Harry Potter Shadman

Harry Potter Shadman


Harry Potter Shadman

by Shädman
on December 4, 2018
at 00:01

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The Dementors are one of the most feared creatures in Harry Potter, beware of the Dementors kiss.
— Shädman💀 (@Shadbase) December 3, 2018
Well, I guess that makes me a dementor.
I do the exact same thing to my girlfriend but I haven’t been able to pull out her soul yet, guess I need to keep trying.
This is soo extremely sexy. 🔥 If anybody want’s to play adult games with me, hit on my photo.
This is the best one I’ve seen yet (make more pls)
I haven’t seen anyone else point out that the characters were 14 at this time in the franchise…
I think there’s a good deal of kiddie porn on here. Shadman is sus.
in mind “oh shit im having my soul sucked out of my ass”
Girl is going to need some chocolate after this.
Shit, The Loud House Is Next. Shadman, More Like MADMAN!
Es konnte noch ein zweite Bild geben
If the Dementor’s Kiss is powerful enough to suck a soul out, either she’s prolapsed in its mouth, or its sucking out all of her shit.
this looks like my parents at Halloween
Eh, you made it scarier than either the book or the movie if this is what Hermione fears, that’s for darn sure.
You should make a follow up comic where they fuck her soulless body
Can we get porn of shad fucking someone
I can almost hear “Its distracted! Harry, RUN!”
reported for inappropriate or lewd content
Mmmm homie…. you just got r/wooshed *marge Simpson voice*
make one where Hermione gets fucked by Ron and Harry
That made me laugh hard. That doesn’t usually happen on this site for md
Id say i want her to accidentally shit in its mouth and while it is reeling in confusion she starts sucking his dick and balls then fucks it sucking its soul into her snatch!
Fucking faggot we already have enough shit eaters in the world
I’d be interested in seeing a sequel where all the dementors gangbang Hermione’s soul… And maybe Harry keeps her body as a sex toy…
Why can’t it ever be the tits that get sucked WHYYYYYYY SHAD WHYYYYYY
Hermione porn is so rare for ahegaos of her…
Woooow, she soo like this: sexnight.pw/photo382.png
Like she boobs: sexnight.pw/photo591.png
Or not?
I agree, more Harry Potter but none of that dick-girl shit.
Oh wow more autistic shitty 3D effect shit
I thought i was the only one who noiticed
do a full harry potter series please! #MoreOfThis!
This reminds me of the plot of Bubba Ho-thep, The Mummy was kept alive by suckint the souls of people out their anus….
More of HarryPotter pls with Hermione! Style is awesome! #MoreOfThis!
Been here since 2012 gotta say some of your drawing s then were better than they are now. Still good work
I pride myself on being one of the few black people on shadbase
being whites better, that way you can hid in the light AND the darkness
You better watch out I might say the n word, but wait if I did you fucking niggers would riot and destroy you neighborhoods then blame whatever you fuckers pick out of a hat
Love the Hermione porn! It’s my second favorite of your characters after the gothy cheerleader. (yes, I know Hermione isn’t your character, I mean, of course your interpretation of her.) After the dementor is done and leaves her with her skirt up and a nicely tongue-fucked ass it would be a terrible thing to waste a nice wet, slippery, ready asshole.
Daaamn Hermione’s pussy looks delicious
wtf I started rereading the books last week and just finished reading this part.
Make one of she-venom from the movie
More Hermione. Fuck Potter.(DO NOT FUCK AS FUCK)
Idk how I like shad in his new style tbh
I like how harry is jsut like what in the fuck is this shit
Please make more hermoine in this style and continue this comic shadman
PLEASE continue this as a series shad
Can you edging draw Walt Disney about to bang young Kathryn Beaumont or Lewis Carroll kidnapping and about rape Alice Liddell as well her two sisters.
that’s the magic of kinks. Don’t specific and outlandish something is, there is always at least one dude that’s into it.
Need to do one where the demontor gets gang banged by Ron n Harry while Hermione gets her soul sucked out
Did you change your style up a bit here Shad?
Give us more of this please Shädman
Wait, are they playing by kappa rules? Kappas do this in mythology.
omg, please more hermione getting her ass sucked
So…funny thing in japan at least with kappa they DO suck out your soul through your anus
Nice baby: sexnight.pw/photo616.png
Now the dementor just needs to be a female like the boreal valley character
Please do some Sabrina stuff Shad brah
Eh… sucking the pussy rather than the ass would make more sense.
Why? Because some religions think that a female’s eggs come ‘pre-souled’.
I want to explore her ‘chamber of secrets’ lol
A female dementor sucking Harry’s soul out of his dick
Okay this is ebic i want more of Hermione in this art style make it happen shad
Hell yes more Hermione is always good
kinda want a follow up of this where hermione is raped or the dementor is a female and she deepthroates someone
Yo shad, i think you should add a category for different characters
Herminone is black you fucking nazi
Not gonna lie. Thats actually pretty kinky.
A follow up with more interesting ways to use the dementor would be nice.
I guess you could say that was rather…. demented *WHEEZE*
Ron is getting cucked there, sort of. Shad make a follow up of this
More Hermione/Emma Watson is always a good thing!
her ahegao face at the last panel is pretty fucking hot
We want that juicy butthole creamed
All characters drawn by Shädman are 18 or older, even if specified otherwise.
Shädbase is for parody purposes only and doesnt actually reflect Shädman's desires or beliefs, the site shouldn't be taken seriously or viewed by anyone.

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Hogwarts Threesome
by Shädman
on February 20, 2016
at 00:01

Steve, Saucy Chef of Southern Shadbase

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Cho Chang x Hermione Granger but Luna wants some of that too. Ginny is missing out on all of the action.
Speaking of Hermione, I updated the " Hot Mudblood " post with a breast expansion spell version.
This is soo freaking sexy. 🔥 If someone want’s to play some games with me, hit on my pic.
Make a comic of this, Shad? You da best after all
Right? Threeway comic between Hermione, Cho, and Luna would be awesome! I personally want them to be thiccer, but that might just be me.
It’s a shame how he never did more artwork of them, especially more explicit than this.
This is Shadbase, get over it. Canon abuse is what we do!
Just found this site and it’s fuckin’ great
This one just needs to be continued :(
Oh if i could put into words how much i love your work Shad, its as great as always!
First time on the sight and I am disgusted……………that more people aren’t on this sight imma be here every day!
i had really hoped there would have been a follow-up to this picture, with Cho and Hermione kissing as Luna licked her bottom.. but it seems the whole theme changed and then ended soon after. Tragic.
There is still hope dude… you never know
You should do an image of Hermione sharing some of her Muggle sex toys with Cho and Luna if you know what I’m saying.
This is amazing I’m glad I found your site shad just got here yesterday.
there is need of fairy tail lucy pictures , Erza and Mirajane in futanari version would be wonderful
*sips tea* … woof … this comment section is heated tonight
‘Mione looks so distressed in that it’s hilarious
Im still looking for sime Ray and BB-8 action
Shad for the love of all things unholy, Do a fucking melen Pic.
This is a place where age is nothing so get over yourself
Also, that girl the other anon asked for is NOT Wednesday. You’re still the retard here.
I just know the “other end” part is coming soon
uh oh looks like little bitch looney here might summon a futa spell…. get ready hermione
loanduvcmai,kug cfsgahyehdujkdibcloaçk
Shad does not do commissions, sorry.
kgouqtcbv zonvyfp dshgfjhjkjnvm,bncjk
Q1 do you ever find it weird that people jack off to your art?
Q2 have you/will you ever jack off to your art?
shad stand strong and say fuck you to the furries that want zootopia
What is with the stupid stereotypes against furries? I’m not one myself, but they’re people too
Fuck you man. Quit discriminating. It’s not even funny. Just let people do what they want with their lives for Christ sake
i really want that pic of raven that is on the banner for my wallpaper :/
Thats a banner pic only, its not part of a full pic.
You’ve been putting alot of softcore/ medium core shit out lately. Like how am i supposed too jerk it to this. I need like full hardcore with like 10 black guys/ horses pronto
Pls do more of that breast expansion spell! Shadbase can have ALL the breast sizes, right?
It also doesn’t have to be for just breasts too…
YES Shad! This guy read my mind, please consider doing this! It would improve Hermione’s posts a lot! (Im not saying they´re bad haha but Hermione´s spell is really awesome!)
I’m dying to see some street fighter characters like Laura nude and lewd. Maybe shad will notice this comment and think its a good idea. its worth a shot
Never mind i see the poll. Laura isn’t winning sadly.
Never mind I see the poll. Sadly laura isn’t winning
Yo shad can you do some more Tsunade from naruto? With a big dick too. like her fucking sakura.
Do you mean like the opposite of this?
Hey shad can you do more Tsunade from Naruto please?
I’d say we have a lack of Asian representation in porn drawings. ……. more wouldn’t hurt al all
Can you draw Holli Would from Cool World?
Hey shad, can you make one of this girl I like?
” alt=”” />
thats fucked up dude….really creepy
When it comes to cartoon/animated characters, it’s fine, now real people…. Yeah, no. Not even.
The actress who played Wednesday isn’t real? Yeah, you’re retarded.
Actually sense he flat out shows the actor in every single Wensday post, he is In Fact drawing the Actors version of Wednesday. And it is obvious the drawing is based of off said Actor as the character. No I am not saything that game is roght to ask Shad to do what the kid (Im assuming) asks to draw that girl. But your argument real holds no ground what so ever. Im not trying to be rude, but you need to try and think a little more before you post some thing like that.
Stop trying to sound smart and admit you done fucked up.
Yeah, this whole conversation is stupid at this point. Should’ve not even gotten into it.
Dude Im not the same person. And you are being a dick.
Shadman, has drawn Ellen Page, the actress. I am not referring to a character she plays. I’m referring to the woman herself.
If it’s just about the age than never mind. A lot of the comments seemd to be arguing about something else.
Regardless of age trying to get someone to draw porn of your non-celebrity crush is fuckd up. I approve.
First of all, oh yeah, cause I don’t watch the show, I’m immediately supposed to know she’s the actor who plays Wednesday. I’m not retarded, you’re an asshole. Second, why draw the actor when we already have Wednesday?
You guys are still retarded because 1. the term ‘actress’ is meant for FEMALES who act and 2. You can try to separate the actress from the character, but it will never change the fact that the person who played Wednesday was an 11 year old girl. You don’t have to watch the show to figure that out, you retarded hypocrite. I don’t mind the art but shit, the comments are giving me cancer.
First of all, who fucking cares if you call her an actor or an actress, you know what i’m saying so stop being a pretentious(if that even is the right word) asshole. And second, You’re not even looking at what I said, and you’re implying things. No shit the ACTRESS who played Wednesday was an 11 year old girl. I’m just saying I find it odd that you(or the anon, whatever the case be) want Shad to draw the actress out of character.
How annoying… forgot to put my damn name and email.
Stop assumeing that all the Anon are the same person.shit head. There are many of us on here.
While you being a bitch about Shad’s work your not arguing about the fact that he put a picture of a real little girl.
Lol does anyone think she looks like Amanda Bynes? As if anyone remembers the Amanda Show on Nickelodeon.
That’s what i’m fucking saying! Doesn’t matter whether or not she portrays Wednesday in the fucking show if you want Shad to draw that girl in particular.
I never said I wanted him to draw any little girls. I’m just pointing out your hypocrisy, acting as if you have some moral high ground to stand on when shad just referenced a real little girl in his last post. The anon who asked for a drawing of a little girl and the rest of you lot riding shad’s dick can white knight all you want. My point still stands.
Yeah, he refrenced her in like, several other posts as well. And he was refrencing Wednesday, the fictional character. Not the actor. And all anons look the same, so I apologize there.
dude, it’s the same thing. Whether the actress is in costume as Wednesday or not he’s still referencing the same little girl. I personally don’t care if shad references children as long as it’s not child porn. I just don’t think it makes sense for you to get on a pedestal saying real people (especially kids) don’t get referenced here when the last few posts have featured Christina Ricci as Wednesday and Emma Watson as hermione, who if you haven’t noticed, was a minor (early on) in Harry Potter.
Too each their own anon. too each their own. Think what you think I guess.
This is soo good, Shad! Please do more!. And maybe add a version of this one where we see some more skin?
Could you do bulma and chi chi comic?
Could you do Pyro or FemPyro from TF2?
Can you do Stevonnie from Steven Universe?
Sorry, I really dont care for Steven Universe, and Im not one of those artists who just draws whats popular.
Do somebody with green hair. Now. OR SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES.
I think hermione is a great subject but what about Lola bunny?
I can’t wait for the follow up the this!!
Part 1: a real snotty kid face
Part of 7 1 & 2: providing fully finished!
My favorite part is 3-5 that had much prettier face!
” alt=”” />
Please continue this with ass eating
how do u like this idea shad.
link crossdressing as Zelda being fucked by ganondorf
Yo Shad do one with janette and vv from vampire the masquarade bloodlines great fucking game man check this pics

janette and vv
Did you just misspell anime? If so, you should kill yourself
Hermione <3 beautiful shad. I realy like this theme
Just created my first Gravatar today –
And i bet wasn't the first one ey?
(lets see, if anyone can see my gravatar I am really curious hopefully it does worked)
Not sure what the gravatar is but the chick looks drawn from the Batman Animated tv show.
You’re close, it’s of Supergirl from the Superman cartoon that aired around the same time.
Ah, got it. Same animation more or less.
forget to continue your amazing Caroline Comic in future”!!
Please just do not forget, because I really want to see other mother fucking Caroline and her Real mommy Mel Jones with that huge futa Dick!!!
More of this. But no dick versions. Lately alit of your nude females have been concealing the vaginal region via laying seductivly on something. Then you make a dick version and boom. The other pervs can get their jollies off. Slightly unfair to those with more normal fetishes.
Can you please do more of this and continue it
You Need to do a naken version of this, PLEASE!?
Maybe luna and cho cast a spell on themselves to grow dicks, then hermoine gets to please them? Rimming, blowjob, dp that kinda stuff?
Could you make them whorshipping one of the female teachers ??
And make sure you add a dick to the authority !
Futa for more fun with the young naughty students!!!
Shad, I really hope this is going to end with hermoine getting dp’d by the both of them. (Luna doing some rimming would be pretty nice too.)
For a perfect trio the PowerPunk Girl!
/revision/latest?cb=20140319045425″ alt=”” />
shading under their neck looks a little sketchy otherwise a brilliant piece of work in more than one way.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
you should give Luna a dick so she can impregnate the two of them
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
i would like to see hermione raped by the troll which appear in first episode of harry potter
Oh my god! This is intense. I love how Hermione frowns in your pictures. Suggests she is in the grip of powerful urges she is unable to control.
Shadmaster!! You HAVE to do Judy Hopps from Zotoopia. She has ass material. And the movie has too many furry material! Please please please go watch it :) /revision/latest?cb=20160112060743″ alt=”” />
Really? I get that the show is a pg furry fan service holdmine, but in case you haven’t read the petitions not everything furry needs to be porn. This movie is a legitimate furry film, and if it goes to porn- on shadbase of all places- the fandom is doomed to be labeled perverts for eternity. Yeah, shads probably gonna do it anyway but not so soon, if possible, and he doesn’t need more encouragement.
you do realize shad has done furry porn on multiple occasions already right?
Hey, you can never get enough right?!
So? this is autism bait at it’s finest
And if you go to hentia sites, they have already done about 50 of em
Go to rule 34 or something other then Shad I’m pretty sure this is like the 8-9th time someone asked him so do this furrie shit not even counting on his streams. Look ill even give you a link to rule 34 so you can fuck off with your bunny tale but plug and cat head fleash light. https://rule34.paheal.net/pos
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