Health Secretary

Health Secretary


Health Secretary
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Seal of the United States Public Health Service, 1798
Flag of the Assistant Secretary for Health

^ "PHSCC Uniforms" . Archived from the original on 2008-05-13 . Retrieved 2008-01-19 .

^ Jump up to: a b "42 USC 207. Grades, ranks, and titles of commissioned corps" . Retrieved 2008-01-19 .

^ "Regular Corps Assimilation Program" (PDF) . Archived from the original (PDF) on 2010-05-08 . Retrieved 2008-01-19 .

^ Jump up to: a b [1] Records of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health [OASH].

^ "Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH)" . . 2016-03-30 . Retrieved 2018-10-17 .

^ "Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (ASH)" . 2010-09-22. Archived from the original on 2010-09-22 . Retrieved 2018-10-17 .

^ Received a recess appointment on January 1, 2016 to continue serving as the Acting Assistant Secretary for Health until the end of fiscal year 2016.

The assistant secretary for health ( ASH ) serves as the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services 's primary advisor on matters involving the nation's public health and, if an active-duty officer in the regular corps , is the highest ranking uniformed officer in the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps (PHSCC). The ASH oversees all matters pertaining to the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS), the main division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), for the secretary and provides strategic and policy direction for the commissioned corps . The PHS comprises almost all the agency divisions of the HHS as well as the commissioned corps, a uniformed service of more than 6,700 health professionals who serve at the HHS, other federal agencies, and/or assigned details to the armed forces . The ASH is a civilian or a uniformed officer of the regular corps and is nominated for appointment by the president . The nominee must also be confirmed by the Senate . The ASH serves a four-year term at the pleasure of the president. If the appointee is also a serving uniformed officer of the regular corps, he or she is also appointed as a four-star admiral in the regular corps. [1] [2] The president may also nominate a civilian appointee to also be appointed a direct commission in the regular corps if the nominee so chooses. [2] [3] As such the position of ASH is the only office in the PHS that merits a four-star grade in the regular corps. The assistant secretary's office and staff are the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH). The acting assistant secretary for health is Rear Admiral Felicia Collins.

The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health and Scientific Affairs was established on January 1, 1967, following Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1966 . The plan allowed the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare to restructure the Public Health Service to better serve public health. [4] The office was renamed the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health following the Department of Education Organization Act in 1972. [4]

As of 2018, the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health oversees 12 core public health offices, 10 regional health offices, and 10 presidential and secretarial advisory committees. [5] Prior to 2010, the office was known as the Office of Public Health and Science. [6]
November 2, 1965 ; 55 years ago  ( 1965-11-02 )
Rear Admiral Cristina V. Beato Acting
Rear Admiral Steven K. Galson Acting
Rear Admiral Felicia L. Collins Acting

Health Secretary - Wikipedia
Assistant Secretary for Health - Wikipedia
health secretary — с русского на английский
Health Secretary | legal definition of Health Secretary by Law Insider
Biden health pick Rachel Levine set to become first trans Senate confirmee

Все языки Английский Русский Китайский Немецкий Французский Испанский Шведский Итальянский Латинский Финский Казахский Греческий Узбекский Валлийский Арабский Белорусский Суахили Иврит Норвежский Португальский Венгерский Турецкий Индонезийский Польский Коми Эстонский Латышский Нидерландский Датский Албанский Хорватский Науатль Армянский Украинский Японский Санскрит Тайский Ирландский Татарский Словацкий Словенский Тувинский Урду Фарерский Идиш Македонский Каталанский Башкирский Чешский Корейский Грузинский Румынский, Молдавский Якутский Киргизский Тибетский Исландский Болгарский Сербский Вьетнамский Азербайджанский Баскский Хинди Маори Кечуа Акан Аймара Гаитянский Монгольский Пали Майя Литовский Шорский Крымскотатарский Эсперанто Ингушский Северносаамский Верхнелужицкий Чеченский Шумерский Гэльский Осетинский Черкесский Адыгейский Персидский Айнский язык Кхмерский Древнерусский язык Церковнославянский (Старославянский) Микенский Квенья Юпийский Африкаанс Папьяменто Пенджабский Тагальский Мокшанский Кри Варайский Курдский Эльзасский Абхазский Арагонский Арумынский Астурийский Эрзянский Коми Марийский Чувашский Сефардский Удмурдский Вепсский Алтайский Долганский Карачаевский Кумыкский Ногайский Османский Тофаларский Туркменский Уйгурский Урумский Маньчжурский Бурятский Орокский Эвенкийский Гуарани Таджикский Инупиак Малайский Тви Лингала Багобо Йоруба Силезский Люксембургский Чероки Шайенского Клингонский

Все языки Английский Татарский Казахский Украинский Венгерский Таджикский Немецкий Иврит Норвежский Китайский Французский Итальянский Португальский Турецкий Польский Арабский Датский Испанский Латинский Греческий Словенский Латышский Финский Персидский Нидерландский Шведский Японский Эстонский Чеченский Карачаевский Словацкий Белорусский Чешский Армянский Азербайджанский Узбекский Шорский Русский Эсперанто Крымскотатарский Суахили Литовский Тайский Осетинский Адыгейский Якутский Айнский язык Церковнославянский (Старославянский) Исландский Индонезийский Аварский Монгольский Идиш Ингушский Эрзянский Корейский Ижорский Марийский Мокшанский Удмурдский Водский Вепсский Алтайский Чувашский Кумыкский Туркменский Уйгурский Урумский Эвенкийский Башкирский Баскский

с русского на английский

с английского на русский

2 ) Abbreviation: ASD ( USA ; HA )
Healthcare: Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks
Chemical weapons: Chair , CAIG ( Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Resource Analysis , Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Program Analysis and Evaluation )
General subject: H . A . ( A program sponsored by EPA ' s Office of Drinking Water ( ODW ). Provides information on the health effects , analytical methodology , and treatment technology that would be helpful in dealing with the contamination of drinking water )
General subject: HA ( A program sponsored by EPA ' s Office of Drinking Water ( ODW ). Provides information on the health effects , analytical methodology , and treatment technology that would be helpful in dealing with the contamination of drinking water )
Oil: IDLH ( Maximum concentration of a chemical in air to which one can be exposed without suffering irreversible health effects ( function of time , usually ))
Oil: IDLH ( Maximum concentration of a chemical in air to which one can be exposed without suffering irreversible health effects ( function of time , usually ))
Labor protection: OHSAS ( http: // www . ohsas - 18001 - occupational - health - and - safety . com / what . htm )
Abbreviation: PS ( в Индии . Напр . : The Principal Secretary to Minister )
Abbreviation: ( Health Canada ) OHSA
• First wealth is health ( The ) - Здоровье всего дороже ( 3 )
• Good health is above wealth - Здоровье всего дороже ( 3 )
• Good health is priceless - Здоровье всего дороже ( 3 )
• Health is better than wealth ( great riches ) - Здоровье всего дороже ( 3 )
• Health is not valued till sickness comes - Тот здоровья не знает , кто болен не бывает ( T )
• He that wants health wants all - Здоровье всего дороже ( 3 )
• Wealth can buy no health - Здоровья за деньги не купишь ( 3 )
• Without health no one is rich - Здоровье всего дороже ( 3 )


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Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs

Assistant Secretary of Defense , Health Affairs

Assistant Secretary of Defense , Health and Environment

Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense , Health Affairs

Office of the Secretary of Defense , Health and Environment

( The Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks ) Научный комитет по новым рискам для здоровья

Chair of the Office of the Secretary of Defense Cost Analysis Improvement Group

Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health

Immediately dangerous to life and health

Occupational Health & Safety Assessment Series

Office of the Assistant Secretary

Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense

Refers to a person licensed , certified or otherwise authorized or permitted by law to administer health care in the ordinary course of business or practice of a profession , includi

Occupational Health and Safety Agency

Health Secretary — can refer to: * The Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing , Scotland * The Secretary of State for Health , United Kingdom …   Wikipedia
secretary — sec ‧ re ‧ ta ‧ ry [ ˈsekrtri ǁ teri ] noun secretaries PLURALFORM [ countable ] JOBS 1 . someone who works in an office helping to organize the work , answering the telephone , arranging meetings etc: • His personal secretary (= one working for only him )… …   Financial and business terms
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Health and Safety Executive — Non departmental public body Crown status: Unknown Legal basis: Health and Safety …   Wikipedia
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Secretary of State for Justice — Arms of Her Majesty s Government Ministry of Justice …   Wikipedia
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