He Was An Amateur

He Was An Amateur


He Was An Amateur

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On the 25 October, 1881 a little boy was born in Malaga, Spain. It was a difficult birth and to help him breathe, cigar smoke was blown into his nose! But despite being the youngest ever smoker, this baby grew up to be one of the 20th century's greatest painters — Pablo Picasso.
Picasso showed his truly exceptional talent from a very young age. His first word was lapiz (Spanish for pencil) and he learned to draw before he could talk. He was the only son in the family and very good-looking, so he was thoroughly spoilt. He hated school and often refused to go unless his doting parents allowed him to take one of his father's pet pigeons with him!
Apart from pigeons, his great love was art and when in 1891 his father, who was an amateur artist, got a job as a drawing teacher at a college, Pablo went with him to the college. He often watched his father paint and sometimes was allowed to help. One evening his father was painting a picture of their pigeons when he had to leave the room. He returned to find that Pablo had completed the picture, and it was so amazingly beautiful and lifelike that he gave his son his own palette and brushes and never painted again. Pablo was just 13.
From then onwards there was no stopping him. Many people realized that he was a genius but he disappointed those who wanted him to become a traditional painter. He was always breaking the rules of artistic tradition and shocked the public with his strange and powerful pictures. He is probably best known for his "Cubist" pictures, which used only simple geometric shapes. His paintings of people were often made up of triangles and squares with their features in the wrong place. His work changed our ideas about art, and to millions of people modern art means the work of Picasso. Guernica, which he painted in 1937, records the bombing of that little Basque town during the Spanish Civil War, and is undisputedly one of the masterpieces of modern painting.
Picasso created over 6 000 paintings, drawings and sculptures. Today a "Picasso" costs several million pounds. Once, when the French Minister of Culture was visiting Picasso, the artist accidentally spilt some paint on the Minister's trousers. Picasso apologized and wanted to pay for them to be cleaned, but the Minister said, "Non! Please, Monsieur Picasso, just sign my trousers!"
Picasso died of heart failure during an attack of influenza in 1973.
Task 1      Mark + if the statement is true, - if it is false. 1.   A little boy was born on 25 October 1884. 2.   It was not a difficult birth. 3.   Pablo learned to draw before he could talk. 4.   He liked school. 5.   His great love was art and pigeons. 6.   His father got a job as a drawing teacher in 1891. 7.   Pablo wasn't allowed to help his father to paint the pictures. 8.   The picture which Pablo completed instead of his father was not so beautiful        and lifelike as his father's. 9.   Picasso is best known for his "Cubist" pictures. 10. Picasso died of pneumonia in 1973. Task 2 Choose the correct letter A, B, or C. 11. Where was Pablo Picasso born?      A.In Spain.      B.In Italy.      С. In France.
12. Why was it a difficult birth?      A.There were no doctors beside.      B.The mother died.      С. The baby couldn't breathe.
13. Why was the boy thoroughly spoilt in his childhood?      A.Because he was very nervous.      B.Because he was the only son in the family.      С. Because the child had a week health.
14. Which people played a part in his career?      A.His father.      B.His mother.      С. His friends.
15. Which of the following numbers or dates relate to this person?      A.1882      B.79      С.13
16. What did Picasso always shock the public with?      A.He was not breaking the rules of artistic tradition.      B.He was painting strange and powerful pictures.      C.Не was only painting people. 
17.  What characterizes most of his pictures?      A.Realism.      B.Simple geometric shapes.      C.Soft colours.
18.  What happened when the French Minister of Culture was visiting Picasso?      A.The artist spilt some paint on the Minister's trousers.      B.The Minister paid one million pounds for his picture.      С The artist presented a picture to him.
19. What did the Minister ask?      A.To sign the trousers.      B.To sell the picture.      C.То clean the trousers.
20. What does the number 6.000 refer to?      A.To the price of one of Picasso's pictures.      B.To the total number of his paintings drawings and sculptures.      C.То the number of sculptures Picasso created.
How do you help out around the house? Is there anything special you have to do or do your parents do everything? Do you mind doing this work? Will you continue this once you have your own apartment?
Every season offers us many things to do both inside and outside. Which season is your favorite and what are some things you like to do during that season?
Who is your favorite singer and why? What does this person's voice sound like to you? What kind of music does he or she tend to sing? What does he or she sing about and how do you relate to this music?
Who is the person you admire most? Give reasons for your answer.
Some people think it is better to live in the village than in a big city. Do you agree? Why or why not?
Imagine you are interviewing one of your favorite English or American writers. What would you like to ask him/ her about? What interests you most in his/her literary work?
In 1886 John Pemberton, a druggist in Atlanta, Georgia, made a brown syrup by mixing coca leaves and cola nuts. Pemberton sold the syrup in his drugstore as a medicine to cure all kinds of problems. Pemberton called his al purpose medicine “Coca-Cola”. When few people bought Coca-Cola, Pemberton sold the recipe to another druggist, Asa Candler. Candler decided to sell Coca-Cola as a soda-fountain drink instead of a medicine. At soda fountains in drugstores, the syrup was mixed with soda water to make the drink Coca- Cola. Candler advertised a lot and sold his syrup to many drugstores. Soon everyone was going to soda fountains and asking for Coca-Cola. Candler saw no reason for putting Coca-Cola into bottles. But two businessmen thought his would be a good idea. They got permission from Candler, and before long they became millionaires. As of1903, coca leaves were no longer used in Coca-Cola. The exact ingredients used and their quantities are not known - the Coca-Cola company keeps its recipe a secret. World War I helped to make Coca-Cola popular outside the United States. The Coca-Cola Company sent free bottles of the drink to U.S. soldiers fighting in Europe. Coca-Cola became very popular with the soldiers - so popular that the U.S. Army asked the company to start ten factories in Europe. After the war, these factories continued to make Coca-Cola. Today, there are Coca-Cola factories around the world.
Т .:  Answer the questions from the text.
A person who sells medicines is a ...
Druggist                                     c)  Businessman
Millionaire                                 d)   Addict
 ... is a sweet, heavy liquid that tastes good.
a)Syrup                            c)Soda
b)Cola                              d)Milk
 3) Pemberton sold Coca-Cola to make people well and … their problems.
 a) keep                                                          c) mix
 b) find out about                                            d)   cure
4) A medicine that cures many things is ...
 popular                                                 c)    free
 all-purpose                                           d)  aspirin
5) The different things that are mixed together to make Coca-Cola are its ...
 ingredients                                           c) sodas
 Ideas                                                    d)  liquids
6) The ...of ingredients is the amount you put in.
 Factory                                               c)  permission
 Color                                                  d) quantity
7) Not many people knew about Pemberton's syrup ... bought it.
 a lot                                           c)       all
 few                                            d)      most
8) The way Coca-Cola’s ingredient are put together is its ...
 ingredients                          c)   recipe
 soda fountain                      d)   bottle
9) People find out about things to buy by looking at...
 Recipes                                   c)       articles
 Advertisements                      d)    the monitor
10) People drink soda from a bottle instead of going to a soda fountain store to drink it because...
 it tastes better                      c)   it’s the law
 they collect bottles               d)  it’s easier to do.
Comment on the following proverb: “Appearances are deceitful».
Who or what helps you study most: teachers, parents, friends, books, television? Explain your choice. Write about the role of each.
Computers are becoming more and more important in today's world. How do you fell people are using computers? Do you feel we use them enough, or too much? Are there any negative effects to becoming more and more dependent on computers?
If you had three wishes, what would they be and why? Would they be beneficial to you or to other people? Would it be easy or hard for you to chose just three? Who is granting you the wishes?
You have recently moved into a new flat. Describe your housewarming party.
You are talking to the Minister of Education. Tell him about the problems your school has and ask what is planned for its improvement.
One afternoon many years ago, George Cox robbed Barcley's Bank. He stole over 50,000 pounds. But unfortunate​ly, when he came out of the bank, the police were waiting for him. George was arrested and sentenced to twenty-five years in prison.
Years passed and finally the day arrived when George was a free man again. At the door of the prison he was given back his old clothes, a small suitcase and his wallet.
He walked to the railway station and caught a train back to the small town he was born and brought up. He chose it for his permanent residence.
After George had got off the train, he came out of the station and looked around him. How everything had changed! There was too much traffic now. What used to be a quiet little street was now an enormous supermarket, whore there used to be a park, there was an ugly car park. George couldn't believe his eyes. All these changes made him feel a bit depressed so he decided to have a cup of tea,
He looked for an old corner cafe where he used to meet his friends when he was a teenager. But of course it was gone, In its place now stood McDonald's, which George had never seen before in his life. He sat down on the hard plastic seat and waited for the waitress to come and Lake his order. Nobody came, Ten minutes later he realized that he had to go and ask for what he wanted. «A cup of tea, please», he said. «We don't make tea, only coffee», answered the black girl behind the counter. Everything had changed, it seemed. There was nothing here for him any more,
But as he opened his wallet to pay for the cup of coffee he didn't really want, he discovered an old yellow ticket. He
looked at it closely. It was a ticket for a pair of shoes which he had taken to the shoe repairer on the day before the robbery - twenty-five years ago. And of course he hadn't been able to go back for them.
George left the McDonald's and walked up High Street, past what used to be the cinema but which was now a Leisure Center (whatever that meant). Then he turned right down a narrow street, and there on the corner was a small shoemak​er's shop. The same little dirty shop was still there, after all these years. George looked in the window and couldn't believe his eyes, it was the same shoemaker — much older now, of course, with a long white beard. George went into the shop. He suddenly felt very embarrassed when he showed the shoemaker the old yellow ticket.
«Excuse me», he said. «You won't remember me. I've been away from this town for twenty-five years, but. on the day before I left, I gave you a pair of shoes to repair and you gave me this ticket. 1 know it's ridiculous, after all these years, but I wonder if...»
The shoemaker took the old yellow ticket, looked at it closely and then disappeared to the back of the shop. A few minutes later he came back.
«Was it a pair of black shoes?» he asked.
«A pair of black shoes, size eight and a half?»
«Needed any heels?» asked the shoemaker.
«Yes, that's right! You mean you've still got them?»
«Oh, yes. I've still got them», said the shoemaker. «They'll be ready on Friday».
Mark + if the statement is true, - if it is false.
1. The police were waiting for George Cox when he tried to break into the shop.
2.But for the police George could have stolen over 50,000 pounds.
3There used to be much traffic in the town where George grew up.
4.George was shocked and upset by the sight of his street.
5.​ A few changes took place in his native town during his absence.
6.​ George sat down on a hard plastic seat in the old cor​ner cafe.
7.​ On the day of his arrival in his native town George took his shoes to the shoe repairer.
8. After all those years the little shoemaker's shop was still there.
9. A receipt for a pair of shoes was preserved in George's wallet in prison.
10. The shoemaker said that George's shoes were ready.
Circle the letter А , В , С which marks the best answer.
1. When did the police arrest George Cox?
2. How much did George Cox steal in the long run?
3. What did George decide to do when he was free from prison?
B. To have a look at the house where he used to live.
4. What did George do first when he arrived at the street?
A. He went to the corner cafe to have a cup of tea.
B. He went to McDonald's to have a cup of tea.
C. He went to the supermarket to buy a pair of shoes.
5. Changes in his street impressed George, didn't they?
6. What was George's reaction to the changes in his native town?
8. Where was the little shoemaker's shop?
9. The shoemaker was the same man but much older, was​n't he?
10. The shoemaker had a poor memory, didn't he?
Time travel is an idea that fascinates many people. Imagine that you could travel back in time to witness one event or meet one person. Who would you like to meet, or what would you like to see? What effect would this experience have on you? Explain in detail why you would choose this event or person.
Many video games, television programs, films and song lyrics are filled with depictions of violent criminal activities. What effect do you think this has on the people to watch, play, or listen to these forms of media?
Do you think society is becoming more violent because of them? What would you suggest be done about this problem?
Your friend wants to get married. You think he/she is too young. Tell him/her what you think he/she ought to do. Do you think it is better to marry for money than for love? Compare men and women.
Man's greatest invitation as you see it.
     The people of Babylonia were rich and powerful. They were also happy. They loved each other and they enjoyed working together. But one thing was lacking. Men had only the earth to enjoy. God had kept heaven for himself and his angels.
     The King of Babylonia decided that his people should have Heaven as well as Earth. So he ordered them to build a great tall tower. Six hundred thousand men began making bricks and mixing mortar and piling up a building higher and higher. All day every day  men carried bricks and mortar up a stairway on the east side of the tower. Then they walked down another stairway on the west to get more loads. This went on for forty-two years until the Tower was twenty-seven miles high. It was so high that it took a man a whole to carry bricks from the ground to the top.
      Now the Tower had risen nearly to Heaven, and God saw that he would have to do something to keep the invaders out. Perhaps if he made it hard for people to co-operate, they would not be able to finish the Tower. To carry out his plan God sent seventy angels down to Earth. The angels had orders: first to take away the one language everybody understood, then to split the people up into groups, with each group speaking a new tongue of its own. In no time the men who made bricks couldn't talk to the men who carried them. And the men who carried bricks couldn't say an understandable word to the men who laid the bricks. Everything was a mess, and everybody blamed everybody else for not understanding. People no longer talked about the Tower of Heaven. Instead they talked about the Tower of Babel, which meant the Tower of Confusion. Work came to a dead stop. The builders went away carrying their new languages with them. That is how it happens that different tongues are spoken in different parts of the world.
1. Mark + if the statement is true, - if it is false.
People of Babylonia were rich and powerful but not happy.
They had the Earth and the Heaven to enjoy.
The King of Babylonia decided that his people should have Heaven, as well as Earth.
Five hundred thousand men began building the Tower.
They carried load up a stairway on the east side of the tower and walked down another stairway on the west.
They went on building for forty-four years.
The Tower had risen nearly to Heaven.
God decided to let the invaders to come into the Heaven.
The angels had the order to split the people up into groups, with each group speaking a different language.
In no time the men who were building the Tower couldn't understand each other.
2. Circle the correct letter A, B, or C.
What were the people of Babylonia lacking?
What did the King order his people to do?
How long did it take a man to carry bricks from the ground to the top?
What did God do to keep the invaders out?
He decided to make it hard for people to co-operate.
To take away the one language the people understand.
To help the people to build the Tower.
What made it hard for people to co-operate?
Why did the people stop talking about the Tower of Heaven?
Because the people couldn't understand each other.
Because there were no bricks left to finish the Tower.
What did the people do when everything was a mess?
They went away carrying their new languages with them.
They blamed the King for the confusion.
What are most serious problems of the present day world which worry millions of people everywhere? How do you imagine the future of your planet? What may happen to the world in the next ten years?
You will graduate in about 6 months. What are your future plans? What scares you the most and what makes you the most excited about leaving school. What were the best and worst things about being at your present school? Tell why. What will you miss the most? Why?
The ideal of romantic love is historic idea. Loving friends always forgive each other. A man's wife should be his sole interest in life?
Agree or disagree: examinations are unnecessary.
What is more important: fame and money, or goodness of character. Explain why.
Agree or disagree: a universal language is possible.
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Олимпиадные задания по английскому языку для 9-11 классов (чтение)
AMATEUR | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
he has an amateur interest in psychology — со всех языков на все языки
On the 25 October, 1881, a little boy was born in Malaga, Spain.






taking part in an activity for pleasure , not as a job :
He was an amateur singer until the age of 40, when he turned professional .

More examples
The firm produces kits for amateur car constructors . an amateur photographer an amateur dramatic society amateur theatricals He's in charge of wardrobe at the local amateur theater .

a person who takes part in an activity for pleasure , not as a job :
This tennis tournament is open to both amateurs and professionals .
someone who does not have much skill in what they do:
I won't be giving them any more work - they're a bunch of amateurs.
taking part in an activity for pleasure and not as a job , or (of an activity ) done for pleasure and not as a job :
An amateur is also someone who lacks skill in doing something:
Some of the people who show up at practice shooting ranges are real amateurs.
taking part in an activity because you are interested in it or enjoy it, not as a job :
a person who takes part in an activity because they are interested in it or enjoy it, not as a job :
This conference is open to both amateurs and professionals .
someone who does not have much skill in what they do:
I won't be giving them any more work - they're a bunch of amateurs.

amateur theater

amateur dramatics

amateur theater , at amateur dramatics

amateur dramatics , at amateur theater

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