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Hemp soap , HempShape. Handmade solid soap contains high quality natural ingredients. In the production do not use purchased basics. The soap is based on hemp seed oil, which increases the level of skin ceramides. Ground coffee beans act like a gentle scrub. Active detergent components effectively cleanse the skin, preven.. Face cream. Face cream is intended for massage and daily care, suitable for both professionals and home care. The basis of the composition is hemp oil, which provides moderate flow during massage and excellent glide. The composition also includes shea butter shea butter and a vitamin complex that effectively.. Face oil. The composition is complemented by oil extracts of arnica, calendula, horse chestnut, rosemary. Vitamins A and E supplement the composition. Deeply penetrates the skin, nourishing and moisturizing.. Hand cream. Hand cream based on hemp oil has a complex effect on the skin of the hands. It deeply nourishes and moisturizes, is quickly absorbed, effectively heals wounds and cracks, and has a prolonged effect. It contains aloe vera extract and jojoba oil and a hypoallergenic perfume fragrance. Designed for pro.. Based on light surfactants, does not contain PEG ingredients. Deeply cleanses the pores of the skin and has a gentle exfoliating effect, which promotes skin rejuvenation. The active ingredients, the extracts included.. Honey rejuvenates the skin, restores elasticity, gives velvety. Active detergent components effectively clean.. Hemp oil is the basis of a nourishing balm for dry and damaged hair, it is rich in fatty acids, vitamins and ethers, which nourishes the skin and gives hair shine, flexibility and elasticity, restores hair along its entire length, prevents irritation and peeling of the skin and performs a protective.. Shower gel based on hemp oil refreshes and moisturizes the skin, gives softness, softness and freshness, facilitates the course of psoriasis and atopic dermatitis. Recommended for people with sensitive and prone to irritation skin type. Reduces itching and potentiates regeneration processes, possess.. Hemp soap. Handmade soap made from natural ingredients. The basis of the soap is hemp seed oil. Perfectly moisturizes and softens the skin, has a regenerating effect. Particularly beneficial for dry and irritated skin. Ingredients: palm and coconut oils, hemp and olive oils, hemp kernels, sodium hydroxide, fat,.. Hemp fluid cream. Has a light texture. The oil and hemp extract included in the cream, active ingredients, extracts have a complex effect on the structural elements of the dermis: they narrow the pores, deeply moisturize the skin, reliev.. Hemp soap , Hemp and almond. Handmade soap with almond essential oils. Soap is based on hemp oil. Almond oil has a positive effect on the water and fat balance of the skin. Soap softens and moisturizes the skin, has anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects, makes the skin soft and silky. When soaping forms a delicate foam. Hemp soap , Hemp and coal. Handmade soap made from natural ingredients using the cold method. In addition to its characteristic black color, charcoal has the effects of deep cleansing of skin pores, activation of cell metabolism, stabilizes the function of sebaceous glands, prevents the developme.. Product Compare 0. Show: 15 Show: 25 Show: 50 Show: 75 Show: Add to Wish List Compare this Product. Face cream Cream massage for the face Hemp cream Fa Face oil Face oil Premium hemp oil for Face Hand cream Hand cream 'Intense Hemp cream for Hemp fluid cream Hydrating Hemp Fluid Cream for face Hemp soap , Hemp and almond Natural handmade soap based on hemp oil Hemp soap , Hemp and coal Natural handmade soap based on hemp oil

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