Hands off Iran!

Hands off Iran!


An international campaign to preserve the national sovereignty of countries attacks the global supremacy of the USA. t.me/Free21org/17

The war against Iran has long since begun. Above all, the harsh economic sanctions imposed by the USA have hit the country and its people hard and produced numerous crises. Meanwhile, NATO forces have threateningly increased their military presence in the region. All these measures are attacks on the national integrity of a sovereign state. A petition demands that Europe distance itself clearly from the plans of the USA, which amount to a world domination of the neoliberal economic policy.

The strategy of the total global supremacy of the United States, the restructuring of NATO and the EU military units with the aim of global warfare and the pursuit of neoliberal economic policy have led to the serious disregard of international law and the devastation of numerous countries. The increasing tensions in the Near and Middle East have prompted peace lovers to initiate the international campaign "Hands Off Iran". They state in their statement:

"With great concern and dismay, due to the increase in tensions in the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman, we raise our voices against a war against Iran and against the broad propaganda to justify this war.

Since the 11 September 2001 catastrophe, the neoconservatives who dominate the US government have strengthened their authority and military presence in regions that are particularly important for maintaining their supremacy, as part of their strategy of total global supremacy. They have attacked and militarily occupied countries that resist this strategic plan. After leaving behind extensive devastations in Afghanistan, Libya and Syria, they have made Iran their target.

The US government under Trump violated UN Security Council Resolution 2231, unilaterally abandoned the international nuclear treaty with Iran (JCPOA) and implemented unprecedented economic sanctions against Iran. As a result, the United States has caused numerous crises to the world community, particularly the people of Iran, and has caused considerable damage to the economic interests of other countries.

The war against Iran, especially in the form of economic sanctions, has been going on for some time and is causing daily casualties among the most vulnerable sections of the population. Any military action by the United States and its allies against Iran will not only have catastrophic consequences for the people of Iran, but will also plunge the entire Middle East into a massive warfire. Such a war will cause global economic crises and seriously endanger world peace and security.

The European Union regards the Iran nuclear agreement as a success of its foreign policy and as a suitable model for détente and for preventing the worldwide spread of nuclear weapons. At present, the warring wing of the US Government, under the guise of securing the waterways in the Strait of Hormus, is deliberately trying to persuade the European Union to send military units to the Persian Gulf, thus making them its accomplices in a possible war against Iran".

The initiators call on all peace-loving people in the world, in particular the citizens of the United States and the European Union, to demand that their governments recognise Iran's right to national sovereignty and territorial integrity in accordance with the United Nations Charter and international law. It is exclusively the right of the people of Iran to determine their government and their political leaders. with regard to the repeated violation of international law by the United States Government, which observes the world population, in particular in connection with the direct and secondary economic sanctions against the people of Iran, does not remain silent and stops the continuation of the action based on violation of the credibility of international institutions and threats to world peace. officially and immediately declare that they will not engage under any pretext in a possible war against Iran and will refrain from taking any military, financial, logistical or intelligence measures to spark this war. refrain from sending warships, arms shipments and increasing tensions in the region. take the necessary steps to lift and revoke economic sanctions against Iran. actively support the negotiations held in New York since November 2018 for the establishment of a zone free of weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East.

They also call on the UN Secretary-General to make a full commitment, within the framework of the UN Charter, to ending tensions and preventing the outbreak of war in order to ensure the safety of the waterways in the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman through joint cooperation between riparian states.

A petition can be signed online 👉🏻 https://handsoffiran.com

This text was translated by DeepL translator.

Here is the original text: https://t.me/RubikonNews/1286


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