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4,663 plump stock footage & videos are available royalty-free.
Plump girl crying in front of mirror, upset about her appearance, depression. Stock footage
Beautiful woman applying red lipstick on plump lips. Beauty face makeup
Plump woman in underwear studying carefully her reflection with sad look in eyes. Stock footage
Extreme close-up plump female sexy lips wearing nude lipstick making kiss and smiling. Seductive European woman with perfect skin feeling love and having
Plump lady sharpening knife against fork, getting ready to eat big roast chicken. Stock footage
Close up view of lower female face part with plump lips talking. Close up view of lower female face part with plump lips talking, young caucasian woman speaking
Plump man stuffing with oily junk food, greediness and overeating, health issues. Stock footage
Wonderful fairy princess looks at magic apple in her hand, plump big model with red long wavy hair in a green Irish. Dress poses on the camera, holds her hair
Mysterious and fairy-tale story about magic apple in the hands of pretty plump lady in green national dress, advertising. Strong, non-fragile, shiny, voluminous
Thick plump sausages cooking on an outdoor barbecue grill. Thick plump sausages cooking on an outdoor charcoal barbecue grill
Plump female lips close up. Dark red lipstick. Tips to look sexier
Plump lady working out on stationary bike, looking at slim lady, comparison. Stock footage
Plump man looks at indicator at thermometer shockingly. Mature plump man looks at indicator on thermometer shockingly covering mouth with hand. Man decides to
Plump man exhausted and tired after exercising, working hard to lose weight. Stock footage
Plump man comes to wardrobe to hang blue jacket at home. Plump young man comes to wardrobe to hang blue autumn jacket. Guy puts clothes into closet standing
Beautiful plump legs. Of a small child on a beautiful multi-colored blanket
Plump man in wet T-shirt yawns at sports training in gym. Plump brunet man does sports training in gym. Mature guy in wet with sweat T-shirt does exercise
Surprised plump man shakes head off driving away dogs. Out of bedroom. Portrait of shocked guy standing against white wall at home closeup
Plump man won in betting checking result in mobile phone. At home. Happy male person sits on sofa against flashing snowflake on wall close view
Plump man puts hand in hole of door going out of bathroom. Plump man puts hand in hole of white door going out of bathroom. Irritated apartment owner opens
Plump man stands at entrance in bedroom looking shocked. Plump man stands at entrance of bedroom looking shocked to see mess made by dogs. Guy takes wallet out
Plump man gets shocked to find out mess created by dogs. Plump man in orange t-shirt gets shocked to find out mess at home created by domestic dogs. Surprised
Plump man gets scared opening wardrobe with falling toys. Plump man gets scared after opening wardrobe door standing against big window in room. Bunch of plush
Mature plump man shokingly looks at thermometer sweating. Mature plump man shokingly gazes at thermometer indicator looking very surprised. Man has sweat stain
Plump man eating apple and sitting on bench, healthy low calorie snack, diet. Stock footage
Plump man in pink pajamas yawns going to bathroom in morning. Plump man in pink pajamas yawns after waking up and laughs. Sleepy guy goes to bathroom to wash
Irritated plump man plays game on computer at office table. Irritated plump man plays game ON modern black computer hitting keyboard and clicking mouse button at
Mature plump man holds ice pack in hands on hot summer day. Mature plump man holds cold ice pack in hands trying to cool down on hot summer day. Man contentedly
Plus size models in a beautiful dresses in the studio. Smiling plump women posing in beautiful outfits. Plus size models in a beautiful dresses on the defile
Plump man with blindfold puts cream on face before shaving. Plump man with blindfold on forehead puts cream on face before shaving looking in mirror. Guy does
Mature plump woman enters hot room with bag from supermarket. Mature plump woman enters hot room with white paper bag from supermarket in hands. Blonde housewife
Plump man looks at betting ticket laughing and throwing away. Sitting on sofa. Male in red sweater with Christmas pattern plays game at home closeup
Adult plump man covers mouth looking with shocked expression. Adult plump man covers mouth with hand looking with shocked expression. Sick guy with brown hair
Overeating, plump woman biting donut and enjoying taste, hunger and obesity. Stock footage
Cardio workout, plump woman riding stationary bike and sweating, sport. Stock footage
Plump girl working out in the gym and jumping rope, weight loss, fitness. Stock footage
Measuring Arm of Plump Woman with Measuring tape. Nutritionist Talking with a Overweight Young Woman and Measuring Her. Female Trainer Consulting Plump Woman on
Plump single-minded girl working stationary bike at sports club, workout. Stock footage
Plump woman applying red lipstick before camera, make-up and beauty, close-up. Stock footage
Plump female drinking soda and enjoying perfect taste, overweight, diabetes. Stock footage
Closeup of a plump guy eating hamburger, psychological problems of overeating. Stock footage
Strongly motivated plump woman riding fast at stationary bike, sports club. Stock footage
Charity. Poor hungry plump woman eating hot-dog. Unhealthy food, overweight. Stock footage
Plump male with big belly running in park, motivation and healthy lifestyle. Stock footage
Plump man looking at muscular athlete on photo and touching his fat belly. Stock footage
Thirsty plump lady drinking soda, unhealthy lifestyle, addiction and obesity. Stock footage
Kiss the air with plump lips. Snub nose. touch the face
Kiss the air with plump lips. Snub nose
Beautiful plump woman hugging her husband with all love and tenderness, date. Stock footage
Smiling plump man lying on the floor and looking at donut with love, dieting. Stock footage
Plump lady restoring water balance and breath after exhausting home workout. Stock footage
Lazy plump man lying on the floor and eating donut after workout, addiction. Stock footage
Close up of sad plump man standing in front of mirror and touching fat stomach. Stock footage
Plump man with huge sagging belly doing exercises, trying to tidy himself up. Stock footage
Plump man actively engaging in sport, way to success, endurance and strength. Stock footage
Romantic couple of plump people holding hands and looking at each other, love. Stock footage
Female Trainer Measuring Arm of Plump Woman. With the Green Tape Measure in Slow Motion. Fitness Trainer Measuring Overweight Client after Workout
Female Trainer Measuring Leg of Plump Woman. Trainer Measuring Plump Woman with Measuring Tape in the Fitness Studio to Make Workouts Plan. Slow Motion
Plump man checking email in smartphone, sedentary lazy lifestyle, order online. Stock footage
Tired plump woman with stomach fat riding an stationary bike at last efforts. Stock footage
Exhausted plump male sits on bench to restore breath and continues running. Stock footage
Pretty plump woman treating boyfriend french fries, fast food, fat couple date. Stock footage
Plump girl hopeless about losing extra weight before summer, tiredly giving up. Stock footage
Sweating plump man in his 50s doing push-ups with great effort, home training. Stock footage
Plump male tossing in bed, medical disorder, disruption of sleep cycle, insomnia. Stock footage
Motivated plump girl pedaling fast at exercise bike in the gym, active workout. Stock footage
Exhausted plump girl slowly walking down stairs after workout, weight loss. Stock footage
Plump girl posting her photos from workout in social media instead of training. Stock footage
Plump woman browsing on laptop training results of online weight loss marathon. Stock footage
Pleased plump woman eating bun and riding slowly at stationary bike in the gym. Stock footage
Health problems, obesity. Poor plump woman eating fatty burger and drinking tea. Stock footage
Plump girl sitting in park scrolling pages on smartphone, chatting with friends. Stock footage
Base view of plump man in classic suit fastening a button on his jacket, closeup. Stock footage
Portrait of a plump man on a pink background, black friday, sale. Portrait of a plump man on a pink background. black friday. Sale
Portrait of a plump man on a pink background, black friday, sale. Portrait of a plump man on a pink background. black friday. Sale
Portrait of a plump man on a pink background, black friday, sale. Portrait of a plump man on a pink background. black friday. Sale
Portrait of a plump man on a pink background, black friday, sale. Portrait of a plump man on a pink background. black friday. Sale
Portrait of a plump man on a pink background, black friday, sale. Portrait of a plump man on a pink background. black friday. Sale
Plump girl biting greasy pizza slice and chewing carefully, overeating fast food. Stock footage
Plump male exercising push ups and falling down on floor, giving up, weight loss. Stock footage


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