Height Growth Hormone- A Complete Analysis

Height Growth Hormone- A Complete Analysis


Height has also become a symbol of beauty in the current time; it has become a symbol of vanity. In the current times, the daily lifestyle of the people has resulted in many people having a small height; this is because this affects the height growth hormone in the body.

What Is Height Growth Hormone?

Height Growth Hormone is also called human growth hormone or simple growth hormone. The word height is added in order for it to seem more legitimate to people seeking an increase in their height. This is the natural hormone of the body that defines the growth and development of the body; this includes the development the muscles, bones and organs. The medical name of this hormone is somatotropin, where “soma” means cell. This is a peptide based hormone which controls cell growth and cell reproduction in the body.

Natural Production

The primary source of height growth hormones is our body itself, as it is one of the major hormones produced in the human body, and is involved in the production of other hormones in the body. When the conditions of the body are suitable for it o trigger the production of human growth hormone; it sends a message to the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus then stimulates the pituitary gland to produce the this hormone, which is then released in the blood, and carried to other parts of the body.

Factors That Affect Production

There are many external as well as internal factors that can affect the natural production of this hormone in our body. Some of these factors are:

•  Exercise- when a person exercises, muscles develop. In order for this development to occur, the body produces this hormone for the development of cells.

•  Nutrition- your diet can have a two fold effect is that it can either increase the level of this hormone, or it can inhibit it produces. Eating too many fatty foods can result it high content of free fat in the blood. This inhibits the production, while healthy and fresh food promotes it.

•  Rest- proper rest is important for its productions. This is because when you sleep, oestrogen is produced in your body. This hormone produces to balance the oestrogen level in the blood.

•  Other Hormones- the level of other hormones can also affect the height growth hormone.

Artificial Sources

Currently this hormone is also being commercially produced from animal sources, as well as from human. Some of the artificial forms in which these are available:

•  Injections- these are mostly used by adults who have the hormone deficiency.

•  Capsules- these might be for medicinal purpose or might be in the form of dietary supplements to promote muscle build up.

Height Growth Hormone- Truth Or Rumour?

Many people with the intention to gain a few inches, start taking the HGH supplements without proper consultation. It is true that it is effective but only for people who have hormone deficiency. As far as the increase in height is concerned, it is only suitable for children who are in the age of growing. For fully grown adults, it is ineffective as the bone plates are closed by then prohibiting the ability of the bones to grow.

If you are interested in ways to increase height, do not forget to refer to Howtogrowtaller's posts: https://howtogrowtaller.com/

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