Health in the mountains

Health in the mountains

MCS AlexClimb

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The set of articles of this section includes answers to the most frequently asked questions on the topic "Health in the mountains"

Mountain sickness (AMS)
High-altitude pulmonary edema
Basic set of medicines for mountain programs

Climbing pharmacology - why do you need Viagra in the mountains?

Active vacation, mountaineering, climbing or trekking, just being in the mountains for everyone has fundamental differences from staying at the usual altitude horizon. Often not obvious, but very serious factors appear in the mountains that can create unexpected inconveniences, as well as lead to undesirable consequences.

At the summit of Mount Elbrus

The questions collected in this section relate to the most important component of your safe journey in the mountains - these are issues related to health. Specific features of the body's reaction to the high altitude conditions, narrow-profile disorders and diseases inherent the the mountain conditions.

MCS AlexClimb team during the international ascent of Mount Gestola

Physical health is the most important element of our life. In the mountains, regardless of the altitude and complexity of the routes, our body is subjected to many atypical and rather intense loads. In the conditions of rarefied air in the high mountains, increases the possibility of exacerbation of chronic diseases, the appearance of the pathological reactions of the body to the special characteristics of the external environment.

Mountain climbing in Caucasus

Mountains are aggressive towards humans, but it is in our power to minimize the effect of this aggression. Starting with physical preparation, special training, expanding the energy capacity of our body, ending with the proper acclimatization immediately before climbing - all these nuances are of the highest importance in order for you stay in the mountains brings only benefits and positive emotions. 

The author of the texts and photos - Alex Trubachev

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