Has time passed for Bitcoin vs. Altcoins?

Has time passed for Bitcoin vs. Altcoins?


Every time bitcoin get a new all high time price, the cryptocurrency community goes crazy, well ones may say it is normal because the proposal of bitcoin was to replace the traditional monetary system for a pure p2p (per to per) system that could be used to transfer value (money) to person to person, without the necessary of a third party (usually banks).

As time goes by, there was many people who was excited about this new technology called BlockChain. But this was at the beginning, I remember in 2012 there was so many conversations about how would be the future with BlockChain!, and how many good projects would come to help to spread the ‘’decentralized’’ word throughout the world, and it actually came.

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That time

Well, not that so. At some point, which I can’t for exactly say where, all the community stopped looking to the future as it was supposed to be a better place full of technology, acquirements, progression and decentralization.

Well I may be wrong but it was at some point in 2016- 2017. Oh! there it was one of the bitcoin’s highest price in which many people came to the crypto world. But the point here is, also, with them, came the higher fees and huge queues confirmation times on bitcoin’s BlockChain, which did many people to migrate to some another coin; Some more cheap in terms of fees and more faster, well I can’t actually say if that was good or bad, cause with this change something was confirmed; People was not trying to get in the most beautiful time of our monetary and financial history, they were trying to get something else, that here I’ll call ‘’be rich’’, well yeah not bad but also not good.

At this moment

Today many people still get anxious with Bitcoin prices, which normal, they see as a currency that can save the world.

But I must say Bitcoin time has passed, I’m not saying that it’s prices will not get up, it will.

But many of the coins of that time has emerged, rebranded, many got more efficient as a coin, to what they were made for.


That being said, we must take a step a head to once more use the beautifulness of technologies; Better BlockChains, SmartContrats, new public and privacy modes, and everything!

You can see the charts as something essential, as a guide to a coin and it’s okay, but remember that Technology will always be the point in all times, news can manipulate coin charts, but not the technology behind it. Prices do not say if the Technology of a coin X or Y are good or bad!

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