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Hentai Game Teen


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The Future Fragments Team is creating content you must be 18+ to view. Are you 18 years of age or older?
The Future Fragments Team
is creating an 18+ game called "Future Fragments"
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(TIER REWARD) Get your name listed in the credits as special thanks! (optional)

Get access to the latest demos for the game, plus all previous non-tier rewards!
Pledging at this tier for 4 months will get you the game at launch (A cumulative amount of $20)!
(TIER REWARD) Get your name IN the game in one of the game's backgrounds! (optional)
By getting your name in the background, you'll be part of an important central plot point within the game!
Get access to the latest demos for the game, plus all previous non-tier rewards!  
Pledging at this tier for 2 months will get you the game at launch (A cumulative amount of $20)!
Hey there!
We're working on "Future Fragments", an 18+ only video game!

Future Fragments is a hybrid platforming/run 'n' gun/RPG game,
with a science fiction/mystery theme.

Here’s a summary of your objective/beginning of the story!
(If you'd like to see gameplay features instead, just skip this.)

The game starts off in the year 1000 AD, where your King, a powerful sorcerer, has been having trouble keeping your kingdom protected from those who would try and harm it.

He’s attempted to train multiple promising citizens into mages to help defend the kingdom, but unfortunately only two of them had enough talent to become exceptionally powerful magicians; Talia (that’s you!), a 21-year old, serious, “by the book” long-range specialist and Faye, a 22-year old, acerbic, arrogant short-range specialist.

While the two were able to defend their kingdom for the next year, the other kingdoms continued to increase their power, and soon all seemed lost as the kingdom was quickly losing ground. However, after a frantic search for a solution, your King stumbled on a miracle; using his powers to rip a portal open to the future, he was able to find the fragments of a powerful weapon, laying dormant in the year 3000 AD.

Thus, your King’s orders are simple and direct;
find the Fragments and return home safely.

Additionally, whoever brings back the most pieces will be designated the King’s right hand woman, with all the power that that brings.

Unfortunately for him though, they each have their own motives...

And of course, there’s threats in the future, too.
Mainly, there’s the World Organization for Regulation of the Masses, abbreviated “affectionately” as the WORM by the few remaining rebels who fight against it.

Even worse is that sex and relationships, being seen as a waste of time that could be spent working, are both outlawed by the WORM (people are created through cloning and other means).

This means that quite a few people are very, VERY desperate for sex in the future... and on top of all that, if you want to survive, you'll need to figure out the truth behind the Future Fragments.
Translation for the game into a different language for each month we're at this total
The approximate price for translating this game's script into a given language is around $25,000.

For each month we're at or around this goal, we'd be able to afford to pay a team of quality, professional translators to translate the game into a given language (so month 1 would be Japanese, month 2 would be a different language, and so on).

The Future Fragments Team posted 2 times in the last week
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Alright, so here we are, with what will objectively be the last changing of the release date.We tried our best to get this out by August, bu...
It's that time of the month again; if you are pledging $5 or more and you're also any of the following; You switched to a new tier this mont...
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It's that time of the month again; if you are pledging $5 or more and you're also any of the following; You switched to a new tier this mont...
It's that time of the month again; if you are pledging $5 or more and you're also any of the following; You switched to a new tier this mont...
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Well, honestly, this may not come as much of a surprise, but we've been doing basically the same thing we've been doing the last two weeks; ...
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