Hands Around My Throat

Hands Around My Throat


Hands Around My Throat
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Let it out, you let it out this way
Draw me a picture of the fangs on a bitter taste
Knew you were bound to stay
Knew you were bound to stay

We can feel it out, it's only been three days
Craving a nibble of the fame you could never taste
I know your love is fake
I know your love is fake

You couldn't reach me
You couldn't reach me
You couldn't reach me
With your hands around my throat
You couldn't reach me
You couldn't reach me
You couldn't reach me
With your hands around my throat

I will never need your culture
You will never bleed my conscience
I will never be your soldier
Flesh eating vulture

Killing you because we're worlds away
Memories are all but gone, erased
Back down an endless hallway
Buried in the middle of a maze

You couldn't reach me
You couldn't reach me
You couldn't reach me
With your hands around my throat
You couldn't reach me
You couldn't reach me
You couldn't reach me
With your hands around my throat
Hands around my throat

Some days we're flowing like a river
Some days it fucking won't come out
Some days it hits with extra flavor
Some days it fucking won't come out

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The good vibes in our lives won't feel so consistent
And less becomes more 'cause the weight is too heavy
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When you'd pretend your winter breath was cigarette smoke in your lungs
I'd fight the urge to give you all the worst advice...
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Came here for nothing
Now you're gone
Oh I'm better off alone
I was picking up the pieces
Trying to iron out the creases
When you got up and left me here
You tried so hard to...
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Watching colors in the snow
You were laughing at me in your sleep
All wrapped up inside these sheets

Tell me you love me like you used to, yeah well
Tell me you love me...
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And now the only way to get out is to move on
And now I think to myself 'What have I begun?’
She's hiding from the moonlight
Can see the world in...

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Joanna Cazden - Holistic Voice Rehabilitation
Joanna Cazden's voice therapy, training, and healing services

By Joanna Cazden on October 13, 2017 in Training

Catheirne Litherland
April 22, 2020 at 9:23 am

Joanna Cazden
November 23, 2019 at 12:02 am

Joanna Cazden
March 8, 2019 at 6:08 am

George Cooke
February 26, 2019 at 3:28 am

  “Vocal Massage”/ “Manual Therapy for Laryngeal Muscle Tension”/ “Circumlaryngeal Massage”/ “Myofascial Release for Speech Pathologists”/ “Voice Massage”/ “Hands-on Voice Therapy”/ “Musicians’ and Vocalists’ Massage”/”Adjusting the Voice Box”/ “Manual Laryngeal Musculoskeletal Tension Reduction.” There are lots of names for this kind of voice work, and it’s getting a lot of buzz. All of these labels generally mean that the muscles directly around the voice box (larynx) are being treated by hands-on touch therapy.
This area is typically avoided by standard massage therapies. But sometimes, direct touch or massage can help these “circum-laryngeal” muscles work better, feel better, or both. As a result, the vocal cords inside the “box” can find more ease of movement, which means better or wider-ranging vibration (sound). People with medical issues that give them trouble swallowing are also sometimes helped by this approach.
As far as I know, the concept was formally introduced into voice care in the 1980s by Dr. Arnold E. Aronson of the Mayo Clinic. Osteopath Jacob Lieberman, in London , became known in the 1990s for his “Voice Massage” treatments for singers. In 2011, the idea “buzzed” more publicly in in the USA, when ABC-news showed the Cleveland Clinic’s Claudio Milstein, Ph.D, a speech pathologist, using manual techniques to rapidly restore the voice of a woman who’d “thought she’d never speak again.”
Now, here in body-therapy-and-entertainment-heavy Los Angeles, I know of singing teachers, music-industry-oriented massage spas, acting teachers, and at least one physician, as well as licensed voice/speech therapists like me, who offer variations on laryngeal massage. And you can find several videos online that show you how to do it yourself. (I haven’t curated them, because I don’t generally believe that throat massage should be taught this way.)
The “Why would I let anyone…?” gasping response, from a singer that I know, confirms that the throat/front-of-neck is a tricky area. At one end of the spectrum are vocal artists who consider laryngeal massage to be the new guarantee of a great voice. At the other end, some feel so protective of their “inner jewel” that the thought of direct touch makes them gag! Either way, it makes sense to be careful.
Just for starters, the voice box surrounds and protects your airway (windpipe) , meaning that your basic survival is right inside! And the laryngeal area is not far from the major bloodlines between your heart and brain. These are some of the reasons why most massage therapists, and even most licensed physical therapists, avoid working there. It’s definitely not a place to jump into DIY.
This is also an area that is psychologically/emotionally very hot, as shown by common phrases “I got all choked up,” “that idea was hard to swallow,” “the decision was forced down my throat, ” or “what a pain in the neck!” So even when people work with a practitioner who knows anatomy, and who is specifically trained to help the muscles in this region, there’s a wide variation in how much hands-on contact each client can tolerate.
To confirm: with some clients, this type of therapy is one of my top choices. But it’s not right for everyone. And I firmly believe that hands-on voice work is best as one ingredient in an individualized “recipe” of vocal exercises, breath-work, health education, and other approaches to vocal wellness. It’s not a magical cure for every problem, and it’s not the only brush in my paintbox.
Keep in mind that I’ve not only taken the standard training now offered to speech/voice therapists. I’ve also taught voice-related anatomy at a university; I spent years working in medical settings with sick and fragile in-patients; and I’ve studied massage and other forms of energy healing at places like the Esalen Institute and the Theta Institute.
In my 15 years as a voice therapy specialist, a hands-on muscle checkup is part of my assessment of every new client, meaning that I’ve touched around 2000 throats. Each one is different. I can usually tell pretty quickly who will tolerate what kind of contact, and when touch-based therapy is/isn’t going to be helpful—but sometimes I’m wrong. The classic healthcare principle of “First, do no harm!” is in my mind every time.
One client told me about having seen another specialist who had done only a short interview, then proceeded to manipulate her front-of-neck muscles so aggressively that the client felt bruised and sore for a week afterwards. If this practitioner had asked about the client’s history, a pre-existing trauma—near-choking by an ex-spouse!—might have come to the surface, to help explain why the muscles were so tight (protective). But few questions were asked, and the client felt too overwhelmed to say anything. That kind of experience does not help anyone sing!
Another student described a theater teacher (not a voice specialist, apparently) telling his class during warm up to “wiggle the hyoid bone until it clicks.” This teacher didn’t seem to know that both silent and “clicky” movement of the hyoid can be normal; it varies from person to person and is not any kind of sign of readiness (or not) to perform onstage. Freedom of movement in that area is a fine idea, but forcing or expecting an anatomical “click” falls between ignorant and dangerous.
I’ve also heard of vocalists who pay a voice coach big bucks for a “laryngeal adjustment” every time they’re onstage— sometimes repeatedly, in between songs. This might be done appropriately, and might feel good in the moment. But I worry that it risks dependency, and it gives the coach an incentive not to help the artist reduce muscle tension in other ways.
I nearly always combine my massage with verbal instructions to help clients participate in making change (for example, to soften or stretch the back part of the tongue, which interacts closely with the voice box.) And if regular massage around the voice box seems helpful, I will teach clients to do it themselves. I want to build independence, not the opposite.
Another concern about laryngeal massage, when it’s separated from a comprehensive training or voice-rehab program, is that it does not answer the question of WHY vocal-support muscles are overworking. Are other muscles not doing their jobs? Is there some kind of weakness in the vocal cords themselves, or elsewhere in the whole voice system, so that the outer throat and neck muscles get unconsciously recruited to compensate? Has the client even had a vocal exam (internal “scope”) to help answer those questions?
What if massage and other relaxation techniques make the voice sound worse? Does the practitioner understand this possibility, or do they just believe that muscle tightness is always bad and that relaxation solves everything? Non-licensed vocal arts teachers generally are not trained to deal with vocal-weakness conditions, and massage therapists know even less about the complex inner mechanics of the voice. A licensed vocal therapist almost always starts with some medical information about a client’s vocal cords, and is trained to think carefully about all aspects of a complaint.
My initial consultation with clients does include a short hands-on testing of these around-the-voice-box muscles. In that first contact I’m “listening” carefully to the body, and asking for verbal feedback on how each little area feels. Some clients flinch at a light, almost grazing, touch; others let me press deeper. I respect both.
In that first meeting we also talk about many other aspects of your voice and vocal demands. Sometimes a person’s technique is basically good, but they’re just doing too much. Big-picture, real-life strategizing is as important as detailed in-the-moment muscle relief. If we decide to do more work together, touch-based therapy may or may not be part of the package. We decide together.
For healthy performers, I also offer a one-shot “Massage and more” session. This combines extended hands-on work around the neck and throat with a whole-body energy-balancing experience. It’s a great boost for performers on tour.
Wherever you are, and whomever you choose to go to for help with your voice: please know—ask!—what you’re getting into .
And if, as with my singer-friend, the whole idea makes you squeamish: that’s OK too! Ask for alternative ways to retrain your voice, or for very small, “trial doses” of laryngeal massage.
Nutshell: voice massage can be a great tool, if everyone is careful! And taking good care starts with you.
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my problem started with having difficultyin swallowing. I saw several doctors about this and no one could find a prolbem. eventually my neurologist told me he thought it was a type of parkindons deseaseand put me on medication. Fibromyalgia

> Does anyone ever have the feeling of hands around your throat?
Does anyone ever have the feeling of hands around your throat?

MS has been ruled out, had tons of bloodwork done all ok (thyroid, ra, lupus sjogrens waiting for labs back on lyme) just saw the neuro and he can figure it out either. I am having a emg done even though my drs don't think it is als, I am the one requesting the emg. My symptons are muscle ache, joint ache, fatigue, tingling and the hands around my throat feeling. It does go somewhat away when I take a xanax. The dr is trying me on steroids. Is a tight feeling in the throat neck area a fibro symptom?

Re: Does anyone ever have the feeling of hands around your throat?

Yes, at times I feel like I can not swallow, but all tests were fine. I have this constant feeling of having something lodged in my throat. I also have times when it is like my swallowing mechanism just freezes. A drink will hang up and feel like a spasm of sorts before it will finally go down. I had extensive GI workup, endo, etc and all was fine. I think it is fm or the lupus symptom for me.

Re: Does anyone ever have the feeling of hands around your throat?

Yes I have and sometimes the sides of my neck (neck muscles) hurt like someone actually did have their hands around my neck. My throat often feels swollen and I am constantly clearing my throat. My mouth gets so dry and I don't understand that either. There are just a multiple symptoms to fibro, they take on different pains or aches or feelings every day-I can't keep up. I hurt everyday mainly on the right side of my body although the front of my ches and back and neck all at the same time. grrrrrrrrrr

Re: Does anyone ever have the feeling of hands around your throat?

I first noticed it when I thought my shirt collar was choking me, I went to pull it down and realized the collar was no where near my throat. A pressure at the front of my throat.
It is off an on over years for me. I've spoken to ear/nose/throat dr. and he didn't have much suggestions.
Sometimes it will get triggered by food- I ate a tortilla chip and it scraped my throat and brought it all back for a few months. Then it went away.

Re: Does anyone ever have the feeling of hands around your throat?

Just wanted to mention that the dry mouth referred to earlier could be Sjogren's. If you have not been tested, you may want to do so. I know it is commonly seen with FMS.

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