Harry Potter Cho Chang Porn

Harry Potter Cho Chang Porn


Harry Potter Cho Chang Porn
You couldn’t help but root for Harry Potter and Cho Chang at the beginning. After all, Harry had sort of fancied her since they played Quidditch against each other in Prisoner of Azkaban, was totally infatuated in Goblet of Fire, finally falling into a relationship in Order of the Phoenix. But after three novels of build-up, their relationship hit the deck like Neville in a Body-Bind curse . So what went wrong? Here’s why ‘Charry’ fizzled out so quickly… In fact, too quickly to even warrant that portmanteau.
Dumbledore’s Army was Harry’s safe space during a terrible year of Voldemort visions, the reign of Professor Umbridge , and being vilified by the media, so the fact that Cho’s friend Marietta destroyed that by betraying them to Umbridge was a terrible move – made even worse by Cho’s attempts to defend her and reproach Hermione for cursing her with ‘SNEAK’-patterned pimples.
Even if you are Cho’s number one fan, this one is hard to get past. Sure, she gets points for loyalty to her friend, but what about loyalty to defending Hogwarts ? Also, the fact Harry, constantly angry in his fifth year, couldn’t see Cho’s point of view, made for an almighty clash that pretty much obliterated the entire relationship.
‘Oh, no,’ said Cho hurriedly. ‘No, it was only... well, I just wanted to say... Harry, I never dreamed Marietta would tell...’
‘Yeah, well,’ said Harry moodily. He did feel Cho might have chosen her friends a bit more carefully; it was small consolation that the last he had heard, Marietta was still up in the hospital wing and Madam Pomfrey had not been able to make the slightest improvement to her pimples.
‘She's a lovely person really,’ said Cho. ‘She just made a mistake –’
Harry looked at her incredulously.
‘A lovely person who made a mistake? She sold us all out, including you!’
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Like any first date, we can all get a bit tongue-tied, and Harry was no different. Although he clearly wanted to connect with his Ravenclaw crush, the Boy Who Lived was also the Boy Who Failed At Keeping Conversation Flowing, mostly because he couldn’t think of anything to talk to her about – apart from Quidditch.
For heaven’s sake Harry, you went to the same school! You had almost every single part of your daily routine in common! You were both MAGIC. Surely that would have been a good starting point, right? But alas, Harry was simply too young and too speechless. We’ve all been there, right?
Cho, we appreciate that it was Valentine’s Day and you wanted to be romantic, but Madam Puddifoot’s teashop was a bit overboard, complete with saccharine décor and a French-kissing Roger Davies. As such, the surrounding atmosphere lifted Harry completely out of his comfort zone, and the whole date just got a bit forced. The cherubs probably didn’t help.
Of course, it wasn’t Cho’s fault that her first love, Cedric Diggory , died at the end of the last school year. But perhaps it was a little too early for her to move forward? Poor Cho clearly struggled to get to grips with her budding relationship with Harry, as she was still too caught up in the horrific events of the Triwizard Tournament. We think Hermione put it rather well:
‘Well, obviously, she’s feeling very sad, because of Cedric dying. Then I expect she’s feeling confused because she liked Cedric and now she likes Harry, and she can’t work out who she likes best. Then she’ll be feeling guilty, thinking it’s an insult to Cedric’s memory to be kissing Harry at all, and she’ll be worrying about what everyone else might say about her if she starts going out with Harry. And she probably can’t work out what her feelings towards Harry are, anyway, because he was the one who was with Cedric when Cedric died, so that’s all very mixed up and painful. Oh, and she’s afraid she’s going to be thrown off the Ravenclaw Quidditch team because she’s been flying so badly.’
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
It’s not surprising that Ron’s reply to this was: ‘One person can’t feel all that at once, they’d explode.’
Harry didn’t want to talk about the events of the third task just as much as Cho desperately wanted to. In fact, he went out of his way to avoid the discussion, even though it was clearly important to Cho that they talk about it.
‘Women!’ he muttered angrily, sloshing down the rain-washed street with his hands in his pockets. ‘What did she want to talk about Cedric for, anyway? Why does she always want to drag up a subject that makes her act like a human hosepipe?’
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Harry. We know you meant nothing by it, but you shouldn’t have kept mentioning your female best friend who knows you better than anyone in every other conversation with Cho. Although it was entirely innocent, it seemed ridiculous that Harry wouldn’t consider for a second that Cho would get a little jealous of Hermione, especially when he cut a date short to hang out with her.
Laughter is the key to every relationship, and yet Harry and Cho didn’t just have zero chemistry, they also seemed to be unhappy, insecure or awkward in each other’s presence almost all of the time. The only time they seemed to be able to chat away was when they were talking about Quidditch, but knowledge about a broomstick sport does not a romantic relationship make! Even their first kiss was pretty much a traumatic experience for Harry.
‘'Well?’ Ron said finally, looking up at Harry. ‘How was it?’
Harry considered it for a moment.
‘Wet,’ he said truthfully.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Perhaps in a parallel wizarding world, one where Harry gathered the courage to ask Cho to the Yule Ball before Cedric got in there first, this relationship would have been entirely different. Harry would have taken Cho to the ball, they’d have started dating, and the most pressing issue in their relationship would have been having to compete in Quidditch against each other. Instead, circumstances meant that Harry and Cho’s relationship never quite took off, which is a shame. But if Harry and Cho had made it work, then we would’ve been deprived of Harry and Ginny – so maybe things do happen for a reason.
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In Harry Potter, Cho Chang's film iteration featured many changes from the books. And it could be argued her film version deserved much better.
The Harry Potter franchise has shown time and again why it's so beloved as both a written and visual medium, thanks to its characters. While there are outright heroes littered throughout the story, there are also ordinary people with no preordained destiny, just trying to make the right choices for themselves and others around them. And with the setting of a magical school that taught kids through their most formative years, drama is bound to turn up. Sadly, drama is exactly what gave a character like Cho Chang a bad rap in the films.
In the books and the movies, Cho was Harry's first girlfriend, one of the few prominent Ravenclaws like Luna Lovegood and a member of Dumbledore's Army. Similarly to Harry, she was also a Seeker for the Ravenclaw Quidditch team. While her character is one that had faced many difficult choices in her latter years at Hogwarts, she was still one to take a stand when the time came and do the right thing rather than cower. But one event fundamentally changed her characterization when compared to the novelization.
In the Harry Potter films, Cho Chang was a loyal member of Dumbledore's Army. This group was designed to do what the Ministry of Magic would no longer allow at Hogwarts-- safely practice Defense Against the Dark Arts. It showed that characters like Harry were adept at teaching others and helped ensure the children could protect themselves now that Lord Voldemort had returned. But because the Ministry, mainly their appointed Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Delores Umbridge, was adamant about finding where they trained, she targeted Cho, using a serum that forced her to out her friends against her will.
The act effectively severed the ties between her and Harry, who were dating, and made her an outcast. But in the book, Cho acted more in the best interest of her friend, Marietta Edgecombe, who was the one that exposed the army in the books. When Hermione learned of the betrayal, she activated a charm that caused the word "sneak" to be written on Marietta's cheek using purple pustules. It was a cruel trick that Cho disagreed with, and she left Harry and sided with her friend, who was just as much of a victim.
Cho's relationship with Harry wasn't destined to go far even without the events of Dumbledore's Army and its exposure. Their relationship was strained as Cho still felt great sadness for the loss of Cedric Diggory and also felt jealousy over how close Harry and Hermione were . There was also the fact that Harry sided with his friends when the group was outed, forcing Cho to side with hers. And with the typical teenage drama that dooms most couples at this time, it's hard to blame Cho for what had happened, especially in the films, where she was forced to betray her friends against her will.
In reality, Cho's choices in the books showed a higher level of maturity on her part, as her friend had equally done nothing wrong and didn't deserve the punishment she got. This loyalty and maturity also shined as Cho later appeared during the Battle of Hogwarts. But what made her appearance so important was that she had already graduated and had no reason to risk her life. Ultimately, Cho Chang was no different than the many other innocents manipulated to act a certain way by those much more sinister than them. That said, se had shown that she was more than an act that didn't define her and proved that she deserved far better than she got.
Nicholas Brooks has been writing professionally for over a decade, covering many aspects of pop culture from film and video games to comics and anime. Writing has remained his passion in that time and loves to theorize and pick apart unique connections in franchises like Marvel, Jurassic Park and much more. In his spare time, he could be found working on his bookstagram, collecting figures, reading comics or watching movies with his girlfriend.

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At the end of "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban," hidden in an alcove in the far left corner of the Marauder's Map, are what many dedicated Potterheads have presumed to be two students hooking up, despite the adapted film's PG rating.
Apr 17, 2015, 09:32 AM EDT | Updated Dec 6, 2017
'Harry Potter': Where Are They Now? See Gallery
Part of HuffPost Entertainment. ©2022 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved.
A t the end of "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban," hidden in an alcove in the far left corner of the Marauder's Map, are what many dedicated Potterheads have presumed to be two students hooking up, despite the adapted film's PG rating.
For those unlearned in the magic of the Potter universe, the Marauder's Map shows the location of everyone within the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry with little footsteps. Usually, a glance at the map will simply show various pairs of footsteps walking or loitering, but given the position of these two specific pairs of feet and a half-second wiggle, it's easy to wonder if these two students are managing a bit of mischief .
The potentially scandalous moment (seen above) occurs at the movie's end credits, which was sort of an unprecedentedly long and impressive sequence for its time. After following a long rabbit hole of people who worked on the varying aspects of visual effects for the movie and, more specifically, the Marauder's Map, The Huffington Post finally found Rus Wetherell, the man in charge of designing the sequence and those mysterious footsteps.
Was this fleeting moment truly a "sex scene" or was the true intent less than definite? Were the footsteps snuck in without someone's knowledge or did the Academy Award-winning director of "Prisoner of Azkaban," Alfonso Cuarón, insist on their inclusion in the final cut? Wetherell has the answers...
The idea for the footprints in the corner was a "behind the bike shed" moment that "wasn't meant to be any particular character from the movie." That said, Wetherell suggested that it could have been an extension of Potter and Chang's kissing moment. Although that doesn't end up happening until "Order of the Phoenix," the third movie got some flack for essentially removing Potter's growing crush on Chang, so maybe this was a way to make up for that?
"Maybe it was meant to be Harry, but we've all been kids, we've all been in school and stuff ... It was just a sort of little peck on the cheek," assured Wetherell.
In Wetherell's mind, the couple's feet "are in an embrace" and "not having sex as everyone says." The addition of the feet ended up making the final movie because, when director Alfonso Cuarón spotted the moment, he started laughing and "just went nuts." As Wetherell explained, Cuarón liked that "it was just something there that was amusing for the adults in the audience and kids wouldn't really understand."
Originally, Wetherell suggested doing more with the feet, but Cuarón told him no, just leave them and move on. "It was just a little light heartedness and bringing a bit of a smile to people," said Wetherell. And so the moment for adults -- that is totally not a "sex scene" -- was left in the PG movie.
The "embrace" came out of a late night when Wetherell "was going a bit out of [his] mind." He was trying to get down "loads and loads of footprints" and then he "chucked a couple there and it made [him] laugh at 4 a.m. after doing sort of 20 days back to back."
"There was an alcove in the artwork, it was kind of like an opportunity to have a couple of students hiding in there. So I just threw a couple of feet down," said Wetherell.
As the process was going along, Wetherell inserted many different footsteps as sort of placeholders with the intent of going back to them and at least "embellishing and improving." However, with the demand of the production and deadlines, Wetherell admitted there were a few that he simply never got back to and, along with Cuarón's instructions, the sneaky embrace survived.
Cuarón was closely involved with Wetherell's work and "saw about every aspect of the movie down to each of the individual sets of footprints." Cuarón's enthusiasm for how the end credits was going encouraged Wetherell to keep adding "more and more and more" which ended up leading to the inclusion of the embrace.
Originally, the Marauder's Map for the main film was created by an artistic team consisting of Miraphora Mina and Eduardo Lima , and from this outline, the company Cinesite enlisted visual effects artist Evan Davies to create the dissolving footsteps. All of these things -- including the physical prop map -- were then handed to Wetherell to develop the elaborate footstep patterns for the credits sequence essentially by himself.
This ended up becoming an elaborate process due to the tech at the time and Wetherell's relative newness to the field, causing an "incredibly intensive period" that he recalled lasted about five to six weeks of 20-hour days. At about 11 minutes long, the end sequence was the longest of its kind at the time and, including drafts, Wetherell had to create thousands of different footsteps with different gaits and speeds and direction patterns to complete it.
The custom map was made on parchment and then shot with a camera movement that had to be calculated just right as to keep everyone's name on screen the right amount of time. Often more names would be added to the credits list and then the whole process would have to be reworked. There were about 100 different pieces of artwork that had to be placed together and so just a slight tweak could require a serious reconfiguring.
On top of this, Wetherell had only been given a visual effects element for one foot and so to make it not seem like a boring clone job over the lengthy end credits, he had to create many different steps. As Wetherell explained, the job was "trying to give the illusion that all these footsteps are actually different characters doing different things at different times," such as hopping or skipping or jumping or something more nefarious.
Throughout the end credits sequence, the footprints have many unique moments, like when they turn into animal prints around the ILM motion picture visual effects company name or, of course, the embrace. One such elaborate moment involves a "Stink Bomb Store," when there's a mini-explosion and then all the feet run out.
But Wetherell doesn't consider these moments the true Easter eggs -- or hidden moments -- of his work, as he hid even more hard to spot moments in the credits. Apparently, there are various things hidden in the Latin text that makes up the walls of the Marauder's Map that, according to Wetherell, are "very well hidden."
Although he wouldn't reveal those hidden bits are, Wetherell did at least say that some of the words hidden are simply production credits that didn't get a prominent inclusion in the list of names -- including his own. It was the company policy of his employer, Capital FX, to not have credits on any of the work and so he figured he might as well get his name in there somewhere. This, incidentally, seems to be a common practice with visual artists. Davies, who first made the foo
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