Hatsu Inu

Hatsu Inu


Hatsu Inu
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Hatsu Inu is an H Manga compilation series by Inu. It's best known for the Strange Kind Of Woman installments that make up the bulk of the three-volume series. Strange Kind Of Woman received a highly-acclaimed two-episode anime OVA adaption, followed by a second two-episode OVA the following year.

The story of Strange Kind Of Woman revolves around a highly introverted girl named Shion Fujino and her relationship with classmate, Fukuya. As Fukuya quickly discovers, Shion has an obsession with her vibrator, and between this and her near mute-ness, the couple has some issues to work through. Add to the mix another girl who's obsessed with Fukuya and uses scientific concoctions to trick him into having sex with her, and you've got the remedy for an unexpectedly well-done pornographic dramedy.

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By chance, Fukaya became the lover of a very quiet and beautiful girl, Fujino, yet he worries about the vibrator she’s always carrying. “Perhaps, she considers me no more fondly than that vibrator?” In fact, their relationship began when he found her using a vibrator aboard a crowded train. Although they have passionate sex, he can’t be certain that she loves him, and feels threatened by her vibrator. Now, the two of them are going to a pool. As she will be unable to use the vibrator in the water, he expects they will be alone, but…
There he was, trying his best to take out one of his cute classmates on a date and SHE just HAD to show up. His sister showed up and ruined everything, but it looks like she has some… interesting plans in store.
A love triangle with both girls fighting for our oblivious protagonist’s dick.
Welcome to the boob paradise… this is an OVA version of the masterpiece of Mr. Suiheisen, the boob master from “COMIC E×E”! You may know him from the anime adaptation of one of his works “Kiss Hug” If you like juicy, beautiful, big breasts, fantasize that you are also pampered by an older sister, or […]
A man’s wife walks out on him. He feels like shit and ends up getting drunk. Good thing he has custody of their teenage daughter. Time to Merry Christmas that bitch instead!
super popular t-Rex Studio and their constant Director Raika Ken. The first of the two fifteen-minute OVA is scheduled for release on June 5, 2020. The story of hentai is set in modern Japan. Hentai tells about a married woman, as is usual in such stories sexually unsatisfied in married life, and decided to make […]
Tooi Kimi ni, Boku wa Todokanai is the first hentai anime adaptation of the manga of the same name from the fairly popular online author Futamine Kobito. The manga was released as a large tankobon in 2020, and individual stories were published in the monthly “COMIC AOHA” from July 2019. At the moment, 2 full-fledged […]

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Synonyms: Hatsuinu The Animation, Strange Kind of Woman

May 25, 2007 to Jul 27, 2007

indicates a weighted score .

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Hatsu Inu is quite possibly the best hentai OVA of 2007 and one of my favorite hentai series of all time. Wile there is nothing new or fantastic about the story of Hatsu Inu there is nothing bad and it executes what it does quite well. The art is clean, framerates are good and sound is great.

Possibly the strongest point of this series are its characters particularly Shion Fujino. Never before have I seen a character communicate solely with her eyes. Throughout the series she has almost no lines yet mannages to communicate through her eyes and subtle gestures quite the feat for a character
and daring for a hentai to pull off. This quiet doe-eyed beauty's character can be quite deceiving. While she appears to have a cavity inducing sweetness on the outside she is a nymph unmatched and has a dildo obsession like none other.

Overall it is probably the single cutest and most charming hentai series I have ever seen. 9/10

First off, let me say that this is the best hentai i've seen (thou that doesn't really count much i guess for I haven't seen much hentai... Not really into hentai you see but when I heard what this one was about i just had to watch it)... Oh yeah this is my first review as well, and i'm pretty bad at explaining things well so i'm sorry if this review doesn't make much sense.

Story: 8/10
Hentai's are known to have crap story lines and so on- (not that this one has much of a storyline either, but of what it does have it uses
very efficiently). While watching this, it actually felt like a genuine anime and not a hentai, which no other hentai has done so hey that's gotta mean something. I was literally laughing off my seat at some of the stuff this is able to produce. So i'm sure you'd be able to get a good laugh out of this one, and i dunno- maybe for you fappers out there you can well yeah...

Animation: 8/10
The art and animation was very clean and so on throughout the 2 eps that this hentai has. I did notice a few flaws (mainly in ep 2), but overall it delivers.

Sound: 8/10
The seiyuu's did their job, i didn't have any problems with them. As for background music, i can't really say much for i don't really notice the background music much (unless its either really good or really bad). So overall if i can't remember anything it must mean there was nothing good nor bad, so no problems there either.

Charecter: 9/10
Fujino Shion was absolutely amazing, i loved her to bits. Without her most of the enjoyment of the series wouldn't have been there. Really, she's the reason i watched this. Really quiet (practically mute) girl who is obsessed with vibrators and seemingly uses one 24/7 no matter where she is? I'm there! Mika was also very entertaining for what there was of her, its a shame this is only 2 eps long, i would have liked more screentime of her to get to know her better (but this is a hentai after all...). Fukuya was also a pretty good male protagonist, not annoying at all. Overall, i don't think your gonna find another character like Shion in this, she really is just awesome.

Enjoyment: 10/10
Wow... A hentai which I enjoyed so much that it gets a perfect 10/10? Yeah... Fujino ftw~

Overall: 9/10
I can't say how much someone who is looking for a hardcore hentai may enjoy this. After all i pretty much watched it as a normal anime and not a hentai, not really getting much hentai-ish vibes while watching this. In other words, i was in it for the lulz and not fappability, but I can assure you you should get some good laughs from this one.

Hatsuinu is the classic example of the hentai that gives too little, too late. Really, when watching this and looking at the cover image of the title. I thought "Damn, I can't wait to see the long haired chick get banged a few times over". Sadly, the main female interest is Fujiko. LAAMEE!!! Not only does Fujiko NOT talk, but her personality is fucking BORING!!

Now you're thinking "But DownShift, you can still have a personality without talking". Well sure you can dipshit, but that doesn't mean that its going to make me want to watch you in a hentai.

For the most part, the
animations are well done, very smooth sex scenes, very nice comedic moments. But really, I spent most of time skipping through the boring parts with Fujiko and skipped RIGHT to the sex scene involving the brunette (I forget her name off hand)

If you're looking for a quick hentai fix, or if you just feel like hentai is putting you to sleep enough, then check out Episode 1 of this bad boy. Otherwise, just go straight to episode 2.

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By chance, Fukaya became the lover of a very quiet and beautiful girl, Fujino, yet he worries about the vibrator she's always carrying. "Perhaps, she considers me no more fondly than that vibrator?" In fact, their relationship began when he found her using a vibrator aboard a crowded train. Although they have passionate sex, he can't be certain that she loves him, and feels threatened by her vibrator. Now, the two of them are going to a pool. As she will be unable to use the vibrator in the water, he expects they will be alone, but...

(Source: AnimeNfo)

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