Hazel May Porn Pics

Hazel May Porn Pics


Hazel May Porn Pics

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Hi SPB 1234T. Not sure if this is what you're talking about bout check out "Hazel 4" on the forum here
Good to see you back SPB1234t Hopefully you will have time to start posting some of the great quality videos of all the British matures you use to post on S###k ba## again
At last back properly now, had a mad time at work. So what's new, what have I missed? I read there are new videos floating around of our favourite lady ...? :)
Hi Morristee. Not quite sure why an earlier reply didn't get through. It is hubby 2 in the video. Her old site confirms this.
I'm fairly sure it is hubby, but is it first husband (G) or second (S)? I'm guessing hubby 1, and it was his roughness that caused her to move on to hubby 2. Total conjecture mind you.
Its Hubby 2. Her own biog dates this
Quite sure it is 'hubby'. If vid is broken up, his face and some body are briefly exposed. Have to be fast tho. From what I saw, fat, partially bald and thick glasses. To each thierr own.
Question re. the Haz bondage video. Does anyone know whether the guy in the video is hubby 1, hubby 2 or someone else? Just wondering because he seems rather rough with Haz.. I would have been much gentler and prolonged the action. lol
I believe she is also billed as 'Hazel from Kent'. I've seen her videos here and there, however I haven't heard her talk much in them. Can't think of anyone that equals our H/S/V!
A personal favourite of mine is the lovely mature Kent model Cindy W. She has been published a few times but most of her best work will be held privately by photographers. Would love to add to my collection.
hi jimbo i asked this same question some while ago and I was pointed at a few others, but sadly tbh none of them came close to rocking my boat like Haz does.
surely there must be some naughty cello vids somewhere?
I'm not sure if this is allowed here but... Are there any other mature adult models out there that can compete with Hazel's natural beauty and elegance? I truly feel like Hazel is the greatest of all time. Anyone have favorite models in a similar vein?
Somebody, somewhere, must have some of the missing F69 videos, or at least know how to get hold of them? Shayod has shown what can be done if people are prepared to pool resources.
Hi hazel Been watching you for awhile now Guess your retired. Still watch your Vids at times . You have a great body And lovely silky vag.!! Love to hear You play your cello naked of course haha hope your doing well these days.
Very quiet here - I'm replying to myself! Still, the nights are drawing in and perhaps folk will spend more time at their screens.
Hope you have had lots of interest Shayod. Very generous of you to share and hopefully others with different material will call by and be inspired by the same open spirit. We'll done!
If you're interested in F69 clips have a look at Hazel 4 in the forum.
Further to Sam's comments. Most if the 16 or so F69s that are readily available online are of a far lesser quality than the originals. You're talking maybe 70 MBs as opposed to 1 or more GBs in quality. Just FYI.
You will have gathered that F69 is shorthand for her site (gone since around 2013) fantasy69.co.uk . Glimpses of it can still ba had via wayback machine. Videos which were for sale via the site are to be seen in quite a few places. About 16 or so are easily available. Is that what you wished to know. Let us know if it is not
Can someone explain F69? Love to see more of H.
'Ma'am' is reserved for royalty, isn't it?
Well said Sam. Hard to believe H is that age. - and even harder to believe that she only started modelling in her 50s! Wish she'd make a reappearance but I don't think there's any chance if that 😕. Shay
We've all been so busy that we forgit to mark the lady's birthday last Tuesday. Happy Glorious 67th maam
Will leave this active for a fortnight and then it's gone👍
Just to remind you all again. Look up H..el 2 in the general forum. ,👍
Not sure if my last message got through. Anyone interested look up the forum under H...l 2.
There’s a set of early photos for sale and download on Bentbox (under the name of Serena).
Hi Morristee. Yes, its nice to do a bit of time travel from time to time. Its just a shame that you can't bring things back with you...
`Sammlut.. Thanks for posting that link to F69.. Not seen that particular iteration of F69 before. Something tells me we're going to have to be very nice to Shay!!
Thanks for getting back in touch. Enjoy your holiday. Hope to hear more when you return
Hi Sammuit Just had a quick look at the Fantasy 69 list. Will need to go through mine again but definitely have ones such as Mars Bar, Blue Lagoon, Rendezvous, Garden Walk, Cello, Behind the Scenes 1, 2 and 3, Hatbox 1, Pussy Galore ( Hat Box 2), Holiday Apartment, School Days, Here comes the Bride, Goldilocks, Tights 1 and 2, 2 of the kitchen ones and several others I think ( though there's loads I don't have as well). Anyway, I'm in Spain for the next two weeks so won't get a chance to go through them all till I get back and will update more then.
web.archive.org/web/20130127051926/http://www.fantasy69.co.uk/wordpress/videos/videos-for-sale/ Gives a list which should help you work out what you have. I've not seen many of your collection. Golden girl is separate from goldilocks and Prague involves a museum visit as well as hotel room. You have treasure there
Not sure about the quality but definitely have busy in kitchen ( and a couple of other kitchen ones); apres tea dance; the maid; relaxing on the sofa again; hatbox 1 and 2 (hatbox 2 is the BEST!); Stockings and stairs; waking; the gift and golden girl (I think - might also be called Gildocks?); Pretty in pink; the wedding; Christmas pantomime; Prague ( if that's the holiday apartment?); Voyeur 1 and 2 + if that's Rendezvous); and have to loads more ( like a walk in the country, mars bar, a cliff walk (I think), the cello and a few where she covers herself in chocolate and custard and such - I'm just not sure of the names!
Plus, if you have better copies of any of the others it would be good to see them. Most of the ones I've seen are low quality. Hope you can help.
Not seen anywhere are 2 ice cube, 3 busy in kitchen, 4 apres tea dance, 5 the maid, 6 relaxing on my sofa again, 8 let me guide you through my hatbox 10a tights part 1, 12 bed making, 14 stockings and stairs, 15 waking, 16 the castle, 17 salutation suite, 25 thr gift, 26 golden girl, 27 pretyy in pink, 28 black hat, 29 the wedding stockings, 30 Christmas pantomime, 33 spanking, 34 afternoon tea, 35 back to the 50s, 36 book at bedtime, 37, phone sex, 40 car wash, 41 Prague, 43 very mesdy, 44 voyeur1, 45 voyeur2, - to see any of these would be wonderful, especially Prague-
Let me know the ones you're looking for n I'll tell you if I have them or not. I THINK I've almost all the F69 ones but if you can't get them online then I must be wrong!
Just out of interest, do you have other f69 videos other than the personals. I'm sure some of us would love to see better versions of any of those
Putting them for sale somewhere might produce the effect that you want Shay?
I do think that the marketplace has been frequently tested...enough to conclude that owners are not gagging to respond. One sound observation here and on SB has been that occasionally the logjam moves and we find several shared quite closely together in time. It does seem to need one person to make the first move though.Maybe someone might post a taster....or something.
I get that but equally these cost 250 each. I'm sure there maybe one or two that have some private content in them but am sure most are like mine (she mentions my name once or twice but it could be anyone!). But, as you said, not one response so I'm throwing in the towel now I think. 🙄.Don't think we'll ever see any new stuff from H if those guys aren't prepared to swap n share.
I'm sorry you have not heard from any clip owners. Over the years we have had several visitors who claim to own every F69 and numerous personals. When we enquire further of them they seldom reply. Perhaps it is just a matter of patience - and I mean waiting for months - in the hope that one of them turns up and is amenable. Good luck!
I think you tried the right thing. Remembering back to the F69 blog it seemed our lady was making a few videos month so logically the vids should be out there. I guess some owners consider them private moments between V and the buyer, not for public consumption. Or they’re thinking “wait I paid hundreds for this so why would I give it away for no reward”. But all the same….no-one?
I literally can't believe that no one with unseen clips has answered!
Check under the forum link under models, general and under H's name for more details
I keep seeming to piss off the moderator here ! The 2 clips were made very late in her career. Not quite sure when as the guy who commissioned them sent them to me - but my guess is about 2014 or so. She's totally nude throughout both clips and does what she does - with toys, fingers, peeing etc. They're really very good other than I kind of prefer when she strips down and isn't nude from the start. I truly don't want to deny genuine fans of these but, as I said, there must be literally dozens (if not hundreds) of guys out there who have other custom clips. So I'm hoping to have offers of swaps from them.
At least they are commissioned clips. How long ago did you have them made?
You probably won't be surprised to know this is of great interest. Maybe something happy can be arranged Irish?
It would be great to be able to see one of the custom productions
I have two unseen custom made clips!
FanOfSerena - you're our last hope! Any chance of an update?
There's a new set of photos on Adultfolio, under Collections. You can see some of them but you have to be a member to buy the set.
Hi Morristee, No I ignore those fake sites. I'm thinking more of the photoshoot types that are preserved on sites like Older Beauty. I believe she performed best when Sean R was the photographer. He had the best angles and the happy knack of making her pussy look enormous.I;m not talking about insertions here but beautiful shots of her anus and pussy together. We all know that H is a deeply sensuous woman and well aware of the power of her body. I always think those videos where she covers herself in custard and chocolate show a woman who loves the feel of her own body but all delivered - and tnis is her trick - with a very English sensibility. .
Dang you did all that arduous research just for us? Shucks man must have been a terrible ordeal. Fact is Vivs asshole is on display in a large percentage of her work anyway, so it’s been widely seen (and loved). For sure I can imagine anal being commonly requested, so us anticipating more activity in that area seems pretty reasonable especially in private shoots. Like they say, “onwards and upwards”.
Hi Wrexham... are you sure about that? You're not by any chance looking at those pics which have been photoshopped/doctored (can't remember which site) which show some ridiculously large toys and mens' bits being inserted in her?
If H had been.performing videos in the last six or seven years the focus would be much more on anal. I notice in her videos that she draws the line at anything overtly anal. I then set myself the. arduous task of checking out some of her photo shoots and found there that she quite regularly spread her bum cheeks.
But that isn't in keeping for the work we admire so much.
Not football oh ok but a pity because I was starting a new insertions list: referees whistle, football rattle, football Pump, laces, water bottle squirting, damn my imagination although that vid could have been a classic. Afterthought: pu$$y pumping… now there’s an idea
I'm glad that has been cleated up. 👍
Sorry, it's not a football thing and definitely nothing to do with Tranmere; I've never even visited it! The blue and white stripes are a throwback to years ago when a previous partner had a collection! Not that she looked much like our Viv. :-)
Of course, I should have thought of the Rovers!
Probably a nod to our lady’s (possible) football team Tranmere, pretty close to where she grew up.
I'm not inclined to delve much further into your personal fantasies Morristee but am intrigued by the preferencev for blue and white stripes. Is it a football thing?
Nice to see my fantasy post stimulated a small bit of action on here! lol
There are various free file sharing sites such as WeTransfer that might work, but not sure how we get around the payment issue, especially for those of us that aren't in London.
Is it possible to let us have a list of what you might have to share?
First of all, thank you for your reply. I'm glad to hear thst you have been thinking of us! Can I ask other posters for any ideas they might have to make a secure transfer for you? Perhaps we can find a safe intermediary. Thank you again, and please keep in touch.
Haven’t found a secure and anonymous method of taking payment and sending. Possibly meet in London.
I’d love to see ping-pong balls pushed out, and peeing. And being a Gyno fan a proper high definition deep internal examination using a torch and a speculum. No idea if she’d be able to hold her head up in public if that was video’d but I’d enjoy it.
I'd ask for a vid of her coming to my house. The rest would have to remain private.
In the absence of any new material how about indulging in some Fantasy time? Though we know and adore the material Viv has left us, what would you ask her if she offered to make you a personal vid? For me, I'd ask for blue and white striped panties with a very slow and long rubbing and stroking through the cotton material until you can see them getting wet. Then moving on to some stuffing... we've seen cucs, bananas, bottle, mars bar and ben wa balls, but I'd ask for some carrots and a rather large diameter courgette followed by some easy peelers with the session rounded off with a rather gnarly chorizo sausage and of course the inevitable Viv explosion and cheeky grin... Oh in my dreams!! What's in your dreams?
Beatiful cum back ,you improve with time .
No response from SS, so it looks as if that potential source isn’t going to produce anything. So it’s back to us to share anything we have.
Hey Mersey Born, your fellow posters need you! Any luck with sorting out the unseen F69 video?
Have you still got your Serena videos and have you had any mote thoughts about offering them for sale? Would be good to hear from you
Sorry, this relates to hambro6’s post on 6th January 2018 when he mentioned he had vids to exchange?
Any chance of reconsidering? She seems to have slipped off the radar, but I'll happily donate to Ukraine charity for anything new.
I have sent him an email. Fingers crossed.
Its not something I would want to do. There also remains the challenge of finding a valid contact means
So is anyone up for sending SS a message?
Nope. Nothing other than that on his v basic, unchanged website.
Does anyone have up to date email addresses?
PS. I haven't contacted the Pro- togs. Not sure what kind of response they might give
Also, if contacting SS, I think that there would need to be reassurance, if any could be given, that the product would go to 'subscrobers' with no 'onward transmission' to all and sundry.
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