Has Anyone Had Sex On Naked And Afraid

Has Anyone Had Sex On Naked And Afraid


Has Anyone Had Sex On Naked And Afraid
Hookups, Body Issues and Hygiene: The Women of Naked and Afraid Tell All| Discovery Channel, Reality TV, People Picks, TV News
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People always have a lot of questions about Naked and Afraid . Here at PEOPLE, we feel like it's our public duty to answer some of these burning questions. Let's begin with the lightning round: Where do they go to bathroom? (Anywhere they want. It's the jungle.) Are they really left alone? (Yes. Each night, production goes to base camp, leaving the participants alone with a diary camera.) Do they get paid? (Yes, but just a few thousand dollars. It's all about the experience, not the cash.) With those questions out of the way, let's move on to certain gender-specific questions that the female survivalists often get. To help us out, PEOPLE asked this season's Naked and Afraid XL participants Alyssa Ballestero and Stacey Lee Osorio to weigh in on these (sometimes very delicate) questions.
"That's the biggest question I get," says Ballestero. "The answer is no. That's not what happens out there. Everyone is dirty and tired; it doesn't really happen." "You have no libido out there at all," adds Osorio. "It's really not a sexual experience."
"That's one of the biggest questions I get,"laughs Osorio. "Everyone wants to know what we do when we're on our period! The show does allow us to have tampons. It's not only a sanitary hazard, but it's a safety hazard, because you don't want to attract predators."
"And you don't always get it when you're out there," adds Ballestero, "so it's not a really big deal."
"Oh, God. I have tons of self-esteem issues," says Osorio. "I have small breasts; I have really bad stretch marks from my pregnancies. I have a mutilated foot from a lawn mower accident and I'm missing a couple toes. And my hair was out of control out there! Yeah, you don't want people to see the stuff that you try to hide under your clothes. I had to remind myself that I'm beautiful because the people in my life think I'm beautiful." "I know this sounds ridiculous, but I'm a pretty shy person," adds Ballestero. "I don't just take off my clothes for any reason. It was awkward, and the crew was like, "Oh, don't worry. We've seen it all before.' and I'm thinking, 'Yeah, but you haven't seen me before!' "
Let's face it: most of us wouldn't be thrilled if our kids decided to get naked on a reality show. How do participants talk about this with their children? "I was just honest" says Osorio, who has two kids. "I asked them if they thought it was going to be weird that mom was going to be naked on TV, and they shrugged their shoulders. "But they understood that this is not a sexualized experience," she continues. "It's anything but sexual! So I made sure they understood that it was a survival situation where I was being pushed to my limits. They were okay with that."
"People ask my fiancé if he's worried," says Ballestero. "They're like, 'Aren't you scared that she'll see another guy and want to hook up with him?' But he knows that it's not that type of situation. He always tells them that he's more worried that I am safe and healthy." The new season of Naked and Afraid XL premieres on Sunday (10 p.m. ET) on the Discovery Channel.
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Published on July 17, 2016 09:00 AM

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One thing most Naked and Afraid participants have in common: they're not shy. Everywhere they go, they're asked questions about their experience — and those questions aren't for the faint of heart.

Last week, we asked some of the show's women to weigh in on some of Naked and Afraid 's most commonly asked questions , all of which were delicate and personal. This week, it's the guys' turn.

Steven Lee Hall, Jr. and Jake Nodar, who are both participating in his season's Naked and Afraid XL , gamely came up with answers to PEOPLE's nosiest questions.

On the regular Naked and Afraid , a guy and a girl are paired together for the adventure. That's intimidating enough. But in Naked and Afraid XL , there are 6 men and 6 women naked together in South Africa. What type of angst does that cause for the guys?

"I like to think that I've been blessed in that aspect," laughs Hall. "But of course, you check each other out when you meet. That's just natural, to see where you measure up."

"I'm very confident, probably too much so," laughs Nodar. "I was always very amused because the guys who were a little bit more shy would take their burlap sack and move it to the front in the loincloth position, and then there were guys like me who slung it around our shoulders like a cape."

Also, the guys say that they had few worries about unintended bodily functions.

"I didn't get an erection for 21 days in Alabama," Hall says. (Yeah, he went there.) "I was about to get the medical team to look at it; that was concern number one. But as soon as I took a hot shower afterward, everything was back. I was just happy it wasn't broken."

"I did very little for the most part," says Nodar. "That being said, I'm always concerned about the big blur that people get on their backsides, so I did some serious sheep shearing on the butt."

"I did my back," says Hall. "They're going to blur everything else. By the time I got back, I looked like an anorexic Grizzly Adams."

"Your clothes are your first shelter," says Hall. "So when you're naked, you're really vulnerable. You're chopping stuff with a knife, but you're naked. There's a lot of concern about safety."

"Also, there were a lot of ticks in Africa," he continues. "And they can be anywhere on your body. I got back to America, and I found a tick in my beard, and this was after I had gone over myself really carefully. You're really exposed doing the show."

"You're dirty, you're hungry, and you're tired. Sex is really the last thing on your mind," says Hall. "So there were no hookups involving me. Maybe there were others that I'll see when I watch the show."

"Yeah, that's not what this is all about," adds Nodar, who is single. " Naked and Afraid hasn't helped my dating life at all!"

The new season of Naked and Afraid XL continues on Sunday (10 p.m. ET) on the Discovery Channel.

Have there been contestants that have hooked up ?
A place for people to gather and share about the Discovery TV show Naked and Afraid
Laura and Jeff are engaged last time I checked
I could be wrong, but I thought I read either from an AMA or a crew member's social media that they're told not to, i.e. it's frowned upon and could even be against the terms of whatever they sign to appear on the show. Am I confusing this with another show? Anyone know what I'm talking about?
Watch season 9 episode 6 "Thieves in the night".
I just did. Good ep; it's the one where the girl passes out from starvation and almost hits her head on a rock. Every time I see that scene, my body jerks back because it looks like she's going to get killed even though I already know she won't. She almost fell into their raging campfire, too.
It's also where they get caught ransacking the med tent and get thrown off the show.
But were you saying there was sex there? Not even MY dirty mind could infer that from the show. And it was 100 degrees--no body heat share needed.
Oh well. Back to looking at porn to watch people fuck...
Someone in production said (in this subred) that they routinely see sex on the remote nightvision cams.
It shouldn't be surprising. Some participants have even said they did it to find "jungle love," and they have shown several instances of making out in the cold dark. I posted one a week ago.
I think they are busy trying to stay alive
The only one i knew of is Shane is with one of the female participant(i forget her name) but they were nvr in the same episode so most likely they met in meeting/community related to the show so not sure if it counts....but thats the only pair i knew...

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Gemma, 24, and 27-year-old joiner James found love on the Channel 4 show and have gone from strength to strength
A SMITTEN couple who met on Naked Attraction have revealed that they couldn’t keep their hands off each other hours after meeting nude on the show.
Mum-of-two Gemma Warren, 24, selected 27-year-old joiner James North after seeing him completely naked in a line-up of six men.
After the men’s bodies were revealed slowly from the feet up, Gemma was able to whittle down men based on their nude physical features – eventually settling on James.
The show, which aired last night on Channel 4, shows the couple enjoying a clothed date in a bar, and James revealed that it seemed natural to progress things further and said they saw each other naked again the "same night" as filming.
James told the Sun Online: “We went on a date on the same day, think it was an hour after she picked me.
“They put you up in a hotel for the weekend, it was good. We clearly didn’t waste any time, but to be fair I don’t think I had a choice.”
Thankfully as she saw him naked on the show, she wasn’t embarrassed to get naked with him.
The lovebirds met on the show in April this year, and have been together ever since and spoken about marriage and moving in together.
Gemma said: “We got a train ride home together and haven’t stopped speaking since.
“Recently we have started calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend. We went to a family get together and people were introducing me as his other half.
“Everything has fallen into place. To meet the family was really nice.”
Gemma said she never expected to find someone that she clicked with on the show, and only applied for fun.
She said: “It was the best thing I’ve ever done in my life. I was so excited to be naked, it was just comfortable, I felt so at ease and the company were really nice.
“I never expected to find anyone but didn’t know that the outcome would be long term.
“When we saw each other, instantly our eyes connected and we smiled and at that moment I knew I was choosing him.”
Gemma and James, who live in Littlehampton and Essex respectively, have gone from strength to strength and have even said they love each other and been on holiday together.
They had two weeks in Bulgaria with Gemma’s family, which she describes as being the best holiday she’s been on.
She said: “We just thought it would be either make or break for us, two weeks in a hotel all-inclusive so aren’t really going to leave the complex.
“It would let us know if we were compatible or not. As soon as we came back we were like ‘let’s book another one’”.
Gemma is a proud mum to a set of twins, aged four, and she said James has been great with them.
She gushed: “I was really nervous about him meeting them. I don’t like to have men in and out of their lives and I didn’t know how long it would last.
“He’s shown so much love towards me and my children and includes them. He’ll read them bedtime stories and they absolutely love that.
“He’s just a genuine person, he gets on really well with my children and my family. He’s always thinking of me, so if I’m doing the housework he’ll ask if he can give a hand.
“He’s just a gentleman. He’s perfect for me.”
And Gemma is optimist about what the future holds for the pair.
She said: “It is early days but we do have some forward conversations.
"The thought about potentially where we would move to, if we would get married and they are all positive.
"We've talked about a middle ground between where I live and he lives.
"There have been talks but not right away, we are still discovering things about each other.
"We keep saying how lucky we are that we applied for the same show and got each other."
Gemma revealed why she had initially applied to strip off on camera to find love.
She said: “I’ve had a bit of a s**t time recently with Tinder and Plenty of Fish and wasting my time with people.
“I think b****r it, I’ll try something different.
“I’ve seen things like First Dates but I’m not good at a first date as such, I get a bit wary and weirded out sometime, so I decided to go for the scariest thing ever and it’s worked out for me fantastically.”
Naked Attraction airs at 10pm on Thursday nights on Channel 4 and is available on Catch Up
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