Hands Down Panties

Hands Down Panties


Hands Down Panties
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Clare was 25 when her boss put his hand up her skirt at a company retreat — but instead of getting mad, she got even.
I always got on really well with my boss Sam — he was pushing 60, had a great sense of humour and was an all-round great boss.
He was always very fair, never lost this temper and he had a heart of gold, which was why I was thrilled when he sent me an email letting me know he’d decided to let me come along to the company’s coveted annual weekend retreat in the Hunter Valley .
Usually only executives got to attend so I was really excited about the opportunity and what it might mean for my career.
After a full day at the conference we had drinks and then dinner in the ballroom. I was a bit surprised that Sam had arranged for me to sit beside him at dinner. I wasn’t complaining though; it was a great night and he was in fine form, cracking jokes and making us all laugh.
Some of the crew were exhausted but after dinner I suggested we all head off for more drinks — Sam was the only person who said yes. I thought it would be a good opportunity for me to network with the big boss.
I was always very businesslike with him, I never flirted with him and I often spoke about my boyfriend Rod.
It was close to 11.30pm by this point. I remember the time because Sam went to the bathroom and I’d texted Rod to let him know I was still up and would call him in half an hour.
When Sam got back from the bathroom — he thrust his hand between my legs and before I knew it, his fingers were inside my underwear.
I managed to karate chop his hand and he moved it very quickly and started to apologise. He kept saying, “I’m sorry, I’m really sorry. Don’t tell your boyfriend. Your boyfriend will get really angry, won’t he?”
I was furious that his only concern was Rod would get angry — what about me? I was horrified. There was no way I led him on.
I stormed off and went to my room without speaking to him. I phoned Rod but I didn’t want to tell him what had just happened. Part of me was frightened that Rod would think it was my fault. I tried to put it to the back of my mind.
For the second day of the conference I could barely concentrate. Sam came over and whispered, “I’m really sorry about last night.”
As far as I saw it, I had three options: I could pretend it never happened , I could report Sam to HR, or maybe I could use it to my advantage.
I sent Sam an email saying I wanted to speak to him in private.
We met at the resort’s coffee shop and he apologised once again. I listened to him and then I said my piece.
“I promise you, I won’t go to HR,” I said. “I don’t want to destroy your career. But I expect you to do something for me.”
“Yes, I’m so sorry. I’ll do whatever you say,” he said.
He didn’t even think for 10 seconds. Right away, he said: “Done.”
So I got my promotion. I got a significant pay rise and, a year later, Sam doesn’t even work at the company any more.
Do I regret my decision? No, I don’t. I just don’t think if I had gone to HR I would have had any kind of success. What was I? A little person going up against a big person.
Now I’m further up the corporate ladder, I’m on a good salary and whenever visions of that groping incident enter my head, I’m able to push them away.
It is what it is. I’m determined to keep looking forward and not focusing on what happened in the past. I believe Sam knew he made a huge mistake and maybe he’s paying the price of that in ways I’ll never know.
If you or someone you know is affected by sexual assault, please contact 1800 RESPECT on 1800 737 732.
A woman has revealed she’s raking it after being hired by suspicious girlfriends to test the loyalty of their partners – and most fail.
A US teacher from a Christian school is accused of “sexting” an 18-year-old boy and attempting to bring him home while her husband was away.
A woman who launched an international manhunt to find her “missing” boyfriend was shocked to discover he had been hiding a huge secret.

Photo Credit: Art Frahm, Public Domain

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Seems as if we’ve made amazing technological advances in elastic waistbands in the past 65-years. Particularly, in the garment industry. Specifically, in women’s panties.
Art Frahm, an artist from Chicago, was known for his pin-up art from the 1940s through the 1960s. One of his series, “Ladies in Distress,” featured pretty girls mysteriously losing their panties in public places, all while their hands are full handling bags or purses or hatboxes – you know, lady stuff.
Journalist James Lileks has curated a large collection of Frahm’s art, along with other vintage fun, on his website The Institute of Official Cheer. Although Frahm is credited with many works that don’t involve women in the throes of wardrobe malfunctions, falling panties was his (somewhat bizarre) calling card.
How could this happen, you ask. What would make panties simply fall to the ankles in such a fashion?
Lileks said he has heard from women who claim their own underwear has failed. But did it ever happen like this? Wind blowing, arms full and a man or two in the background grinning ear to ear?
Unlikely. More of a daydream, Lileks muses. “This is a glimpse into someone’s fantasy – a world where men regularly happen across women whose undergarments have fluttered to their ankles.”
And why all the celery? That Lileks can’t explain. But whimsical blogger, Messy Nessy , did some digging on her own. It seems that celery was considered an aphrodisiac by Greeks and Romans, stimulating a man’s virility. Symbolism, perhaps?
Frahm depicts panties falling in so many situations. This poor lady loses her panties while bowling:
This lady only wanted to fix her tire. Goodness gracious! What’s happening?
But celery shopping seems to be the artist’s favorite motif.
So thankful the elastic waistband industry has finally caught up with the times. A girl really needs to be empowered to buy some celery these days without worrying her silky underthings might end up at her shoes.

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