Heat Of Sperm

Heat Of Sperm


Heat Of Sperm
How does heat affect sperm production?

How does heat affect sperm production?

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Can I do anything to prevent male infertility? October 22, 2017
On our daily schedule we humans are constantly exposed to various chemical and toxins which are present in environment which directly or indirectly has an affect on our health which also includes our reproductive health. Sperm production requires a precise environment and low body temperature, if the sperms are exposed to elevated temperatures they may die.
This is being determined by semen analysis as reduced motility. If the heating process prolongs for longer duration it may affect sperm production process causing lowering the sperm production in body.
As it takes almost 70 to 80 days for a sperm to get mature, it can take up to 3 month to recover sperm counts. If you are experiencing exposure to heat it’s better to have a check up or consult healthcare provider as it may be one of the reason contributing towards male infertility. Sources of heat may be various it may be environmental as well as physiological. It may come from external sources like hootubs and laptops, or internal sources such as spiking a fever.
Below is the list of common sources of heat which affects the sperm quality or production.
Ways by which you can reduce this issues:
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Did you know that heat affects a man’s fertility , and not in a good way? Too much heat is the enemy of sperm production. Why does that matter, and what can you do? Here are a few facts.
Sperm are produced by a man’s testicles (commonly called balls). There’s a reason that the testicles are outside a man’s body cavity. The testicles need to be four degrees cooler than body temperature to make plenty of healthy sperm. The cremaster muscle contracts to pull the testicles closer to the body if they start to get too cold, and it relaxes to push them farther from the body to cool off if they get too warm. Prolonged exposure to a warmer temperature will make sperm die. This will show up in a semen analysis as reduced motility (movement).
The testicles can become too warm from environmental causes or from problems in the man’s body. Environmental causes include hot tubs, saunas, laptops, cellphones (large ones you balance on your lap), being around a hot stove such as cooking and grilling, tight-fitting clothes, and cycling. Anything that compresses the testicles and holds them closer to the body can raise that temperature and destroy sperm.
Physiological problems include running a fever, especially for more than a day, and issues with the testicles themselves, such as an undescended testicle or a varicocele, swollen veins due to reduced blood flow. Obesity can be a factor as well, since fat deposited around the testicles would be an insulator to keep them warmer.
Some of these suggestions sound like a joke, but some can make a difference in sperm production. Research has shown that sitting in a hot tub or sauna can reduce sperm production, so that’s something to avoid if you’re part of a couple trying to conceive. Put that laptop or that oversized cellphone on a table or a desk, not on your lap. Don’t wear tight jeans or underwear.
If you’re exposed to heat at work or during your leisure time, take breaks to cool off. Celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay has been open about his struggles with infertility due to long hours in hot kitchens. He and his wife Tana, were able to conceive with IVF treatment.
If you’re overweight, losing as little as five to 10 percent of your body weight may help. Cycling has been associated with reduced sperm production. If you’re an ardent cyclist, look into getting a special bicycle seat which doesn’t put as much pressure and heat on the scrotum. A urologist can evaluate you for problems with the testicles and determine if outpatient surgery can correct them.

The information contained in or made available through this site cannot replace or substitute for the services of trained professionals in the medical field. You should consult a physician in all matters relating to your health, particularly concerning any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention.

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SlutCraft: Heat of the sperm [ver.0.29.2] | Public release
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Here it is! Yes, yes, and yes again! The happiest of hellos to all of you, it’s Shadow Portal Team, and we have a deal you simply won’t refuse . Let’s start!
Just think about it, time goes regardless of what anyone wants it to do and finally we’ve reached a point where it’s time for update 0.29 . All this time we’ve been toiling over every little patch we’ve released, but still enjoyed it. Slowly but surely, our team grew and keeps growing. The latest addition to our team is someone to monitor the quality of the English text, or in other words, a Proofreader . It’s only thanks to your generous support that our team can afford to expand. You might know that English isn’t the first language for most of us, and the game has to be translated into it, leading to occasional mistakes, but today that comes to an end . Thank you for your kindness throughout all this time!
Last update ended up being finished faster than usual, but included as much content as usual . What awaits you is a couple of new scenes and dialogues, animations and... Wait, isn’t describing the changes of an update the point of a changelog? Here it is, by the way!
Let’s now talk about the changes in more detail.
Added: Mute buttons for music and SFX, it’s an obvious feature, perhaps you have to focus on something else for a moment, reply to a message, dragging bars is rather inconvenient, and we also found ourselves using these buttons a lot.
Added: Enter hotkey to confirm a choice. Also an obvious feature, but adding it late is better than never. This is also a minor improvement to help with Yes/No choice menus, pressing Enter will now be the same as choosing Yes.
Fixed: one of Sarah’s clones somehow survived and closely watched her during the Feeding 2 scene. It goes without saying how weird that looked... and where did these clones even come from...
Fixed: another clone broke free and stalked Sarah when she was satisfying the Zergling’s need. Is this a rebellion?
Fixed: no more fractions in translation progress — only integers, hardcore mode! I don’t think anyone cared about the precision of those numbers anyway, but now the menu will look better!
Fixed: hints now look better. Another change to make the menus look cleaner.
In one of the recent posts we promised to share an idea we had regarding the minigame — time to follow through . What if you could share your score in the trash collection minigame with others? Or at least easily copy the score. We thought it was a cool idea and might help our fanbase be more cohesive. Share your results and try to beat our records! Here are our achievements!
Ivar, our selfless and relentless guardian of not straying too far from StarCraft lore got 350 points.
Your favorite community manager earned a whole of 390 points.
We are looking forward to seeing your results too! We are thinking of integrating this into the game to make submitting your score a process consisting of just two clicks.
To finish this up , wow, this was quite a long post, wasn’t it? We want to once again thank you for supporting us and for your patience while we work on an update. It’s rare everything goes to plan, even rarer under external influence, but we’ll manage, like we did before . We said earlier that “ we are stronger together ”. We hope you have all your important business done for now and can dedicate your attention to a new version of SlutCraft. It’s a product of hard work and passion, and we would be glad if you could appreciate it.
That’s all, thanks for reading . We continue toiling away, now towards the 30th update . We have some special plans for it! Make sure to comment if you have anything to say, we always read your messages and listen to what you have to say. Love you! ❤️

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SlutCraft: Heat of the sperm may contain content you must be 18+ to view.
Hello everyone , we've got awesome news! This is Shadow Portal Team and here we go.
Firstly, we shall note the additional days before release were very useful. We polished the game rather thoroughly! For a start, this update features tons of dialogues comparable to the last version which was the end of the second chapter. Also, we finally moved to another location, so much to see, so much to explore, right? We'll give you time to get used to it and to get familiar with the characters, which we think came out rather stunning and interesting, and the content with them won't disappoint you!
We'd like to thank you for your patience again, it was worth it. And let's not delay the moment you've been waiting for any longer, here: SluCraft, update 0.22!
Bonus code is finally here, partially for now, but we'll be working on that, there's a LOT of useful features planned for it. Let's get some important questions regarding it out of the way immediately:
The bonus code hasn't changed, and isn't about to, if you had it, you just have to find it (not the easiest task though, haha)! Maybe you had it since the time dinosaurs roamed the Earth... *ahem* well, if you can't find it or didn't have it, you can find it here: Bonus Code FAQ
You don't need to enter it over and over, only once per PC (if you launch the game on another device you will have to reenter it)
You can enter the code in the main menu, the button to start entering it is hard to miss.
By the way, this bonus code has somewhat of a funny history, we told it in the aforementioned post, and you might find it interesting.
The new gallery is better and more convenient, but we always strive for perfection, so your suggestions on how to improve it are welcome. At least there won't be buggy arrows anymore... Oh god, the arrows...
You don't have to go to the forums or etcetera to see what and when was added anymore. Just click on the version number in the bottom left corner and read on! Only the current update changelog is currently available there, others are to be added soon. But this is only available via the bonus code too.
Many new systems aren't fully-featured yet, we have great plans which require great time to implement, test and fix, so we had to postpone some of them, but the wait will be worth it!
So much text, yadda-yadda-yadda, well, that's it enjoy the game! Well... not really, bear with us for a bit more ;)
Already downloading? Great! Even we can't wait to fully experience all the things we've been working on as a whole. But what we also can't wait for is your comments about this release. What did you like most, did you have any troubles with it, do you just want to chat? Be sure to comment, maybe even share your thoughts with friends, maybe they'll like our game! We hope you have a great experience!
And some other news, many of you might know about our "tradition" of an update on New Year's eve, we plan to uphold it this year too, although we don't have much time. But you'll hear more about that in the update 23 announcement post.
Finally, this is it. Thanks to all the patrons who support us and help us make our ideas a reality.
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