Healthy people перевод

Healthy people перевод

Healthy people перевод

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Больше Перевод документов и сайтов Корпоративные решения Проверка орфографии. Войти Войти через Facebook. Присоединяйтесь к Reverso, это удобно и бесплатно! But their fundamental needs for love, respect and protection are exactly the same as for us healthy people. Но их основные потребности в любви, уважении и защите Healthy people constitute healthy societies, and human health and environmental degradation are closely linked. Здоровое общество формируется из здоровых людей, а здоровье человека и деградация окружающей среды тесно взаимосвязаны. Мы отправляем здоровых людей к больным , надеясь, что они не заразятся. Здоровые люди не убивают других людей. Healthy people beget a sound nation. Здоровый народ является основой здоровой нации. This is in addition to opening clinics for healthy people and their early screening. Это в дополнение к открытию клиник для здоровых людей и ранней диагностики. The main principle is direct cooperation and contact of handicapped persons with healthy people and employees. Главный принцип состоит в организации прямого сотрудничества и контактов инвалидов со здоровыми людьми и работниками. Потому что здоровые люди обычно не нуждаются в операции. I think most healthy people do, yes. Я думаю, многие здоровые люди это делают. We have all seen how healthy people turn into pathetic wrecks. Все мы видим, как вполне здоровые люди превращаются в жалкие развалины. And what a hundred other healthy people ate. И что съели ещё сто здоровых людей. Normal, healthy people do not get into fights in the city before noon. Нормальные, обычные люди не ввязываются в драки в центре города до полудня. Вы тратите лекарство на здоровых людей. You cannot let healthy people die! Вы не можете позволить здоровым людям умереть, это варварство! И здоровые люди живут без кислородных масок. Здесь слишком много молодых, загорелых, здоровых людей. Слушайте, я не требую этого для молодых и здоровых людей. And also in large doses to perfectly healthy people. А в больших дозах - и совершенно здоровых людей. And most of them are viable, healthy people. И в большинстве своём они здоровые, дееспособные люди. There are many healthy people more unfortunate than we are. Есть много здоровых людей более несчастных, чем мы. Зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть больше примеров. Что такое контекстный словарь Скачать приложение Контакты Правовые вопросы.

Sport and healthy living guide

Перейти на сайт так английский ты еще не учил! Опубликовать Материал не опубликован. Это значит, что другие пользователи сервиса не смогут найти его на Lingualeo. Нажмите Опубликовать , чтобы материал стал доступен для всех. Sport and healthy living guide. Материал готовится, пожалуйста, возвращайтесь позднее. Sport and healthy living guide They say, 'Health is above wealth. If your body suffers from any disorder, our mind suffers with it, and we are unable to make much progress in knowledge, and we are unfit to perform those duties, which are required of us in social life. There are certain laws of health which deserve particular attention and they are so simple that even a child can learn them. A certain amount of exercise is necessary to keep the body in perfect condition. All the powers mental and bodily we possess are strengthened by use and weakened by disuse. Moderation in eating and drinking, reasonable hours of labour and study, enough sleeping time not less than hours a day , regularity in exercise, recreation and rest, cleanliness lay the foundations for health and long healthy happy life. Thousands of people consider sports to be very helpful in gaining good health. It is sport that helps to bring up physically strong, strong-willed, courageous and energetic people. In the last ten years recreational sport has become extremely popular, and, according to doctors is absolutely essential for a long and healthy life. Much is spoken now about problems in professional sport. There is a lot drug taking in sport. There is too much pressure on young sports people. Mountaineering and air sports such as hang-gliding, each kill at least 16 people every year. In one Sports Council study of 28, people, football was found responsible for more than a quarter of 2, injuries seen every year. But still many people are involved in professional sport and millions of people can not live without it. They prefer watching sporting events rather than taking part in them. They are so-called sport-fans. They pack stadiums during sport matches and competitions, they sit glued to the TV, and they are ready to give every moral support to their favourite sportsmen or teams. In the meantime thousands of ordinary people devote their spare time to going in for sports. They play indoor and outdoor games: The number of participants and spectators show that the most popular games are basketball, hockey and, of course, football. A lot of people go in for track-and-field athletics, cycling, boxing, wrestling, gymnastics and so on. Hockey, figure skating, skiing and skating are among the most popular winter sports. In summer swimming is enjoyed by millions of people. There are also many indoor swimming pools, which makes swimming possible all the year round. Cycling is a useful exercise, too, because it takes you out into the fresh air and gives much work to all the muscles. So if you arrange your day correctly you can find an opportunity for sports. All pupils and students have regular training at PT lessons. These classes are enjoyed by everybody as they give a lot of energy, develop muscles, make pupils strong, quick and healthy. From time to time different kinds of competitions are organized at school or between schools. The most popular sports at school are basketball, football and volleyball. Besides, pupils and students attend a lot of sports clubs and sports sections after classes, where they take up their favourite kind of sport. Выбрать следующее задание Ты добавил. В вашем браузере отключен JavaScript. Пожалуйста, включите его в настройках, чтобы пользоваться сервисом Lingualeo.

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