Hazel Powershotz

Hazel Powershotz


Hazel Powershotz
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^ Hazel Archived 2012-08-27 at the Wayback Machine at TVShowsOnDVD.com

This is a list of episodes of the television series Hazel .

At present, all five seasons have been released on DVD . [1]

This is the only season in black-and-white, with the exception of episode 6 which was filmed in color.

George and Hazel bet on a boxing match on TV. George is confident that the fighter he picked is going to win. Hazel's boxer knocks out George's boxer in the first round. George decides to buy Hazel a new TV as hers is broken. Hazel kicks in the extra money to buy a color set, then has all her friends come over to watch Perry Como in color, which annoys George to no end. When a couple that George thought were coming over to play bridge also go to watch the show, he decides it's time to get a color set as well. Walter Kinsella as Mr. Thornton, TV Salesman.

George's sister Deirdre ( Cathy Lewis ) announces that she and her family will relocate nearby from Boston. Deirdre and her daughter Nancy ( Davey Davison ) are obviously at odds and do not really communicate with each other. Deirdre is outraged when Nancy starts dating Hazel's nephew Eddy, even though he is very nice. Hazel speaks to Deirdre and finds a way for mother and daughter to mend their relationship. Larry J. Blake as Tom Forbes, Hazel's bowling friend.

Hazel gives up her day off to prepare a dinner and cake for Dorothy's birthday. When Dorothy has to host a last minute luncheon, Hazel says she won't have time to make the cake. She really will have time, but wants to surprise Dorothy. George decides to give Hazel the rest of the day off and will take Dorothy and Harold out to eat. While at dinner, Harold tells of Hazel's surprise. The family leaves the restaurant to join Hazel at home. Joan Banks appears as Jane Edwards. Sam Edwards appears as Fred Archibald the milkman. Ollie O'Toole appears as Charlie.

Harold realizes there is a Mother's Day and a Father's Day, but no day to celebrate Hazel. So the family makes the next Sunday Hazel's Day and plans a dinner out. Deirdre wants George to meet Judge Clem Farley ( Walter Woolf King ), an important judge, on the same evening. Dorothy convinces George that Hazel is more important. George tells Deirdre and she is furious. Hazel gets a call from Deirdre's maid and then tells Dorothy and George she's to sick to go out to dinner. They know Hazel is faking it so Deirdre won't be mad at George. The Baxter's take Hazel and her date Mitch out to dinner. Deirdre and the Judge wind up at the same restaurant. Clem knows Hazel from school and joins her for the dinner, much to Dierdre's disbelief. Theodore Newton appears as Dr. Carroll.

This is the first color season; all following seasons are also in color.

Antique dealer Charlie ( Mario Siletti ) is hiding his niece Carla ( Luciana Paluzzi ) and her baby because Great Grandmother Mrs. Hampton ( Kathryn Givney ) wants to gain custody of the child. Mrs. Hampton believes Carla is unfit because she doesn't speak any English. Hazel finds out about the baby. Mrs. Hampton is an important client of George's firm and she insists he find the baby. Hazel promises the young Italian mother that George will help her, which puts him in an awkward position. After hearing the whole story from Dorothy and Hazel, George stands up to Mrs. Hampton and tells her she has no legal grounds to get the baby. For the sake of the baby, Mrs. Hampton agrees to learn Italian and Carla will learn English.

Hazel and the Baxters go to a restaurant for a quiet dinner. But the evening turns out to be anything but quiet when Tony ( Jamie Farr ) the owner's wife is about to have a baby. Hazel and the Baxters volunteer to become the help. They called for the doctor, but it will take quite some time to get there. Hazel informs all the customers what's going on and to please be patient. Turns out one of the customers is a doctor. Mr. Griffin happens to come by and also helps out. Tony's wife winds up having twins. Bill Zuckert appears as Frank Brown. Betty Lou Gerson appears as Lois Brown. Stuart Nisbet appears as Elwood Baldwin..

For the final season, the show was moved from NBC to CBS, and changes were made to the main cast of characters.

George and Dorothy move to Baghdad to work on one of Mr. Griffin's oil deals. Hazel and Harold move in with George's brother Steve ( Ray Fulmer ), his wife Barbara ( Lynn Borden ), and their daughter Suzy ( Julia Benjamin ). Steve believes he will be able to show Hazel who's the boss. The Dunlaps ( Ernest Truex and Sylvia Field ) are in the market for a house and would like Steve to show them a few. Hazel arrives, and despite Steve trying to lay down the rules, she will clearly be running the household. Steve learns quickly that he can't pull a fast one on Hazel. Hazel, in her own way, gets the Dunlap's to buy the house that Steve showed them. Ann Jillian appears as Millie Ballard, Steve's receptionist. Robert B. Williams appears as Barney. Maudie Prickett appears as Rosie. Queenie Leonard appears as Mert.

Steve's plans for a family picnic are almost shattered when an angry client named Mr. Bullock ( Malcolm Atterbury ) informs Steve that there is no one showing his house. Turns out Steve's agent had to take his wife to the hospital. So Steve can still go on the picnic, Hazel volunteers to show the house. Steve tells her she can't close any deals, just give out information. Mr. Bullock objects to Hazel serving as Steve's substitute in showing the house and wants to get another realtor. Hazel, after showing the house to several prospects of various backgrounds, ends up selling it at a good price. Hazel also manages to reunite a separated couple that use to own the house. Guest stars include Eleanor Audley , Catherine McLeod , Mabel Albertson (Darrin's mother on Bewitched ), Jack Dodson (Howard Sprague from The Andy Griffith Show ), and Bonnie Franklin (from One Day at a Time ).

William Cowley & Peggy Chantler Dick

Hazel wants half of the state's botanical garden changed to a playground for the town's children. George's potential client Mr. Pruett's ( Maurice Manson ) grandfather donated the land that the garden is on. Hazel speaks with Park Commissioner Osborn Bailey ( Francis DeSales ). He tells her she needs to get enough signatures to put it on a ballot. Mr. Pruett is upset when he hears that George was the first to sign the petition. But his wife ( Lurene Tuttle ) makes him sign the petition as well. Hazel gets enough signatures and the Pruett playground is built. Hal Smith , Otis of The Andy Griffith Show , appears as the bowling tournament announcer. Donald Foster appears as Herbert Johnson. Norma Varden appears as Harriet Johnson.
William Cowley & Peggy Chantler Dick

George lands a new lucrative account, so Hazel thinks it's time to ask for a raise. Hazel retains her nephew Leroy ( Wright King ) the lawyer to make out her will, but an earlier accident leads George to think that she plans to sue him. When George finds out what Hazel is really doing, he gives in on the raise. Maudie Prickett appears as Rosie. Queenie Leonard appears as Mert. Robert B. Williams appears as Barney the mailman.
William Cowley & Peggy Chantler Dick

When George is feeling under the weather, Hazel won't let him get out of bed to meet with his important client, Mr. Griffin ( Howard Smith ). Dr. Summerfield checks on George and confirms Hazels diagnosis. Mr. Griffin stops by the house instead, and when he turns out to have a cold as well, Hazel also puts him to bed. Meanwhile, Harold is leading the Pledge of Allegiance at the school assembly. Hal Baylor appears as Gordy the phone man. Molly Dodd appears as Miss Scott, George's secretary. Norman Leavitt appears as Joe the school bus driver.

Hazel receives a parking ticket and decides to fight it in court. Because of George's unconventional methods she wins the case and George impresses Mr. Sutherland ( Vinton Hayworth ), a new client. Lewis Martin appears as Judge Rosencrantz. Laurence Haddon appears as the Prosecutor.
William Cowley & Peggy Chantler Dick

Francesca ( Joan Banks ), another decorator, tries to get Dorothy to work for her. Dorothy, however, is not interested. Dorothy's interior decorating business is not doing too well, so Hazel makes a determined effort to obtain a new client for her. Hazel goes over to the new neighbor, Mrs. Duncan ( Mary Jackson ), and gets her maid Della ( Alice Backes ) to promote Dorothy's decorating skills. Meanwhile, Francesca acts unscrupulously and tries to manipulate Mrs. Duncan in to hiring her services. Mrs. Duncan didn't care for the way Francesca acted and asks Dorothy to decorate her home.
William Cowley & Peggy Chantler Dick

When Harold brings home a stray dog, a family debate develops. George says no because dogs hate him, but Hazel and Dorothy says yes because every boy should have a dog. Hazel imitates burglary noises to make George think he needs a guard dog, but instead he buys an alarm system. In the end, George realizes the dog is even friendly to him and the Baxters get to keep him.
William Cowley & Peggy Chantler Dick
"Everybody's Thankful But Us Turkeys"
William Cowley & Peggy Chantler Dick

Hazel is cooking a big Thanksgiving meal and the Baxter's are expecting company. George's sister Phyllis Burkett ( Beverly Tyler ) calls asking if she can bring her husband Bob's ( Charles Cooper ) brother Tom ( William Bakewell ) along. She also tells Dorothy that her and Bob are having problems. Hazel tries to help with Herbert ( Donald Foster ) and Harriet ( Norma Varden ) Johnson's dinner. Hazel then helps to make George’s mother ( Harriet MacGibbon ) feel useful. Hazel helps Phyllis resolve her issue with Bob. When Harriet under cooks her turkey, Hazel has the Johnson's come over to dinner.

The family wants to get away for a vacation at a ski lodge, but George has to stay home for work. Dorothy and Harold go on the trip, but Dorothy asks Hazel to stay with George to encourage him to stop working and join in on the family fun. Hazel manages to do this by playing up to George's jealousy. Sally Mansfield appears as Pat Bergstrom the ski instructor. Florence Sundstrom appears as Minna. Bill Zuckert appears as Johnny Manson, the man Hazel wants to visit at the lodge and go dog sledding with.
Teleplay By William Cowley & Peggy Chantler Dick Story By Jim Allen & Ray Allen

Hazel's friend Laura is attracted to a gardener named Zeke ( George Mitchell ), but she can't bring herself to talk to him. Hazel and Laura attend a class entitled "You and Your Dynamic Personality," where the idea is to constantly use compliments. Dorothy tries compliments and gets a decorating job with a Mrs. Osborne ( Louise Lorimer ). Laura tries complimenting Zeke, but he is a man of few words. Hazel's compliments seem to backfire and cause problems.
William Cowley & Peggy Chantler Dick

George tries to come up with a present for Dorothy that isn't the usual purse he gives. Hazel takes a seasonal job at Masterson's Department Store to earn extra money for Dorothy's gift. But her unusual concept of customer service almost causes her to be fired, until she helps catch a persistent shoplifter ( Byron Foulger ). Dan Tobin appears as the store floorwalker. Eleanor Audley appears as a customer.

Dorothy visits an estate sale, buying not only an antique desk for her friend Peggy Baldwin, but a piano for the Baxter home. She and Hazel then plot to convince George that he wants a piano before it is delivered. Dorothy calls Peggy and somehow convinces her to take the piano also. When Peggy's husband Phil hears about it, he calls Dorothy and says to forget about the piano and he's coming over to speak the George. Hazel manages to use a little of her psychology to get both men to accept the furniture. Donnelly Rhodes appears as Joe.

When Harold's dog Smiley is taken to the Harris ( Dan Sheridan ) obedience school, he is recognized as the dog stolen from one of the staff's other clients. Unfortunately, Mr. Wagner ( Wendell Holmes ) and his daughter, the rightful owners, later come to the Baxter home to claim him. That night, Smiley comes back to the Baxter house. Hazel finds a way for the dog to remain with the Baxters and make the Wagners happy.
Teleplay by James B. Allardice Story by James Fonda

Hazel helps Mr. and Mrs. Johnson ( Donald Foster and Norma Varden ) find a new maid after their own housekeeper quits. Hazel tests new candidates by giving them a trial run with the Baxters, upsetting George. She finds an extremely efficient one, but she doesn't last a day with the Johnson's. Hazel then gets a maid that's a bit clumsy and the Johnson's love her. Elvia Allman appears as Gertrude. Claire Carleton appears as Elizabeth.

After eight publishers reject her cookbook, Hazel seemingly hits pay dirt when George finds a publisher. However, the idea of an extended book tour is upsetting to both Hazel and the Baxters. Bad news is actually good news when Hazel finds out her recipes can't be published because she got them from her mother, who in turn got them from a cookbook which is still under copyright.

After being snubbed by mailman Barney ( Robert B. Williams ) for another woman, Hazel begins to doubt her prospects. Meanwhile, Harvey Griffin buys a house in the neighborhood and increasingly becomes infatuated with Hazel, eventually proposing to marry her. The prospect of financial security seems attractive. That night Hazel has a nightmare that she is marrying Harvey but her sailor sweetheart Gus ( Charles Tannen ) returns. She now ends up reflecting about the difference between fondness and being in love, so she turns Harvey down.
Teleplay by William Cowley & Peggy Chantler Dick & Louella MacFarlane
Story by Louella MacFarlane

Dorothy's friend Edith Stone ( Peg LaCentra ) offers Hazel a free two-week vacation at the exclusive resort, Rancho Verde. However, Mrs. Camden ( Jean Engstrom ), the resort hostess, asks Hazel not to tell people she's a maid, in deference to the resorts wealthy clientele. While there, Hazel befriends the wealthy Mrs. Forbes-Craigie ( Kathryn Givney ) much to the surprise of the other women. Mrs. Forbes-Craigie stands by Hazel even when it comes out that she is a maid. Betty Lou Gerson appears as Elaine Willoughby. Maxine Stuart appears as Louise.
William Cowley & Peggy Chantler Dick

Trudy Garson ( Kathie Browne ), an old girlfriend of George's, calls him after a fight with her husband Fred ( Walter Reed ). Trudy tells George she wants a divorce. Hazel becomes convinced that she is set to break up George's marriage with Dorothy. Trudy calls George the next day and tells him she spoke to Fred. She says that she told Fred that George had advised a divorce and Fred is now furious. Fred apparently is going to punch George in the nose. Trudy is happy because that means Fred still cares. George comes up with a plan to bring Trudy and Fred back together. Sheila Bromley appears as Mrs. Arnold, Trudy's Mother.
Teleplay by William Cowley & Peggy Chantler Dick & James Fonda Story by James Fonda

George is reluctant to give investment advice to the Sunshine Girls. George's cousin Charlie is selling oil stocks now and offers to Hazel to have his boss talk to the girls. George becomes suspicious of the dealers. Charlie finds out that the dealers were using subliminal suggestion in a film to try to sell the women worthless stock. Gertrude Flynn appears as Hilda. J. Edward McKinley and John Astin guest star as the dealers in crime.

Harold accidentally breaks a crystal vase and Hazel takes the blame for him. She decides to sell some of her heirlooms to pay for the vase, including a painting of herself as a child. After George's snobby sister Deirdre has her new house decorated by a New York designer, she is horrified to learn that a painting over her mantel is the one of Hazel. The famous artist James Whitehead painted Hazel when she was a child. Everyone thinks the painting is worth thousands, until they find out Hazel painted over parts of it long ago. Feeling bad, Harold eventually admits to it braking the vase. Mario Siletti appears as Charlie the Junkman. Ralph Clanton appears as Mr. Williams. Howard Wendell appears as Mr. Bowles.
William Cowley & Peggy Chantler Dick

George feels that their gardener Ernie ( O. Z. Whitehead ) isn't doing his job and wants to fire him. Hazel explains that he's been feeling bad since his girlfriend dumped him. George gives him a second chance. To boost his moral, Hazel agrees to go on a date with Ernie. They go to shoot pool, but Hazel does so well she makes Ernie feel inferior. They then go to a shooting booth at a carnival. Ernie does really well there. He also hits it off with Florence Gurney ( Joan Tompkins ), the woman running the stand. Henry Beckman appears as a Carnival Pitchman.
William Cowley & Peggy Chantler Dick
William Cowley & Peggy Chantler Dick

George is tired of getting telephone calls from salesmen, so he insists on switching to an unlisted number. The switch is made, but he loses the new number and stubbornly insists he remembers it. Of course, he doesn't and all the family's calls are going to a small taxicab company. To make matters worse, George has given Mr. Sutherland ( Vinton Hayworth ), an important client who has just traveled to London, that same bad number. George must figure out a way to receive Sutherland's phone call without him finding out about the bad number. But George's worrying may be for nothing when Sutherland comes home from London early. Dub Taylor appears as Mitch Brady, the owner of the cab company. Fay Baker appears as Madeleine Van Dyke.
William Cowley & Peggy Chantler Dick

The Baxters' new neighbors are widower Stan Blake and his children. George hopes that Hazel doesn't get too involved with them as she does with all the other neighbors. Stan's teenage son Don develops a crush on Dorothy, showering her with attention, with Hazel unwittingly encouraging him. Hazel manages to get Don to give up on Dorothy and develop an interest in the local girls. Charles Tannen appears as Whit. Fred Graham appears as Bob.
William Cowley & Peggy Chantler Dick

Hazel organizes a pajama party for Linda ( Brenda Scott ), the daughter of the Baxters' new neighbors, the Blakes. When Hazel is not invited to the girl's party, George and Dorothy have their own slumber party for her. The girls next door hear all the fun that the Baxter's are having and ask if they can join them.

Dorothy tries to talk Anne Kingsley ( Alix Talton ) into letting her son William join the Cub Scouts. Anne thinks he's too advanced to care about the Scouts. Hazel and Dorothy still try to get William interested. Harold, however, doesn't want him to join as all the boys think he is a snob and wants everything his way. At his first meeting, William does at first prove to be difficult. But when William and Harold help each other out of a tree, all the boys realize he will make a good scout. Rickie Sorensen appears as Sid, scout leader. Mary Treen appears as a Nurse.

The Johnsons, Herbert ( Donald Foster ) and Harriet ( Norma Varden ), offer their home as a polling place for a special election. The results of which are wagered on by George, Dorothy and Hazel against Mr. Griffin. At first the voter turnout is very slow. Mr. Griffin goes out to round up some "no" votes and the Baxter's try to get more "yes" votes. Despite the fact that the Baxter's and the Johnson's forget to vote, the proposition carried and the Baxters win their bet.

Hazel is interviewed for a local TV show and she criticizes the draining of a local lake to make way for a factory. She doesn't know that George's client Mr. Wheeler ( John Litel ) wants to buy
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