Hemorrhoid Bundles Treatment

Hemorrhoid Bundles Treatment

Amelia Grant

Hemorrhoid is actually a kind of varicose vein widening in the anus and end part of the rectum. This very delicate and unpleasant disease can spoil the patient’s life in many aspects. The ways of its treatment may be conservative or surgical. It depends on the stage on which the disease was diagnosed, its form and the degree of damage made by it. Each situation is individual and the choice of hemorrhoid treatment strategy must be chosen together with gastroenterologist according to the clinical picture of the disease.

There are several stages of the hemorrhoid development. These are:

1.      The hemorrhoid bundles enlarging, that is characterized by occasional bleeding from anus during the process of defecation.

2.      Enlarged bundles may occasionally fall out of the rectum during the defecation or abdominal tension, but easily go back by itself without getting pinched.

3.      Hemorrhoid bundles cannot be put back without hands’ help.

4.      The bundles are so big that they cannot be put back into the rectum even by hands.

If the first two stages are able to cure by conservative methods, the last two are impossible to treat without surgical intrusion. The more developed the disease is, the more serious method of treatment are required. It is important to understand that conservative treatment cannot remove the hemorrhoid completely. It will only help to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms and will delay the operation time.

The most common means of conservative hemorrhoid treatment are creams, ointments, suppositories, pills and sitting bath solutions. The surgical treatment of the disease can be subdivided into two groups – classic surgical methodics and minimally invasive ones that sometimes are also referred to conservative, because their effectiveness very much depends on the clinical picture, the stage of disease and the bundles’ situation. Still each of them is a full operation.



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