Hard cross between Gustavo Petro and General Zapateiro

Hard cross between Gustavo Petro and General Zapateiro

Gustavo Petro's troll led to an uncomfortable meeting between the candidate for the presidency and General Eduardo Enrique Zapateiro (commander of the Army), on social media. Petro wrote a post on social media stating that certain (generally-ranking) officers "are employed by Clan."

petro gustavo "While the soldiers from the Gulf Clan are being killed however, their generals are still on the Clan’s payroll." Gustavo Petro The fact that they ascend to the generals is what corrupts the leadership" Gustavo Petro stated on social media.

General Zapateiro's response

The Army commander responded to this request and took six rounds, questioned the presidential candidate.

General Zapateiro declared: "There is no person more hurt by the death of a soldier than those of us wearing camouflage. Their families and their nation are also affected however the ultimate sacrifice that they gave for their country should not be made into a story for a campaign."

Francia Marquez has denied that she owned two homes in Cali

In another message the senior officer spoke of the number of soldiers who have died in recent times. "Since 2021 more than 500 soldiers were wounded or killed during the execution of the mission. Their sacrifices were not publicly acknowledged, so there has been no announcements. It is interesting that the loss of heroes of the fatherland is now causing affliction and is being used for other indications.

https://www.larepublica.co/gustavo-petro gustavo petro Gustavo Petro was asked by the commander of the army to inform Gustavo Petro about any possible links between generals, and other organizations other than the law. He also needs to make an official complaint to authorities.

petro gustavo "Senator. Don't make use of your investiture (parliamentary inflexibility) to suggest that you are inciting the death of our troops, but instead fulfill your duty as a citizen of submitting a valid claim to the


He also added a third trill. "I remind you that as senators, you are part of a group that you are allowed to refer to as being 'drug trafficking politicians'. As a citizen, I suggest that you do not generalize. https://www.eluniversal.com.co/temas/-/meta/gustavo-petro First, you must respect the rights of others"

The official's message that was the most high-ranking official that caused the most controversy was one which stated that Colombians have seen the current president receive money in a bag.

"I have not seen a general receiving ill-gotten cash on TV." https://www.grupoenergiadebogota.com/content/download/5967/88919/file/GUSTAVO FRANCISCO PETRO URREGO.pdf https://www.portafolio.co/elecciones-2022/gustavo-petro-ganador-del-pacto-historico-562857 General Zapateiro declared that Colombians have seen him receive money in a trash bag.

In a closing message the official added "to the longest-running institution in our country, whose members, men and women, unconditionally, have defended the democracy of this nation for more than 200 years, sometimes even risking their own lives and their lives for the cause, I ask respect."

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