Hentai Brother Little Sister

Hentai Brother Little Sister


Hentai Brother Little Sister
So the game I play with my brother (he's 23) is "flip/grab tit" where he tries to catch me off guard and flip or grab my boob, and I try to do the same to him haha we have been playing this forever since we were like 12 lol my parents think nothing of it they think it's funny but other people think it's weird, but my bro and I grew up playing this haha do any of you play little games like this with you brothers or sisters?
If you guys think it's weird, I'm just going to point out that The Kardashians play this game amongst each other too, they try to grab there boobs and slap there ass and stuff lol
Is this a weird game I play with my brother?
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I used to have a lady friend that is similar age as you that cuddles with his brother because his brother simply feels lonely sometimes; we're no longer friends, but that didn't have anything to do with that. I'm not quite sure how I feel about this game of yours, but as long as you guys are cool with it, then I suppose it's okay. It's not really for me to judge any how. Having said that, you shouldn't really be playing this game with your siblings any more; you two are both grown up and adults. Those types of things are usually the kind of games my friends used to do, but it was more about drinking, truth or dare games, strip poker and so forth. This is my first time seeing you here in GAG; welcome and I'll see you around.
Have fun. If your family cool with it since you and your brother being playing y'all game. It's whatever.
After a certain age I think that's a little creepy. My brother and I are a year apart and I can't imagine him grabbing my boob. To be honest, even when we were younger that still seemed inappropriate. I don't know, every family is different. Do you watch the Kardashians? They play like that with Rob so I guess some families that's normal. Me personally don't think siblings should touch each other in certain areas. Just my opinion though.
Exactly the kardashians play like that too it's nothing sexual it's just a little game between siblings
This is very inappropriate and quite odd. Both of you are adults and you should know better than to act that way around each other. You are not 12 anymore. And as for the Kardashians updates... they are not decent role models so please, don't use such examples...
Personally I think it sounds fun. Me and my brother, 5 years older than me, we would grab each other, to see if we could get by with it as we knew mom hate us doing that. Watching TV at night and mom setting in her recliner, me and my brother on the sofa. Would grad hoping mom wouldn't see.
Don't know how you do it to a guy, since gals are the ones with tits. But it sounds like your enjoyment playing with him goes a bit deeper than just with the boobs.
A little more personal. Grab me like that and I would pull a Trump on you and grab your crotch! Did you have pants on or would it be really interesting for me?
Sounds like it is good laugh - It is funny the childhood family games we carry into adult life - My older sister and me were always fighting, she is 7 years older than me so she had the upper hand for a long time but it was generally nearly always in good humour.
Exactly it's humorous I would never play this game with anyone else other than my brother, that's what makes it a little special
I think it's weird. My brothers and I used to poke eachother. We used to also through blankets and pillows on the ground and anything that wasn't covered was hot lava.
Well as long as you simply have fun with it I suppose it's okay... keep it just an innocent game and there should be no problem
My brain hates my eyes for looking at this and do not use the kardashians to try and justify it
No definitely not. I do not touch my sisters boobs at all. That's just weird to me. But everyone's different
yeah thats kinda weird. but news flash everyone does stuff that someone else is going to think is weird
Funny game. But if it's a tradition then enjoy playing. It's just for fun; not something intimate or sexual.
It's weird and if you're going to bring up the Kardashians doing this lmao then you should know it's weird.. one of them waxed the others vagina. but it's different because they are girls and if it's you are your brother I think of insest.
It's going a bit too far between sister and brother.
Ahahaha and you have the courage to admit this out of Anon. How will anyone value anything you have to say from now on.
LaBellaNena408 you do you. I've learned in my lifetime you shouldn't care what other people think. If your family is ok with it then so be it.
I don't play games like this with my brother. That is weird
Wtf is wrong with people. This is borderline incest, and i can PROMISE YOU that your brother is probably enjoying this A LOT more than you comprehend. The Kardashians are some of the dumbest humans on this globe, using them as an example proves that you're wrong and this is weird.
Well if you see nothing wrong with it, no reason my personal opinion should matter to you. But I would never even think of touching my sisters boobs, that's just too weird for me.
It's kind of weird, especially when you are both in your 20's. Might be time to leave that game behind with your childhood lol.
The Kardashians don't make good role models, you know.
I'm not looking up to them just point out that they play around the same way and they're grown
They may be legal adults, but they don't act like it. Just saying, your boobs are a sexual part of your body. Would you grab your brother's balls just to catch him off guard?
I haven't grabbed his balls but I've hit him in the balls lightly a couple times off guard lol
How do you grab your borther's tits when you are the one with them?
Probably getting to old for that, we generally refer to it as Incest lol. And don't follow Kardashians as role models..
Yeah that's weird. Your parents finding it normal isn't a surprise considering the fact that your profile says you are a stripper.
Me stripping has nothing to do with it, and my parents find it normal because we've played it since childhood

When My Little Sister Wants to Play 'Doctor'
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My sister is 10 years old, and we all try to encourage her to use her imagination and play. In this day and age, I feel like sometimes everyone (including kids) are too busy looking at screens for entertainment instead of entertaining themselves. I try to explain to her that I wish I felt like doing all the things she can, but having chronic fatigue syndrome leaves me very limited.
Naturally, she wants to play games and do things with me. We might play a game on the card table, where I can lay in the chair on the heating pad. She plays restaurant and brings me food. She made her own menu and everything. Then we swap roles and I bring her fake food.
However, after we were done playing restaurant, she wanted to play doctor. This may sound silly, possibly petty or even me just being plain sensitive. I told her alright, we can play that. She asks me why I am there, and of course, playing doctor is no fun if there is nothing wrong with you. Right? It makes sense for a kid to want to have something wrong with the other. That is what playing doctor is anyway.
I just kept hoping she would not bring up my illness. She had done it in the past. She had asked why I was there and even had a cure for it. I wish she did, I guess she wished so too. I had to explain to her over and over how it works. Do I expect her to perfectly understand? Of course not. But it sometimes seems like she does not believe me.
In the end, all she did was say I had strep throat. She then “removed” my tonsils later.
Every time she asks if I want to play doctor, my stomach drops. I am sick of doctors. I am sick of going to doctors with all sorts of things wrong with me and being told there is either nothing they can do or they do not believe me.
I hate that I am this way, and I hate that the very thought of playing doctor fills me with such dread and fear.
I hate that I am 22 years old, and I have enough diagnoses on my chart that it takes up many pages.
I hate that the smallest thing like this triggers all these emotions. I hate explaining it, so I typically don’t.
When my younger sister wants to play doctor, I do. I play with her. I swallow these emotions, because the last thing I need to do is make her feel like she needs to walk on eggshells.
I try my best to not let everything affect me personally, like when people that say, “if you do not have a wheelchair, you should not use the handicap parking.”
It’s those who refuse to believe someone as young as me can relate on a personal level to my grandmother and have numerous health problems.
It’s those using my illness as a joke or a fake reason not to have a job.
It’s those people who direct something at one population, and yet I get offended.
I feel like ableism is real, but I also feel I need to remember not everyone is aware. I was not aware til I got sick at 19. I was not aware of the world of chronic illness.
Educate those around you. Spread awareness not just for the illness you personally have, but the whole spoonie world.
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CFS/ME, Fibromyalgia, and Scoliosis. Possibly IBS. Depression. Married, 24. Taurus and INFJ. Demi.
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Read Deidre’s personal replies to today’s problems
I KISSED my sister to comfort her after her boyfriend dumped her and we ended up having sex on her sofa.
She has a good job, a flat of her own and a nice car but her partner was a rat.
She’s beautiful but he made her feel worthless.
He was always calling her names. When he cheated he somehow made her feel it was her fault.
Nobody in our family has ever liked him. She is 21 and I am 25.
She called me one evening a couple of months ago and was in bits. She said her boyfriend had been seeing someone else and when she confronted him he called her fat and ugly.
He threw his clothes into a bin bag and stormed out, saying they were finished for good.
She was crying and saying she must be really ugly because she didn’t deserve to be loved.
I went round there straight away to comfort her. I put my arms round her and cuddled her to reassure her.
I told her she is pretty and cute and I kissed her on the lips. She stopped crying and asked if I meant it. I said yes and kissed her again more passionately.
We both got carried away, went into her bedroom and had sex. It was mind-blowing.
I stayed the night in her bed and we had sex again next morning. We both enjoyed it but agreed we needed to keep it secret.
I couldn’t forget about it though, and I went round two days later to talk about it.
We ended up in bed again and it was even better. We have carried on having sex since then. This morning she dropped the bombshell that she is pregnant and it is my baby.
She wants me to move in with her and us to live as a couple.
DEIDRE SAYS: Brother and sister can sometimes find each other attractive, because you grew up together and feel so comfortable in one another’s company, but that doesn’t mean it is all right to have a sexual relationship. In fact, it is illegal.
You and your sister must stop having sex. It’s not just that you could both be in serious trouble with the law and your family, but that it is trapping you both when you should be out there forming other relationships.
Don’t move in with her as that would make it hard to resist temptation.
You both need to get out with other friends and look for a loving relationship
outside the family. It is a key part of growing up.
If she goes ahead with the pregnancy, there will be so many questions about who the dad is, which could be difficult to deal with and think how this would be for the child.
My e-leaflet on Unplanned Pregnancy explains more and Brook help under 25s with this sort of problem ( brook.org.uk ).
You can text them for advice on 07537 402024.
I WAS so frustrated when I discovered my partner had gambled away our mortgage money yet again, I threw a casserole of hot food at him and he called the police.
He admitted he had a gambling problem during our first year together. He promised to get help and I said I would support him but it’s been so difficult.
He stopped for a few weeks but then started again. That has been the pattern for 18 months. I’m 31, he’s 29 and we live together, buying our own house now.
He has agreed to get help and we’ve decided to try starting our relationship afresh with date nights once a week. But even if we get back on track and he stops gambling, I am always going to think, “What next?”
DEIDRE SAYS: He has said he’s going to get help before so he has to understand this really is his last chance. GamCare can help ( gamcare.org.uk , 0808 8020 133).
He should only have access to cash he needs for basics for the day and you should have control of your joint money for bills, credit cards, bank account etc.
My e-leaflet Gambler In The Family explains more.
I’M looking after my mother as she recovers from stomach cancer so life is tough enough, but I think my boyfriend of two years is cheating on me again.
I’m a gay man of 25 and an only child. He is 22.
When my mum fell ill six months ago he agreed that we should care for her.
We are so in love but he has cheated on me loads. Now every time I enter the room I hear frantic clicking from his laptop. When I look, it’s magically on the home screen. I can’t just throw him out because his family are homophobic.
I used to feel confident and have a good body image but that’s slowly ebbing away. I’m worried about my mum as well. I don’t know what to do.
DEIDRE SAYS: You are under a lot of pressure and it seems your boyfriend is not up to being supportive.
His horrible family background won’t have set a good example but you can’t accept his cheating.
Tell him he must either commit to being faithful, or go. Then the choice is his.
I’m sending you My Gay Resources e-leaflet. For further help see Macmillan Cancer Support ( macmillan.
org.uk , 0808 808 0000).
MY boyfriend eyes up other girls so much, I wonder if he’s fantasising about them.
He does it all the time whenever we are out. It eats me up and I end up having a go at him about it. He denies it but even my friends have noticed.
We have been together for four years. I’m 20 and he’s 22.
He says he loves me and nobody else and wants us to be happy, yet we don’t have sex very often.
When we do, it’s all about him. There’s no foreplay and it only lasts a few minutes.
I generally feel that he is just with me because I am there and I put up with it all, but am I being paranoid?
DEIDRE SAYS: If friends have noticed, you are clearly not being paranoid.
My e-leaflet How To Have Great Sex will help but you must spell out to him what it takes to be a good lover.
Putting more energy into his sex life could stop his eyes wandering. If not, he will never make you happy.
I LOVE my wife but it’s not her I’m thinking about when we are having sex.
Our marriage is good and we get on great. I’m 27, she is 24.
She has a sister who is two years younger. I didn’t take much notice of her at first but she looked stunning at a party last year and I couldn’t take my eyes off her.
Since then, when I have sex with my wife, I think about her sister. I’m so confused.
DEIDRE SAYS: Your wife’s sister probably shares some of the characteristics that attracted you to your wife in the first place but with the spice of being forbidden.
Make no mistake, letting your thoughts focus on her is going to cause big trouble.
When your mind wanders, open your eyes, look at your wife and remind yourself that she is the one you are with.
My e-leaflet 50 Ways To Add Fun To Sex will help you pep up the sex and knock out thoughts of anyone else.
ONE in five men suffer from loss of sex drive at some point. That isn’t surprising when stress and depression can knock passion for six. My e-leaflet Reviving A Man’s Sex Drive explains what you and your partner can do. Email the address below for a copy.
EVERY problem gets a free personal reply.
Email me here , private message me on Facebook , or write to Deidre Sanders, The Sun, London SE1 9GF (please enclose SAE).
You can also follow me on Twitter @deardeidre .
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