He Likes Anal Too Bisexual

He Likes Anal Too Bisexual


He Likes Anal Too Bisexual
My boyfriend likes to be penetrated in the anus. He says that he has no attraction at all what so ever to men. That makes me wonder if he is in denial about his own sexuality. I mean I would love him regardless of whatever he chooses but. I am very confused on how I should feel about the whole thing.
He is straight and just likes anal stimulation
He might be confused on his sexuality
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After reading these I feel better but why did so many guys seem so offended I came here to learn no need to bite my head off. That is the reason I could not ask my boyfriend I dont want that reaction from him. I love too much for that to everyone else thanks for the input.
If my boyfriend likes pegging is he possibly homosexual or bisexual?
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There is a world of difference between enjoying prostate stimulation done by a woman and being attracted to a man. You know why anal sex is commonly associated with gay men? Because when gay men have sex, they don't have a woman present to feel weird about the anal sex. If a straight man wants anal stimulation from his female partner, wouldn't it be nice to receive it WITHOUT having his sexual orientation questioned? It's a fucked up tightrope to have to walk. On the one hand, do you disclose to your partner a sexual act you might enjoy? Do you do this even if you might freak out your partner? On the other hand, do you keep your mouth shut so you just don't have to deal with her insecurities? Stop trying to read between the lines here. Your boyfriend is not trying to disclose to you that he is gay. He's trying to disclose to you that he is a straight man that enjoys anal sex. Point of perspective: A couple of generations ago, the desire a woman felt to receive oral sex was regarded as indicating that she was a closet lesbian. After all, a heterosexual woman should be fully satisfied by a man's penis, right? Right. Think about it. Does it even occur to you that historically speaking, a guy might question the sexual orientation of a woman asking for cunnilingus? Doesn't even cross your mind does it? When your boyfriend goes down on you, you're not a lesbian because of it. If you peg your boyfriend, he is not gay either. He's just enjoying sex with his girlfriend. That is he's trying to enjoy having sex with his girlfriend, provided he can keep her insecurities about common sex acts calmed down.
There are some guys who are so afraid of being called homosexual that they will not only avoid doing anything that might be considered homosexual, but they will insist that anyone who does those things must be homosexual. So. . . anything involving anal stimulation is "gay." Men who are more open-minded will at least experiment with anal stimulation when they get the right partner. Many find it pleasurable because of the pressure on the prostate, while some just can't get beyond the notion that nothing sexual should happen back there because that's where your shit come out. If you enjoy having a woman stimulate you anally, does that mean you are homosexual? Well, if you enjoy having a woman suck on your dick, does that mean you're gay? I never stop being surprised at how younger people - especially the ones who think older folks are all a bunch of dried up fuddy duds - can be so inhibited and hung up about stupid things!
A man liking anal stimulation isn't linked to his sexual orientation. Many straight men see themselves as dominant and anal sex is often linked to submission. A lot of men don't want to put themselves in that position. Some also it is just something that gay men do and don't want the be seen as a gay man because it's taboo. Men have a prostate, they might as well use it to get pleasure.
It depends if he sexualizes that dildo on you.. definitely not straight or if he wants it all the time... but i mean as a female i understand your concern. Porn brainwashes them and since so many are into transporn it makes you wonder.
Anal stimulation is said to give the best orgasm. The prostate glad is basically like another g spot for men. Being gay or bi is a matter of sexual preference not stimulation
It's entirely possible that he's confused about his sexuality but just because he likes anal stimulation doesn't mean anything. Other than he's found the joys of prostate play. If he says he isn't interested in guys and he hasn't given you a reason to think otherwise than you should trust him.
And you wonder why the whole "no homo" thing came from Every time a man says or likes something, his orientation comes into question This is why men don't do what's considered feminine, even if it's praised in other cultures like ballet or theater The man is with YOU. So what if he's bi? He's obviously not gay, and you pushing questions like this will do naught but close him off. The reason guys are offended is because people complain so much that men aren't open with their interests, emotions, and feelings, yet as soon as they feel comfortable enough to share it, labels start to fly I used to be into pegging as well, but as soon as my girlfriend started making gay jokes, I've immediately and permanently lost all interest, and one of the reasons why I don't share all that much with her
Straight guys can be into anal play. The whole pegging thing strikes me as an act of submission, which doesn't have much to do with his preferences in the opposite gender. He's just more submissive than most guys. I personally get angry in submissive positions and seek to turn the tables quickly. Pegging is not a thing for me.
I agree man. I don't mind anal stimulation myself like a girl fingering or licking me, but the whole getting fucked or bent over by someone would make me feel too submissive, which I'm definitely not.
Unless he wants to be pegged by an actual penis, I think it's just the anal/prostate stimultatoon he's interested in.
C seems gay to me except a gal is doing him a parallel to massages when guy/gal makes a difference giving it if you are pegging & giving HJ same time, then I'm OK with it if not HJ or his cumming, then seems gay
Doing that for him is neither your job nor should be turning you on.
Neither of them... It'd only be gay or whatever if he was being pegged by a guy... Homosexual sex is GUY on GUY - thats it. Be fair to him... he likes it and he's obviously gone out to tell you. Respect that.
When you're gone or out of town how much do you want to bet he posts ads on Craigslist looking for guys with big dicks to come over and fuck him in your bed? checkem
He probably just likes the feeling of anal stimulation and the idea of femdom. While it is sexually deviant, it doesn't mean he's gay or bi.
I am not attracted at all to guys but love my ass fucked. I like sucking cock and swallowing cum. I prefer pussy but cock and cum is great. I guess I am bi by a strict definition but I would never be in a relationship with a guy.
I have had my ex girlfriend introduce me to slight anal penetration to massage my prostate gland for heightened sexual stimulation. I was pleasantly surprised by it. I am still heterosexual, and have no interest in men.
Prostate stimulation is a great feeling and leads to great orgasm.
... male G spot? The prostate is incredibly sensitive, though i have not tried it yet id be down:P You shouldn't think anything of it?
Just because he likes anal stimulation doesn't mean he wants a penis up there.
I think he's got a little gayness in him...
I dont care what these dudes say. Thats gay. They may not be gay, but thats some gay shit.
Well if he is with you girl, he is not gay
It's not gay if a woman does it to a man.
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Key points

Men who have sex with men are not always gay.
Straight men may have sex with other men for many reasons other than sexual orientation, such as to satisfy a fetish or get anonymous sex.
According to author Joe Kort, a sign that a man could be gay is that he reports having had same-sex attractions when he was young.

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We all harbor secrets. Some are big and bad; some are small and trivial. Researchers have parsed which truths to tell and which not to.

Posted December 1, 2014


Reviewed by Lybi Ma

My longtime friend and colleague Dr. Joe Kort has been treating and writing about gender and sexual orientation issues for nearly three decades. In his Royal Oaks, Michigan, practice, Joe specializes in Gay Affirmative Psychotherapy and IMAGO Relationship Therapy , often treating men who are questioning their sexual orientation. This population is the focus of his new and much-needed book : Is My Husband Gay, Straight, or Bi? A Guide for Women Concerned About Their Men . I am pleased that Joe has written this book, as I have had to deal with these questions in my own practice relatively often, as have many other therapists. I recently spoke with Joe about the book, and I wanted to share a few of his thoughts below.
What prompted you to write this book?
There are two main reasons. Number one is the high incidence of male-female couples entering my office because the woman thinks her man might be gay. More often than not, he’s not gay or even bi. He’s actually straight, but for whatever reason, he’s been looking at gay porn or he’s been having sex with men.
Number two is that I wanted to write this book for the men themselves because they’re usually very confused. A lot of the time these men come in on their own and they’re holding my book about coming out as gay, and they want to know, “Is this me? Am I gay?” Again, most of the time they’re not.
And I think it’s very important to state right here that I’m a gay man, yet here I am saying that most of the time these men who are being sexual with other men aren’t gay. That’s unusual, because most gay men, even most gay therapists, believe that if a guy is having gay sex, he’s gay.
So how do you determine if a man is or isn’t gay?
There are some basic questions that I ask. These are covered in detail in the book. I should probably state up front that these questions are based on my clinical experience, not on any scientific research, but I’ve been doing this for a very long time and I can assure you that these questions are definitely on-point.
First off, I want to know if the man had any “youthful noticing.” Was he noticing other males in a sexual way when he was young? Most gay or bisexual men will say yes. A lot of the time they didn’t know what to call it, but they knew that they had an attraction to men—the locker room, the boy scouts, or wherever. Straight men will say no. They almost never report youthful noticing.
I also use what I call the “beach test.” I always joke with clients that for me, as a gay man, when I’m walking on the beach and checking people out, the women are in the way. I’m looking at your boyfriend, so get out of the way. With gay clients, they say they feel the same way; with bisexual clients, they say they’re looking at both the men and the women; with straight clients, they say they’re looking only at the women. Straight guys don’t even notice the men.
Another thing that I look for is homophobia. When a man is in a long-term relationship with a woman but being sexual with men, either looking at porn or having actual sex, he either will or won’t be homophobic. Interestingly, it’s the gay men who are homophobic. The straight men have no homophobia at all—to the point where they’re willing to seek counseling from me, an openly gay therapist. A lot of times the gay men never even make it to me (without prompting from their wife, anyway) because they’re riddled with homophobia and I’m too gay for them. I threaten their sense of denial . So if a client is struggling with his sexual orientation and he’s got a lot of homophobia, he’s probably gay. The straight guys are not like that.
The final thing that I ask about is romance. Who does the man want to go to dinner and a show with, who does he want to spend the holidays with, who does he want to wake up next to in the morning? A gay guy wants to do all of that with a man, a bisexual guy might want a man or a woman, and the straight guy wants to only be with a woman in that way.
What is it, typically, that drives these men into treatment, whether it’s on their own or with their wife?
The internet is doing it. Usually, the wife discovers his history on the computer. He’s been looking at gay porn or he’s been hooking up with guys he meets through Craigslist.
A lot of them don’t know about Grindr. And that’s too gay for them anyway. Craigslist is where they go.
What are the psychological underpinnings for this behavior? And does that differ depending on the man’s true sexual orientation?
It does differ. The gay man is doing this because it’s his sexual identity . Even if he’s confused and doesn’t want to come out as gay, this is who he is and over time that will come out. He may be telling himself that it’s a purely sexual thing, just like the bi and straight guys are doing, but over time his true identity will come out.
For straight men, the most common reason is sexual abuse . They’re reenacting the abuse. I call this returning to the scene of the sexual crime . Usually, the way I learn this is by asking: “How are you having sex with these men? What exactly are you doing?” And they’re reenacting the abuse.
The second reason is kink . It’s a fetish. They might be into BDSM or they might be into power exchange, and they think they can only find that with a man. Or they might be into cuckolding, where two men and a woman are engaged in sexual play but one man is submissive and the other guy is dominant and the submissive guy gets the dominant guy hard. So it’s a fetish. It’s sex play between two men and a woman, but if the woman were to leave the scene the two men would be completely turned off.
Sometimes guys just want quick, anonymous sex, so they seek out another guy because women don’t generally have quick, anonymous sex. The per
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