Hard cross between Gustavo Petro und General Zapateiro

Hard cross between Gustavo Petro und General Zapateiro

A tinkle from the presidential candidate Gustavo Petro generated a tough conversation on social media between the presidential candidate who is running for the top position in the country by the Historic Pact and the commander of the Army General Eduardo Enrique Zapateiro. Petro wrote in the message, "Some Clan officers are employed by the Clan."

"While the soldiers die at the at the hands of the Gulf Clan; some of the generals on the Clan payroll are also dead," Gustavo Petro stated. They end up ascending to the rank of generals." https://www.camara.gov.co/gustavo-petro-urrego Gustavo Petro, a social network user, stated that the leaders of drug trafficking are corrupted.

General Zapateiro's response

The message led to the response of the Army Commander who, in six trillions interrogated the presidential candidate.

General Zapateiro stated that "no one is more wounded than those who don camouflage and their families and their homelands However, their greatest sacrifice for the country shouldn't be used in campaigns to justify their actions."

Francia Marquez has been denied two homes in Cali.

https://www.asuntoslegales.com.co/gustavo-petro A senior officer also spoke up about the death of soldiers over the past few years. "Since 2021 more than 500 soldiers have been injured and killed in the course of completing the mission and their sacrifice was not recognized, and there were no declarations. It's interesting that the loss of heroes of the fatherland does generate affliction and can be used as a sign for other reasons."

Gustavo Petro asked the army commander if he knew any information about connections between the generals and groups that weren't covered by the law. petro gustavo https://www.semana.com/semana-tv/vicky-en-semana/articulo/me-preocupa-que-gustavo-petro-llegue-a-la-presidencia/202157/ If yes, he should make an official complaint.

"Senator. Do not use your investiture, parliamentary inviolability, to prefigure the death of our soldiers. Instead, you must fulfill your citizen duty by submitting a substantiated complaint to the

@FiscaliaCol of the details that you cite, who is"" the person who is the general mentioned.

He then offered a third note: "I recall that as senator, you're part in the collective that you are able to identify as 'drug-trafficking politicians'. https://diariodelcauca.com.co/politica/es-gustavo-petro-una-amenaza-para-la-economia-de-colombia As a citizen, I suggest that you not generalize. Respect first of all"

The statement from the top official that created the most debate was one which stated that Colombians have seen the president of the moment receiving money from the form of a bag.

"I have not seen a general on television receiving money that was stolen. General Zapateiro said that Colombians have seen him receiving money from the garbage bag.

The official concluded by saying that he would demand respect for the longest-running institution in the country. The members, men and women, have unreservedly defended democracy throughout the country for more than 200 years, and even sacrificed their lives for it.

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