Happy Ending Brazilian Wax

Happy Ending Brazilian Wax


Happy Ending Brazilian Wax
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At first, Evie Touzeau was “shocked”, but the unique experience taught her something brilliant.
Evie Touzeau's Brazilian wax got her thinking. Image: Supplied. Source:Whimn
Evie Touzeau felt nervous when a man was due to give her Brazilian wax, but the result surprised her.
This was the thought that was running on repeat through Evie Touzeau’s mind as she braced for a Brazilian wax she’d never experienced before.
Alone in the salon room, the 23-year-old took off her undies and "awkwardly" waited for the beauty therapist to return to carry out the job. She’d been through these motions before, but this time was different - this time her waxer was a man.
Evie found herself in an unusual situation. Image: iStock. Source:Whimn
“It was the kind of salon that did hair nails makeup, etc, so I assumed they did waxing,” Evie tells whimn.com.au .
“I asked the girl at the front of the store and she was like, of course! We only have one waxer here, he is male, is that ok?”
Read these confessions of a Brazilian waxer . Plus, the no BS guide to dealing with thinning hair .
Seeing as she was travelling through a remote town in Mexico where salons were few and far between, the languages and development politics university student was “shocked” at first but needed the wax so decided to go through with it.
Evie felt uncomfortable at first. Image: iStock. Source:Whimn
Understandably, the experience started off with Evie feeling fairly self-conscious.
“I kind of draped the towel over my privates and it was so awkward I couldn’t make eye contact,” she says.
“The first few minutes were very uncomfortable just because it was a very vulnerable situation to be in and I was nervous, but he quickly put me at ease as we small-talked (I speak fluent Spanish).”
Razor brand Billie is celebrating female body hair in their new summer campaign.
The man, who was in his 40s or 50s, and was currently waxing off Evie’s pubic hair with a full view of her genitals, “went a long way to making me feel comfortable”.
“He was very professional and it was actually one of the best waxes I’ve ever had,” Evie says.
“He said he went to beauty school and has been doing this for over 20 years and is now training his daughter to do the same.”
Once Evie felt completely comfortable in the situation, she started to contemplate why it is that women are so put off by a male working in what is traditionally a very female-dominated role.
“I really started to challenge myself as to why I was so uncomfortable,” she says.
“The more I thought about, the more I realised that he was being a professional and I had no reason to be uncomfortable.”
Wax on, wax off. Image: iStock Source:Whimn
Interestingly, the student’s positivity about her Brazilian wax by a man hasn’t been echoed by everyone she's told.
“I’ve spoken to heaps of friends about it and the resounding response is they never would’ve done it,” she says.
“One even said that I was being reckless or dangerous by doing it but I don’t agree. The salon looked reputable, there were people outside and although I felt awkward, I felt safe.”
With Australians spending $1.8 billion on professional hair removal, it’s clear employment opportunities in the industry are there - is it that inconceivable to think there might be men who genuinely want to work in this space? Evie says the “ingrained power structure at play” in situations like her own make it a contentious issue, but it’s worth a thought, right?
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So I was getting a brazilian wax. Everything was going fine. The esthetician was very polite and professional. We had an engaging conversation and there was no sense of awkwardness despite the sensitive nature of what was taking place.

Then something happened. I can't quite figure out quite what it was. Something was brushed up against, something was moved. And then the same phenomenon which causes tigers domesticated from birth to suddenly attack their masters happened to me...entirely localized to my groin. I developed a raging erection. Even though I had my eyes closed, I knew she noticed it too. Our formerly fluid conversation became staccato and labored in quality.

I tried my level best to suppress it. I thought of the situation in Darfur. I thought of two emaciated meth heads having dry intercourse. Nothing worked. If anything, the thoughts of Darfur inexplicably added a throbbing element to what was formerly a plain jane erection.

Then I thought of you, the good people of Yelp. I thought of your incessant whining about teachers salaries and construction projects. I thought of your near universal solution to all problems, small and large alike, being to write to one's "alderman." And surprisingly, it worked. In an instant my
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