Haitian Voodoo Femdom Rocks

Haitian Voodoo Femdom Rocks

Meet Dennis Pierrot, a big and tall black man living in the City of Cap-Haitien, Haiti. A maintenance man at College Notre Dame Du Perpetuel Secours, Dennis is a hard working brother with an embarrassing problem of a personal nature. Simply put, Dennis is constantly constipated, and he has tried just about everything to cure his affliction. What's a brother to do under those circumstances?

"Hmm, I think I can help you with that," said Dennis neighbor and long-time friend Mademoiselle Eloise, after he revealed his personal issue. Mademoiselle Eloise is a short, curvy black woman in her early fifties. Many people in the Loge neighborhood, located in the Bel-Air suburb of Cap-Haitien, think of Mademoiselle Eloise as a Mambo, the local term for a witch. What's wrong with a Haitian lady of a certain age practicing traditional medicine and communing with the spirits? There's no law against that.

The Haitian Constitution permits freedom of religion, and the Voodoo faith, which many rural Haitians adhere to, is as legal as Catholicism and Islam. A lot of Haitians have embraced Islam after the 2010 Earthquake, and Haitian Muslims are now present in every facet of Haitian society. Mademoiselle Eloise respects both Catholicism and Islam, but the Voodoo faith is the one true religion as far as the old Haitian lady is concerned. Voodoo empowers women, while Islam and Catholicism uphold the patriarchy system...

"Merci beaucoup, Mademoiselle Eloise," Dennis said, and the older black woman smiled at him, marveling at the burly brother's naivete. Mademoiselle Eloise sat Dennis down, and asked him what had been troubling him. Dennis confessed to having sexual feelings about Daniella, a lovely young woman who lived in the Rue Deux area and did not seem to notice that he existed. Daniella is engaged to a young carpenter named Michel, and thinks of Dennis as a slow-witted fool with pervy tendencies.

"Dennis, a lot of the local ladies say that you stare at them a lot, and sometimes spy on them while they bathe, is that true?" Mademoiselle Eloise asked, as they sat in her living room. Dennis blushed, and confessed to spying on some of the local young women, such as Daniella, and a big-bottomed housewife named Catherine, whose husband Paul swore he'd kick Dennis ass someday. The horny, slow-witted brother had made a lot of enemies, all in the name of sex. Something's got to give, seriously.

"Mademoiselle Eloise, I did not mean to spy on those women, I am constantly horny, and constipated," Dennis said, looking forlorn. Mademoiselle Eloise smiled at the confused, horny and afflicted Dennis, knowing that she had him right where she wanted him. Time for Mademoiselle Eloise to teach Dennis a lesson while curing him of his health-related and sexual afflictions at the same time. Voodoo empowers women and shows them the beauty of female dominance, but it can also liberate men...

"Dennis, I will show you the way," Mademoiselle Eloise said, smiling at him the way a serpent smiles at a dove. Mademoiselle Eloise ordered Dennis to undress, and then she tied the naked, burly black man to a tree in the garden behind her house. Time for Dennis to be cured of his voyeurism and predatory behavior, by learning the virtue of female dominance and female power, of course. Female domination in and out of the bedroom is a wonderful thing, and black men like Dennis desperately need it in their lives...

"Oh this hurts," Dennis groaned as Mademoiselle Eloise inserted a dildo up his ass, after lubricating his asshole of course. Mademoiselle Eloise smiled as she looked at Dennis, tied up to a tree, with a dildo up his ass. Is there anything sexier than a strong, mature black woman dominating a young black man? Mademoiselle Eloise took a type of whip called a Rigwaz, and caressed it while Dennis looked on, alarmed.

"Dennis, this is for your own good," Mademoiselle Eloise said, and she proceeded to whip him with the Rigwaz. Dennis cried out as the mean old black lady whooped his ass with the Rigwaz. Ignoring Dennis cries, Mademoiselle Eloise whipped him a lot, and then whipped him some more. As Mademoiselle Eloise beat Dennis, she berated him for being the kind of loser who spied on women, and ordered that he repented of his vile behavior.

"Please, Mademoiselle Eloise," Dennis cried, weeping as the merciless old Haitian woman whooped his ass. Smiling, Mademoiselle Eloise tossed aside the Rigwaz, much to Dennis relief. As the terrified the young black man looked on, the mature black woman knelt before him and took his dick in her hand. Grinning wickedly, Mademoiselle Eloise verified that the dildo was still embedded in Dennis asshole, and then she took his dick into her mouth.

"Part of woman's duties is bringing pleasure to man's life, if he is worthy, of course," Mademoiselle Eloise paused to say, before she resumed sucking Dennis dick. Dennis groaned, loving what Mademoiselle Eloise was doing to him. The same nasty Haitian witch who'd beaten his ass with a whip was now sucking his big Haitian dick like there was no tomorrow. Dennis couldn't believe his luck, and Mademoiselle Eloise lovely head bobbed up and down while fellating him.

"This feels great," Dennis croaked, loving what Mademoiselle Eloise was doing to him. As abruptly as she'd begun, the mature Haitian lady stopped sucking the young Haitian man's dick. Dennis groaned, for he was very close to erupting into a torrent of cum. Mademoiselle Eloise tugged on Dennis dick, stroking him until he came. Smiling, Mademoiselle Eloise looked at Dennis, who sighed in relief. This one has great potential, Mademoiselle Eloise thought, amused.

"Dennis, I want to take you as my apprentice, you will work for me, and I will teach you how to control yourself, and only then will you find the right woman and found a household," Mademoiselle Eloise said haughtily. Dennis nodded, heeding the dominant Haitian lady's words as she cut him down, freeing him from his bonds. Dennis knelt before Mademoiselle Eloise and thanked her for accepting him as her student.

"Merci beaucoup Mademoiselle Eloise," Dennis said, bowing his head respectfully in front of his new teacher. Mademoiselle Eloise felt her pussy twitch with excitement. Dennis was going to make a fine student. With a bounce in his step and a smile on his face, Dennis headed home. Ignoring common broads like Daniella and Catherine, Dennis focused on Mademoiselle Eloise. He had much to learn, and she was the most awesome teacher of all. Haitian female domination rocks, and Haitian men need to stop fearing it, seriously...










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