Hari Hari Kabe More Hoibe Su-Dina

Hari Hari Kabe More Hoibe Su-Dina


Song Name: Hari Hari Kabe More Hoibe Su-Dina

Official Name: Sadhaka Dehocita Lalasa

Author: Narottama Dasa Thakura

Book Name: Prarthana

Language: Bengali

Audio by HG Jai Sacinandana Prabhu


hari hari! kobe mora hoibe sudina?

bhajibo se rādhā-kṛṣṇa hoiyā premādhīna


suyantra miśāiyā gābo sumadhura tāna

ānande koribo dońhāra rūpa guṇa gāna


'rādhikā govinda' boli kāńdibo uccaiḥ svare

bhijibe sakala ańga nayanera nīre


ei bāra karuṇā koro rūpa sanātana

raghunātha dāsa mora śrī jīva jīvana


ei bāra karuṇā koro lalitā viśākhā

sakhya bhāve mora prabhu subalādi sakhā


sabe mili koro doyā pūruk mora āśa

prārthanā koroye sadā narottama dāsa


1) When will I directly worship Sri Sri Radha and Krsna? When will I be overwhelmed with love for the Divine Couple? O Lord Hari, when will that auspicious day be mine? 

2) When, accompanying myself on a musical instrument, will I happily sing sweet songs describing the beautiful forms and qualities of the Divine Couple. 

3) When will I loudly call out "O Radhika, O Govinda," the tears from my eyes wetting my entire body. 

4) O Srila Rupa Gosvami, O Srila Sanatana Gosvami, O Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami, O Srila Jiva Gosvami, my life and soul, please be merciful to me this one time. 

5) O Lalita, O Visakha, O Sridama, O Subala and other friends of Lord Krsna, please be merciful to me this one time. 

6) All of You please be merciful to me and fulfill my desire. This is the constant prayer of Narottama dasa.

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