings."
Though I never watched it, my knowledge of it came from YouTube Reddit videos, neckbeard stories. It sounds absolutely creepy and disgusting. I'm sure that's where they learned their creepy behavior toward women.
people think hentai is harmless because its just drawings and theres no physical woman being photographed but hentai is just as destructive. i hate it all
Honestly there's a sub that's called ps5hentai,why do people act like they must sexuliz a game console. They take the time to draw god awful gang bangs of ps5 while I'm trying to figure out what went wrong in their childhood that made them come to this.
If you would like to see the extremes this gets taken to (which I do NOT recommend at all, it's super violent, graphic and often has to do with killing), r/guro is what people jerk off to.
I found this sub from a sub called awful something.Making my way down the posts and eventually to your comment, I clicked on the sub you specified(bad habit of mine, I’ll either see something out of place and focus my attention on it or skip through half the words).I wish I could go back to yesterday where I did not know that sub was a thing and enjoying my free meal from Popeyes.

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