Hard cross between Gustavo Petro und General Zapateiro

Hard cross between Gustavo Petro und General Zapateiro

A trill of presidential candidate Gustavo Petro generated a tough meeting on social networks between the presidential candidate who is running for the presidency of the nation under the Historic Pact and the commander of the Army, General Eduardo Enrique Zapateiro. Petro said in his post that "some general" officers were employed by the Clan.

"While soldiers are being murdered by the Gulf Clan, some of the generals are on the Clan's payroll. Politicians who are involved in trafficking drugs corrupt the leadership. Gustavo Petro spoke on social media.

https://www.eluniversal.com.co/temas/-/meta/gustavo-petro provoked the Army commander to respond, and he , in six trills asked the presidential candidate about his remarks.

General Zapateiro stated, "There is no one more affected by the loss of a soldier more than the family members of camouflaged soldiers however their ultimate sacrifice to the country should not be utilized in the narratives of political campaigns."

https://www.asuntoslegales.com.co/gustavo-petro denied having two homes in Cali

In another post, the senior officer spoke about the amount of soldiers killed in recent times. "Since 2021, over 500 soldiers were wounded or killed during the course of their mission. Their sacrifices were not publicized, and there were no announcements. It is interesting that the demise of heroes of the homeland is now causing affliction and is being used for other signs.

Gustavo Petro, an army commander, demanded that Gustavo Petro inform the authorities of any information he may have about generals that have connections to organizations that aren't legally observant.

https://www.bluradio.com/noticias/gustavo-petro . It is not advisable to use your power of investiture ("parliamentary inviolability") to attempt to make the death of our soldiers more palatable. Instead fulfill https://nuso.org/articulo/caso-gustavo-petro-flagrant-system-error/ to make a valid complain to the

@FiscaliaCol, the information you provided, whoever it may be"" the general you mentioned.

He also added a third trill. "I reminds the senator that you are part of a collective that you are allowed to refer to as being 'drug trafficking politicians'. I would suggest that citizens do not take a broad view of. Respect first and foremost"

The most controversial message of the top official was the fact that Colombians were able to see the current president candidate get money "in the trash bag".

"I have not seen a general receive ill-gotten money on television." The Colombians have seen you get money in a garbage bag"" General Zapateiro declared.

In closing, the official wrote that "to the oldest and most prestigious organization in the country, whose members, both men and women, have steadfastly upheld the democratic system, this nation, for more than two centuries, even offering their lives, I demand you respect."

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