He Is Short And Plump

He Is Short And Plump


He Is Short And Plump

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Commenting on developments in the English language
The English language is full of words that describe the shape of our bodies, some of them positive and some of them less positive. Let’s take a look at some of the more commonly used words for body shapes.
Probably the most commonly used adjective to describe someone who has too little fat is thin . ‘Thin’ is often used in a negative way: She’s very pretty but she’s too thin. Skinny , a slightly informal word, means very much the same: I don’t like his looks – he’s too skinny. Even thinner than ‘skinny’ is scrawny (also a slightly informal word). Someone who is scrawny is so thin that their bones stick out: He was a scrawny little kid. Gaunt , meanwhile, is used to describe a very thin face , sometimes a face that is thin because a person is ill: Her face was gaunt and grey. The adjective emaciated describes someone who is dangerously thin, usually through illness or extreme hunger. It describes the whole of the body: Some of the patients were quite emaciated.
The above adjectives are generally negative, but there are as many adjectives to describe people who are thin in a way that is positive. Probably the most common of these is slim . If someone is slim they are quite thin in a way that is attractive: Charlotte was looking lovely and slim in the photos. Other synonyms for ‘slim’ have an extra meaning in addition to ‘having little fat’. Slender , for example, means ‘slim and graceful ’: She was small and slender, like a dancer. Lean describes someone who is slim and strong : Long-distance runners are usually fairly lean . Petite , which is positive in tone, means ‘ short and slim’ and is only used for women and girls. Slight , meanwhile, which is neither positive nor negative, means ‘thin and delicate’.
Of course, there are just as many words to describe the opposite situation. Fat is probably the most commonly used adjective for describing someone who has too much flesh but, it is very direct . We sometimes use other, slightly less negative words to describe someone who is a little fat. Stocky , for example, means ‘strong and wide’: He’s got the stocky build of a rugby player. Solid too is often used in this way: As a child, James was always quite solid. Similarly, big is sometimes used as a less direct way of saying ‘fat’: Sophie didn’t use to be so big, did she? Plump and chubby mean ‘slightly fat’ but both sound almost pleasant and are often used of young children: She was admiring the baby’s plump little legs./Look at his lovely chubby cheeks!
Some ‘fat’ words, on the other hand, are very direct. Overweight is an adjective that a doctor might use to describe a fat patient. It is slightly clinical in tone. A patient who is extremely overweight might well be described by the doctor as obese .
And then there is ‘behemoth’, ‘portly’, ‘thunder thighs’, ‘wide stride’. ‘heavy duty’, ‘plus size’, ‘Wanda’, ‘Margret’, ‘Miss Piggy’, ‘Yo Mamma’ & ‘Yolanda’!
The fashion industry can always find terms to sell to customers who don’t fit their usual model. (Yes, the pun is intended.) “Full-figured,” “Juno-esque” (for the goddess) and “Rubens-esque ” (for the Flemish painter) are often used to refer to women with large breasts and broad hips. Let’s note as well, that in many parts of the non-Western world, large breasts and broad hips are considered highly erotic.
I totally agree with you. Actually, large breasts and broad hips are biologically determined to be perceived as erotic, as they represent some very clear advantages for the conception of children. Just another proof that it’s in the Western world where this weight obsession has gone too far.
Am I the only one who has noticed the absence of terms to name somebody who is just normal? Maybe we should stop and reflect on what this means. We’ve got plenty of words to name the extremes, but almost none to name what’s normal. Maybe this is the way we have of fitting people into absurd pre-designed categories so that in the end nobody feels fine about their body. If we classify everyone as thin or fat there’s no way we’ll ever create a healthy perception of weight in society. We seriously must stop labeling things like this.
It’s a common phenomenon that we take the ordinary for granted but focus attention on the unusual. In golf, for instance, par is the expected score, so the colorful vocabulary is reserved for scores under par (“birdie” and “eagle”) and scores over par (“bogey”). Similarly, we know what an ordinary person looks like, so we tend to emphasize the unusual in our choice of descriptive adjectives.
And since an earlier commenter added terms about large people, I can add two for the slim set: “willowy,” which implies natural grace, and “svelte,” which is borrowed from French, so it must be elegant.
Normal is subjective. There are different types of normal, with which could be co-jointed with any of these adjectives. In such case, these adjectives serve merely to describe, its not necessarily malice. It becomes impossible to standardise normal in the end (as it is normal is not one, but varied). So everyone essential is as normal as can be.
People can label you based on what they see, its up to you to try to match what you know of yourself to what they are trying to say about you. There lies the whole truth. There’s hardly any need to be royally discontented, because both perceptions are true in essence. Love your body! (I wander what shape you are now
My thoughts, exactly. Well-said. We need more words to describe body types between fat and skinny. I’m not talking about subjective observations or feelings here. I’m suggesting that words to describe a “middle range” of physical body types are lacking in the English language. The dog is thin. The dog is fat. The dog is… what? Average? Normal? Medium? Those terms are subjective. Where’s the word for a physique that lies between thin and fat?
Hey somebody please help me with these sentence. I always though lithe is like someone lean and flexible but in here it seems a little contradictory:
“He was resembled his father, being dark-haired, strong and tall, but lithe.”
Hi Kaue. The sentence would not be much of a difference. this is how I would say.
“He was resembled his father, being dark-haired, strong and tall, but thin.” what do you think of it.
Hi Jack. Doesn’t “thin” imply being slightly underweight, or at least a bit less than the ideal for one’s skeleton size? Many people go through a “thin” phase when growing up, as they may be growing taller faster than they gain breadth, but a thin adult would probably be healthier if they were able to gain just a little weight.
“Slim” doesn’t have the same slightly negative tone & is generally used for someone in the lower half of the healthy weight range for their height.
Hi Kaue. Lithe doesn’t imply being underweight or weak.
Cambridge dictionary online gives this sentence as an example: “He had the lithe, athletic body of a ballet dancer.” Male ballet dancers are expected to be slim, fit and flexible as well as tall enough and strong enough to lift another adult while dancing!
Similarly, gymnasts, athletes & trapeze artists (male or female) could be described as “lithe”.
Dear Kate,
Thank you very much for the article. I found it really helpful, since it is extremely difficult to get (find or presume) such kind of information, especially when you live in non-english country.
I have created a piece of infographic which, I belive, can illustrate this article: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1305216782825533&set=a.861368823877000.1073741825.100000116703671&type=3 .
I would very much appreciate it if you could look on the diagram and share your opinion if every word gets a proper place. Maybe I should add some more words or remove something what looks inappropriate.
Thank you in advance.
That’s a very good idea, Joyce !
But I am not Kate Woodford, sorry !…
That’s funny, because I know 2 persons who call Joyce, whose one of my cousins !
Thanks ma’am, your blogs are such a great way to understand words and their usage. Really appreciate your help.
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If You Are Short, Fat, Older or An Asian Man, You Must Read This. But Especially If You’re Short.

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If you’re a regular reader, you probably knew that I was on the CBS Early Show in July. Appearing with me was one of my all-time favorite clients, Tom Pandolfo. Charming, charismatic, successful, warm, athletic… Tom has it all. The only thing missing in his life is a woman. So, after hiring me as his dating coach, we set to work in rebranding him on Match.com.

We took new professional photos. We had Tom fill out my long questionnaire and submit to an hour of questions from me on the phone. We wrote two new profile essays that were unique, funny and confident. We renamed him “LookMaNoHair.”
And we watched as his in-box filled up with interested women.
You can see what a great experience it was in this CBS Early Show clip:
What I haven’t yet mentioned is that Tom Pandolfo is 5’3″.
I didn’t want to mention it for the same reason that Tom didn’t want to mention it in his profile: because it’s irrelevant to anything that makes him a good accountant, husband, or father. Yet his height defines him, since it has prevented otherwise interested women from being interested in him over the course of his entire life.
Height is irrelevant to anything that makes a man a good husband or father.
This instantly reminded me of a story that ABC did years ago on this very issue.
To see if the women would go for short guys who were successful, ABCNEWS’ Lynn Sherr created extraordinary résumés for the shorter men. She told the women that the shorter men included a doctor, a best-selling author, a champion skier, a venture capitalist who’d made millions by the age of 25.
Nothing worked. The women always chose the tall men. Sherr asked whether there’d be anything she could say that would make the shortest of the men, who was 5 feet, irresistible. One of the women replied, “Maybe the only thing you could say is that the other four are murderers.” Another backed her up, saying that had the taller men had a criminal record she might have been swayed to choose a shorter man. Another said she’d have considered th e shorter men, if the taller men had been described as “child molesters.”
Lest you think this is an example of reality TV finding evidence to support a story, Tom tried his own experiment last week. Sure enough, few women give a fair shake to a man who is 5’3”, no matter what else he has going for him.
I’m going to let Tom take it from here.
So I tried changing my profile for three days just to see what the difference was between being 5’3″ and 5’10”.  I wanted to know if height was the only difference and the constant deal breaker.  So I moved my profile from Pittsburgh and posted it for 3 days in a town where nobody knew me (Philadelphia). Here’s what I found:
This proves, in stark and undeniable terms, two things:…
Life — and people — can be incredibly unfair. We talked about this just the other day . People want what they want. They’re attracted to what they’re attracted to. And no amount of complaining is going to change it.
Oh, and I am one helluva dating coach . 60 unsolicited contacts in three days? Six replies from six emails sent? Come on. That’s pretty damn good!
Okay, I’m kidding about the last part, but only because I’m so serious about the rest of this. Really, it kills me.
Why, in God’s name, is it important for women to stand on tiptoes to kiss a guy?
Believe me, Tom is no “woe-is-me” kind of guy. He’s just been confronted with a very ugly reality that has shaken his confidence in people. And even though we had good initial results, the fact remains, empirically: women don’t want short men .
And although you can feel free to substitute “older women”, “older men”, “heavier women”, or “Asian men” , I honestly feel that nobody gets a rawer deal than short guys.
Honestly, ladies…You can get your own dishes from the top shelf. You don’t really need to feel “protected” from the dangers of suburbia. And why, in God’s name, is it important to stand on your tiptoes to kiss a guy?
So how about it, women? Is there any legitimate reason not to go out with this amazing, amazing man?
Talk to me. I want to hear the truth.
Honestly? It’s because I like to feel small next to a guy. I’ve been insecure about my weight my whole life. A tall, broad man does wonders for making me feel dainty next to him.
Why do need to feel small next to a guy and feel dainty? I feel like I’ve been transported to the 1950s. You make no sense. Today’s women are so weak and pathetic.
Hey, that’s not fair. It’s rude to call her sad and pathetic. That is just her preference as many people have. Same way some men are absolutely not attracted to fat women or skinny women. Could it be also that the women HE WANTS simply do NOT WANT him?
I’m beginning to think the problem isn’t short, fat, bald, skinny, big noses, little noses, crossed eyes or what have you. I think a real sense of entitlement has crept into male/female relationships.
I think the rudeness that abounds between men and women might be a bigger barrier than anything.
Refusing to date a short guy isn’t a preference. It’s a deal breaker. I have a preference for brunettes but I’d still date a blonde. Too many women use “preference” to try and not sound like shallow bitches. If you refuse to date someone based on one thing that’s completely outside of their control, that has nothing to do with preference. Refusing to date a guy SOLELY because he is short is shallow by definition . Having a preference for taller guys is one thing; flat out refusing to date a guy who’s short is completely another.
What if you’re refusing to date him because he’s short and unattractive and doesn’t have a good job and he doesn’t want kids, etc?
And men are plenty shallow, too. How come it’s okay for them to say that they’re just not attracted to someone (for whatever reason), but when women say it it’s because they’re shallow bitches?
When it comes to being shallow, women are worse than men.
Okay, we can all want what we want. But it is typically women who consider that they often settle for a “lesser men”. Men don’t settle, they don’t think that way. You women are degrading in many ways. Men when they decide on a women, don’t typically think they could have gotten someone higher on their list. After all that a man can do for a women, to have her consider him a lesser man do to height is very insulting.
In mating mechanism, taller preference is of course one way to tell that the man is healthy — same as beautiful looks and slim body to women. We’re likely to choose the best gene in purpose of bearing an healthy child. It’s not unfair. But without being tall, dispositional characters of men (humorous, intelligent, creative) can be a substitution for that matter — not to mention how personality takes the most part in long term relationship. Not like most men, women are not SO attracted by looks. But how about fat and ugly women out there, do they still got a chance? Yes, if you’re worried so much about being fat, go to the gym. And looks, believe it or not, we tend to get attracted to someone who has similar face. Despite you’re being ugly, there’s no reason to reject someone who looks close enough to yourself.
Most women I know they want these rich, handsome, tall, intelligent, and funny, of all possible men out there. Sure, there’s nothing wrong about that. But if you don’t always get what you want, try to accept the reality instead of being shallow bitches.
“Could it be also that the women HE WANTS simply do NOT WANT him?”
Head: meet nail.
I’m a 5’6 bald man. I’m also naturally  skinny (ie: skinny arms) in a heathly way. I happen to be a great all-around athlete and musician, amongst many other talents and attributes.  I’m also a good person raised from a great family.  I have been walking over taller men in numerous activities and engagements all my life, constantly being underestimated (including sports, schooling, manners, achievements, social life, etc.)
All that being said, are all you women out there still saying you would rather have a mediocre shmuck with a much lower overall value just because he is 4-6″ taller?  That sucks lol
We are all entitled to our preferences, but some preferences can make us look sad and pathetic. Speaking as a short male, standing a shameful 5’7″ I agree that lady anonymous is sad and pathetic.
For women, height isn’t a “preference”.  Women get violently defensive here because they won’t just own it and instead they flip it on men “well GUYS are superficial TOO!”
NO.  They ARE NOT.  And women KNOW that’s BS
A short guy will *never get a date at all*
A TALL guy *still* has to be handsome enough, fit enough, have clear skin, be hairless, have great hair or look great bald, be well hung… on and on.  And that’s *before* personality and wealth.
Men look at a woman and she is either “hot” to them or not.  And guess what?  To 80% of g
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