Hard cross between Gustavo Petro, General Zapateiro

Hard cross between Gustavo Petro, General Zapateiro

A tweet from the presidential candidate Gustavo Petro generated a tough conversation on social media between the candidate for the top position in the country by the Historic Pact and the commander of the Army General Eduardo Enrique Zapateiro. Petro stated in the message that "some general" officers were employed by the Clan.

"While https://www.bluradio.com/noticias/gustavo-petro are being murdered by Gulf Clan, some generals are on the payroll of Clan. petro gustavo is corrupted because the politicians of the drug trafficking are the.that ultimately ascend to generals"" Gustavo Petro said on social networks.

General Zapateiro's response

This message generated an Army commander's response, who asked the candidate for president six times for his position.

https://www.pulzo.com/noticias/gustavo-petro declared that nobody is more affected by the death of a soldier than those of us who wear camouflage.

Francia Marquez denied two homes in Cali.

In a subsequent message, the senior officer talked about the many soldiers who had lost their lives in recent years. "Since 2021, more than 500 soldiers have been killed and injured in the course of completing the mission. The sacrifice of these soldiers was unnoticed, there was no announcement. https://www.eluniversal.com.co/temas/-/meta/gustavo-petro is curious that now the death of the heroes of our country does generate affliction and is used to signify other things."

petro gustavo , an army commander, demanded to Gustavo Petro inform the authorities of any information he may have regarding generals with connections to groups that are not law-abiding.

"Senator. Don't use your oath, the inviolability of parliament to predict the death of our troops. Instead, you must perform your civic duty by submitting a substantiated grievance to the


In a second note: "I remind you that as a senator you are part of the group that you are allowed to call out as 'drug-trafficking politicians'. As an individual, I suggest that you not generalize. First and foremost, respect"

One of the most controversial comments by the high officials is the one in which the official claimed that Colombians witnessed their current president receive money "ina garbage bag".

"I have never witnessed an official receive money that was stolen on the television." The Colombians were able to see you receive money in a bag," General Zapateiro said.

In the final note the official added "to the oldest institution in this country, whose members, both women and men, have steadfastly, have defended the democracy of our nation for over 200 years, sometimes even risking their own lives and their lives for the cause, I ask respect."

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