He Cums Fast

He Cums Fast


He Cums Fast
Home Health Why Do Men Ejaculate Fast?

June 24, 2010
, radan , Leave a comment
Both men and women often want to know why men ejaculate a bit too quickly during sex because most of the time it is not something that anyone wants to happen. It is also something that is not very well understood, so finding out as much info as you can about a specific issue is a great idea.
The most common cause of premature ejaculation is when there is some sort of fear that the man has towards the act of sex or the partner that he is with. This is tough to overcome in most cases because men have a hard time really figuring out what the actual problem is with the way that they approach sex with their partner.
In some cases the reason for ejaculating too fast is a little bit more simple. Sometimes men just get too aroused before sex even begins and, naturally, they ejaculate quicker than they probably wanted to. This can be avoided by slowing the whole process down a little bit. If it continues to happen, however, there may be another issue that needs addressing. Talking to someone about it does not have to be a last resort if you want to fix the problem as soon as you possibly can.
No matter what the issue is, there is always a way to solve the problem of premature ejaculation. It just takes a little bit of patience and an understanding that you don’t have to deal with this forever. Just about every man has this type of issue at some point their lives, so it is nothing to be ashamed of. Get the help that you need so you can put this little problem behind you. An outside perspective doesn’t need to be a doctor, but it should be someone who knows what they are talking about.

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Intercourse is but one hot plate in this buffet.


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How to Do It is Slate’s sex advice column. Send your questions for Stoya and Rich to howtodoit@slate.com .
Every Thursday night, the crew will answer one bonus question in chat form.
When I had sex with my first boyfriend when I was 17, he came very quickly, within a minute. He was embarrassed. I told him it was normal—I think I confidently asserted this based on teen movies—and that he would last longer the next time. The thing is, he never really did. Every time we had sex, after maybe a minute or two, he’d have to pull out or he’d be done (yes, he tried the baseball trick). The other thing is, I started to really love this. It turned me on so much that he couldn’t help but lose it with me. We did plenty of foreplay—with me barely touching his penis, granted—so it wasn’t like sex lasted five minutes every time. We ended up dating for six years, and he never lasted too much longer than he did the first time.
Well, we broke up last summer (we took post-college jobs in different cities and had sort of outgrown the relationship; it was amicable and we keep in touch). I’ve had a fun time exploring sexually, because up until then, we had more or less been each other’s only partners. My problem is that I miss my two-pump chump, so to speak. Some guys can really go a long time, and seem proud of their “stamina,” but my vagina gets pretty tired after a few minutes! And I’m not sure if this is a thing, but I think it’s almost a fetish for me now to have a man come quickly; I find myself seeking out premature ejaculation porn sometimes. This sounds ridiculous, I know, but what can I do here? Put on Tinder “must come embarrassingly fast during sex”? And how do people deal with guys who want to bang for 20 minutes straight? I’ve had about a half-dozen partners now and just can’t think of how to approach this.
Rich : Maybe more than anyone else in the world ever. She is really playing my song.
Stoya : More than the auditory voyeur ?
Rich : Yes. I love all our children, but this one the most.
Stoya : I straight-up chortled when I was reading the question through for the first time.
Rich : My favorite part is her taking it as a compliment, WHICH IT IS. That’s always how I take it too! Being able to make someone spontaneously orgasm is practically sorcery.
Stoya : It’s the greatest. When male partners do get used to me and start taking longer, I go for three-button moves like pushing on the outside of the prostate.
Rich : Yes, or like the slightest change in breathing/increasing of moans is met with encouragement to shoot. “Come whenever you want! Don’t mind me!”
Rich : I’ve got sandwiches to make and columns to write. I’m too old to be spending all day in bed. Let’s get a move on.
Stoya : Absolutely. And vaginas do get tired. It isn’t even necessarily a friction thing. The muscles start to get fatigued, especially if the woman orgasms easily and therefore frequently.
Rich : I’ve always said that a major privilege of being a man who has sex with men is that you can both come quickly and everyone’s satisfied. It’s interesting that there are women for whom this works as well, because the stereotype is very much not that.
Stoya : I’m thinking about how porn contributes to this problem. We don’t see many women in adult entertainment who are sated. In fact, the opposite. We usually see them bright-eyed, bushy-tailed, and hungry for more at the end of the scene.
Rich : Yes. There’s literally a golden-age porn called Insatiable . Great flick. Its star, Marilyn Chambers, sings its theme song . But anyway.
Stoya : Where’s Seven Minutes Is Actually a Bit Much or Race to Ejaculate ?
Rich : Given your established preference for a quick shot, was it really grueling to do the extended penetration that filming porn often calls for?
Stoya : The exhibitionism factor usually carried me through the scene—like, just the sheer joy of it being a whole production and performance. Later the meta layer of operating camera and being in control as a director/producer was part of that, too. Mostly what makes me tired is the orgasms. So I’d do my best to avoid coming early in the scene. And performers do tend to switch between penetration and oral.
Rich : All of that makes a lot of sense and underlines a greater point: The sex act doesn’t begin when the penis is inserted into the vagina and end when it’s taken out. Intercourse is but one hot plate in this buffet. The letter writer does acknowledge this.
Stoya : She does acknowledge one side of the coin, and I think you’re on the right track pointing out the other side as well. There can still be plenty of fun after a guy comes.
Rich : I also don’t think that fetishizing this is ridiculous whatsoever. It’s hot. I stan a sensitive dick. The writer says, “This sounds ridiculous, I know, but what can I do here? Put on Tinder ‘must come embarrassingly fast during sex’?” And I feel like … yes? Do that? Or some more polite version of it? Why not!
Rich : If you go fishing for quick dick, you’re gonna be swimming in it before you know it.
Stoya : It’s online dating … you’re basically shitposting into the void. Put your desires out there loud and bold. The only risk is that someone you know might spot you and see your preferences. But that might result in even more quick dick.
Rich : I mean, there are worse reputations to have than efficiency and knowing what you want.
Stoya : I think we’ve discovered a new orientation. Like the Kinsey scale, but from efficient to marathon.
Rich : Yes! And I’m not mad at middle-distance runners. There’s a place for them, but I’ll take a sprinter every damn time if it’s up to me.
Stoya : She can also take matters into her own hands and—after a short talk about her desire—start actively trying to make them come fast. A Kegel squeeze can come in handy, especially if it’s timed with their thrusts. And depending on the guy, playing with their balls (stroking, squeezing, pulling) or pushing on their perineum might tip them over the edge. Basically, see their stamina as a challenge.
Rich : What happens when nothing works and he literally needs that 20 minutes or more? I tap out.
Stoya : Or, really, “Hey, that was fun, but now I’m tired.” I do that one all the time.
Rich : The good news is there must be a huge underfed market of guys who come fast who aren’t being appreciated for it. This isn’t something I hear a lot of people talking about despite the obvious truth that a lot of guys come fast from intercourse (and other things). Like I said, the stereotype suggests women want marathons, so I feel like being especially upfront will be useful.
Stoya : Agreed. I’m having a qualm though. What if guys think she’s a catfish because they’ve believed that stereotype?
Rich : That may be an issue, but I bet a good number will be intrigued enough to move things forward, anyway. Horny men are simple. And btw, the call to fast action doesn’t have to be in the profile. It could be, but she could also sort of state it upfront during a chat if she wants a bit more discretion. Just get it out quickly.
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So the other day I had a rather embarrassing experience. There's this girl that I really like and we have been hanging out lately, but only recently did things become physical. So we were sitting on my couch and we started making out, and things were going well. She noticed that I was getting hard and put her hand on my d*** through over my pants and I started feeling her boobs. She has super nice boobs and she is really hot overall. And so after a few moments she unzips my pants and pulls out my d***. At this point I'm a little nervous just because I really like this girl and she's so hot and her boobs looked so nice in her bra. So then she leans over and starts giving me a bj and I seriously came after like 5 seconds. I think she must have gone "down and up" like twice and I came so hard in her mouth. I was so embarrased and she looked up with her mouth full and said something like "omg ha ha you already came!?" Then it was kind of awkward for the rest of the day until I took her home. Girls have you ever had something like this happen? If so what happened? How did you react? How did it make you feel? More flattered or upset? Do you think I should've been embarrassed? Did you give the guy another chance, and did it happen again?
It happened again . . . It was even worse this time though . . . She started giving me a handjob and after about a minute she went down on me and this time I came the instant she put her mouth on my d***. Not even a chance for her to go up and down one time. Girls if you were in this situation would you keep dating me? I don't know what to do to make it better. I like this girl a lot and I find her very attractive, and I think that's part of the problem.
Girls - What is the fastest you have ever made a guy cum?
Haha I was making out with an ex(he was my first boyfriend) on the couch during which I rubbed him over his jeans and then gave him a somewhat brief hand job because it was my first time and I was super nervous and had no clue what I was doing. We just made out mostly with me rubbing him down there every once a while when he would pull my hand back down ha ha and then the making out comes to and end and he mumbles something and I'm like huh? Then he repeats it and says "you might want to change your pants" I was super confused ha ha until I looked down and saw his come on my pants lol he was REALLY REALY embarrassed but the embarrassment was cute ha ha other than the embarrassment I was just kind of gld he had actually enjoyed himself cause like I said I had no clue what I was doing. Also, don't know if I mentioned this but this was my first ever time touching a penis So basically it actually made me feel better that I had made him feel good enough to come ha ha Sure be embarrassed it's cute just don't obsess over it because its not a big deal I haven't hooked up with him again because I have a boyfriend right now ha ha if was single tho I wouldn't object d;
about 2 min, was giving him head while he was asleep and he woke up and panicked, came like one minute after he woke up hmm , my reaction, surprised he came so quickly, surprised he had a lot of load, bit sad and disappointed that he didn't last long, very awkward after I finished and had to explain to him, a bit horny lol how did I feel, embarassed, awkward, a little disappointed, both flattered that he got aroused from me so quickly, kinda upset that he was so quick, later found out he was having a really hot dream about us which is probably why he blew so early and I teased him all day with it to change the mood I don't think its something you should be embarassed about, you had a lot of stimulus and was very aroused, no biggy hmm, actually I forced myself on him that time so I can't say that I gave him another chance, we had sx the next week and he lasted a looong time w/o cumming so he basically won and I lost.. badly o.o (ermm.. no details sry, this is very private o_o)
Ok well not exactly five seconds, but like less than a minute, yes. Basically the same thing, I was just surprised, because I totally wasn't expecting it, obviously. I wasn't upset at all, the whole point was to make him come in the first place, so I was like oh...well then! Def don't be embarrassed, she was prob totally flattered or at least thought you really needed it. TBH, really quick is better than taking a really long time!
Bro its no shame in that just tell her the truth that she's a beautiful girl and she was good. It happens to the best of us, you just have to portray confidence afterward even if you aren't. Go get em kid!
One time when I was about 20 it was less than a minute. Lots of foreplay sped things up, but its just embarassing. Now girls tell me I take too long, so they are never happy...
Girls: What's the fastest you have ever made a guy cum?
Girls, what is the fastest you have ever made a guy cum?
What did he mean when he said no one has ever made him go that fast?
I was with this guy who just talked his game up so much and blah blah blah and when we had sex he lasted less than a minute! He tried to go down on me but the guy couldn't eat p**** to save his life! So yeah big disappointment for me because he was hot but very very very bad in bad!
i was giving a guy a bj at his house and he lasted a little under 2 minutes. I was surprised and flattered at the same time. it was sort of an ego boosts that I could make him come so fast. he was embarrased but I told him it was okay. i think it was sort of rude for her to laugh at you for coming fast, but I doubt she had the intention of hurting you or making you feel insecure.
I had just removed his d*** from his pants and gave it a few tugs to start getting it hard and next thing I knew my hand was covered with cum. So I didn't even get it in my mouth he was so upset, so I sucked him clean
I've had a few guys come from sex in less than a minute.
You were supposed to return the favor, recharge and go again.
5 seconds. I came when she put her hand around my shaft.
haha my boyfriend has done that before, we were just making out and he thrusted maybe 8 times and then pulled out and went all over my stomach
Wow you must really like her. I would feel proud i guess.
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So it sounds like you kind of enjoyed making him come so fast? I can see how from a girls perspective that would make you feel really hot and powerful. But from the guys perspective it's kind of a nightmare. Yeah it feels good, but I'm just worried that I won't be able to satisfy any women if I can last longer.
Practice makes perfect (; and yes I did enjoy it d:
wow that sounds awesome. I'd love to wake up to a bj. I can't imagine a better way to start the day. Thanks for your reply.
lol thanks, he's not very OK with my giving him oral but he loves giving oral, so I did it in the morning while he's asleep while he had a morning woody, not quite as big as when we did it though, so morning woods aren't almighty lol on the other hand he takes revenge by giving me oral while I'm asleep, and I end up having an orgasm right as I wake up o.o karma is cruel lol jk
Doesn't like receiving blowjobs? Now I've heard everything.
yep, well I have mixed feelings about bj but he really doesn't like it, he has this really weird idea I might kiss him right after while still having his jzz in my mouth.. lol interestingly he has a reverse fetish of that where he'd kiss me after he gives me oral and I like it but its confusing to experience right after cmmng, his fetish not mine lol
huh, that's interesting. you sound like an awesome girlfriend. You should friend me on here
I may sound "awesome" but believe me I have issues of my own lol, I won't
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