Hentai Orc Rape

Hentai Orc Rape


Hentai Orc Rape
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Orc Castle or Fuu'un! Orc Castle ~Chijoku no Hatsujou Ikusaotometachi/ Revolution! Orc Castle - Disgraced Battle Maidens in Heat is a Hentai game created by Hentai Industries released in 2016 that is one part visual novel and one part puzzle game.

Orc Castle is a fortress that is placed on the front-lines between the warring Orc Kingdom and the human country of Asgard. The "Orc King" decide to send his spoiled Man Child of a son the "Orc Prince" to command the Orc Castle due to the Orc Prince being seen as an Inadequate Inheritor by the kingdom. The Orc Prince would either prove his competency or become a martyr. Misty, the dark elf advisor to the king is sent with the prince to assist him. The Orc Prince and Misty must work together to defend the castle from Asgard's invading "Battle Maidens" as they are gunning for the prince's head. The forces of Orc Castle would either capture the Battle Maidens or die trying.

The game is often praised for it's fun gameplay and CG scenes, but often criticized for it short play time.

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Well, certain races are better suited for certain classes, like in NWN, Elves are good for wizards, and are the only race that can be an Arcane Archer.

I'm just going off of racial bonuses. All humans get is no racial disadvantages, no advantages, but a few extra skillpoints every level. Most other races can see in the dark. Elves, orcs, and halflings, just to name the basics. I don't know if dwarves do, I never even looked at them.

Going for what you're good at isn't leaning on a crutch. A jack of all trades is master of none. You seem like the guy that would multiclass fighter, rogue, and wizard just because you don't want a weakness, not realizing you'll suck as all of them.

You probably picked a default nord for your first skyrim character.

Dunmer > Bretons > Orcimer > Bosmer > Argonians > Khajiit > Altmer > Imperials > Nords > Redguards

I put redguards last because they're so boring I almost forgot to put them on the list. I had to google playable races in the Elder Scrolls because I felt like I missed one. And at least Khajiit get a good racial skill. All Redguards get is quick stamina regen. And Dark Elves are well balanced, and can sneak, cast magic, and fight. Hell, they even make a damned good spell-blade, shadow-spell, or ---ht-blade.

I love playing the really big mother----ing retard with tard strength. Just because its so fun to ---- with people because they know you can smash the ---- out of them, but all they have to do is give you a cookie or some----.

I love roleplaying non humans, its just that humans have a special place for me, for being average, without ------ry or stereotypes, and has a bonus feat.

What are you talking about? Elf-orc rape is so natural it's practically a part of the elven reproductive cycle. The day those poor orcs realize they're actually being used will be the day the elven race dies.

Not first party though. Even if it was written by one of their chief editors for the edition.

Who's editing and writing almost always led to ridiculously broken crap. Exhibit A: Pun Puns are possible thanks to her.

Not elf rape, but sexuality between all D&D races. Book of erotic fantasy its called. ---- D&D 3.5 book, its a serious book tho, cuz it answers the kind of questions that always arise that has to do with sex, interbreeding and pregnancy. It does has a lot of content that probably wont be used except for creeps (or sex rps, if its a thing in D&D) Its a good book, altho a bit infamous because of said creeps.

i remember downloading a full set of d&d books from piratebay, seeing the book, looking through it then going "nope, ---- that ----" and promptly deleting it.

I'd like to read this book just to know this stuff. Roleplay as a sex ed teacher/priest of the medieval fantasy realm. Go town to town curing sexual ignorance and STDs.

I mean that's literally what racial bonuses are

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Alternative Character Interpretation : Olga, partly because of the little context that is given to her story. During his reign, many women were raped.. but did she order it, did she allow it, or did the orcs simply do it behind her back?
Author's Saving Throw : Attempted in Episode 5, which the start of Alternate Continuity in the anime. Many fans have made fun of Alicia for her capture when she surrendered her entire fortress in a vain attempt to save a few of her subjects, by dooming everybody to the same fate. Episode 5 tries to fix this by having Alicia sleep through the entire invasion after a long day of travel, which seems to be the writers' attempt to make her look less stupid. However, many fans feel that the new explanation for Alicia's capture just makes her look more incompetent.
Complete Monster : Vault /Volt is the leader of the Kuroinu mercenaries: they originally fought against the Dark Elves for mankind, only to betray them afterwards and invade the land, planning to turn the entire kingdom into a nation where women as treated as nothing but sex slaves . Through shady and unknown means, the once apparently heroic (or at least able to pass himself as heroic ) Vault is able to gain control over hordes of monsters and demons to subjugate and defeat the princess knights that protect the land as well as rape and violate any women in their path. Vault also has his band of mercenaries gang-rape the Half-Elf Cloe, Dark Elf Queen Olga, Alicia's younger cousin Prim (under the false idea that she would be spared β€” and then he forced Alicia to see him rape her) and their former ally Maia, who had feelings for Vault β€” which Vault himself cruelly and needlessly mocks as he and others rape her. Through his actions, this causes various men in power to become depraved sexual predators and rape innocent women and turn against the Princess Knights, and in the final days of his crusade, Vault is able to make the High Elf Celestine surrender and have her gang-raped by her own subjects, reducing her and her fellow Princess Knights (plus Olga and Chloe) into nothing but broken and sex-craving sex slaves. A ruthless sociopath and sexual predator, Vault stands out as a monster even among hentai villains.
Darkness-Induced Audience Apathy : With more ongoing series of rape with little hope of the female characters winning, this is instantly induced. Worse as they were meant to fail and be doomed as sex slaves.
Ensemble Darkhorse : The dark elves, Olga and Chloe, are by far the most recognized characters in the series, despite having equal sharing of screen time with the Princess Knights in the original visual novel.
Even Better Sequel : While fans do love the first game, many considered the sequel to be an improvement, specifically toward the graphics and diverse sex scenes.
First Installment Wins : The first episode of the OVA is largely considered the best of the series by a large number of fans.
Friendly Fandoms : With the Naruto fandom, oddly enough. There is a surprisingly staggering amounts of Fix Fic where Naruto is the main character saving the female characters of Kuroinu from Vault and his forces.
Narm : The second episode's scene where Alicia is raped by her Treacherous Advisor has ridiculous and stupid-sounding spoken lines (even for hentai standards), it makes Alicia sound like an absolutely clueless idiot who has no idea of what sex is , AND includes a pretty dumb-looking detail as she's raped from behind with her knees and feet all bent . It makes the whole deal look far less "sexy" than it should be.
Sequelitis : Episodes 5 and 6 suffer from this, due to a shorter run time, the removal of monsters like the Orcs , and for some inexplicably reason, giving Alicia almost the sole focus of these episodes while sidelining the dark elves and the other princess knights. Episode 6 ends on an unsatisfying note, before Majin decide to switches it focus to Ochi Mono RPG Seikishi Luvilias .
Tear Jerker : Now this trope has its own page .
They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot : In a similar vein as Taimanin Asagi , between the great art work and cast of interesting characters, many fans have admitted that they would l
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