Hairy Women In Thongs

Hairy Women In Thongs


Hairy Women In Thongs
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Most guys don't wear thongs, so this question is mainly for girls. Though I don't see why guys can't share their opinion, so the option for you to comment on this is open. I don't wear thongs, but I was going to go by some because I heard they're comfortable and just why not? I don't shave or wax down there, but the friends that recommended wearing them do. I was just wondering if having pubic hair makes it any less uncomfortable to wear them or even just makes them look awkward.
I shaved and wore a thong today and I felt as if guys could notice? Is that weird?
Which one should I try thongs or g string?
Lengthy sex/body survey for girls 18 and older only!! !! !!
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I just like women wearing what they HONESTLY feel comfortable wearing. You might be surprised how many wear 'Sensible Cotton Briefs' or 'Hipsters', aka 'Granny Panties' to those that wear thongs and get UTI's!! Personally, I don't understand how so many women say thongs, a strip of fabric up your bottom, feels 'Comfortable'!! I think it is mostly their vanity, not wanting a 'panty line' in Yoga pants. Really? I think that's kind of nasty!! No underwear, or a string thing up your bottom? Maybe I just like seeing the pantylines, even in leggings, and yoga pants, thinking that she is a proper Lady, and wears underthings, and doesn't care if there is a line, because it is just kind of nasty, not wearing any underwear!! As for her intimate 'grooming', I prefer the pink parts clean, because I like going there, and teasing her, and making her giggle, loving how she feels! A little 'bush' above the clit, and tasty parts is kind of nice, in a 'retro' way!! I don't understand this 'waxing' thing, as it sounds painful!! I doubt that being shaved, or 'natural' makes much difference in your feeling of your underthings, even thongs.
I don't know why it is not common for guys to wear thongs coz it becomes question about their masculinity. But a piece of cloth do not decide your gender. Im a guy and i wear thong as a daily underware. At first my wife suggested me to wear thongs because theyy are more comfortable and provide better support. I was not ready to switch to thongs but i once i tried and then i permanently dropped boxers, now i only wear thongs. Thongs provide sufficient coverage but pubic hair are visible. I usually don't shave my pubic hair and i dont have problem if anyone see me in thongs with pubic hair visible. So its upto you if you doesn't want to shave then go as is.
Well, generally speaking girls should wax/shave their pubic hair for multiple reasons. I personally think you should shave because it looks awkward. If you're merely wearing it cause of the pantie line issue then it really doesn't matter I guess but if you're wearing it to be comfortable or sexual reason, do shave.
I wear thongs most of the time. Anyway I am bare down there, but I would imagine pubic won't make them uncomfortable. Maybe a little awkward looking. Get a pair try it out.
I wear thongs when I wear leggings or yoga pants so there is no line. I do shave down there but when I don't, lace thongs and longer pubic don't mix. It's kind of itchy.
I can only look at what my girlfriend does. In the past, thongs were her first choice of underwear. She used to shave bare. When she decided to let her pubic hair grow, her choice of underwear changed to hipsters and briefs. Underwear which is capable of covering a bush. She still has a couple of thongs though, and she does wear them occasionally (a couple of times per year). But only when she's wearing tight clothes and doesn't want to show any panty lines. She doesn't mind wearing them with a full bush, it's not uncomfortable for her. She doesn't shave specifically in order to wear a thong. But she doesn't like how it looks as it's not covering her whole bush, so when she's wearing a thong you can see two big tufts of pubes sticking out at the sides. Even though I like pubic hair, I can understand she doesn't like how it looks when she's wearing a thong and that she doesn't feel sexy at all when wearing it. Once in a while she shaves bush, just for a temporary change, and usually she keeps a landing strip, as she feels to old to keep it bare now, she thinks it looks a bit childish. During those times, she usually wears thongs more frequently. So yes, if she wears thongs and how often is linked to the amount of pubic hair she has. Only occasionally with a full bush, more frequent with a landing strip.
I'm not that crazy about thongs, but I think girls should wear whatever kind of underwear they're comfortable in. I like pubic hair on girls and think it looks sexy no matter what underwear they are wearing.
Do whatever you feel is more comfortable , if your want to groom yourself go for it but only go as far as you're comfortable (trimming, shaving or waxing). It might look a little awkward and or less sexy to some but it wouldn't bother me.
Bare pussy with a thong ;)))) Narrow landing strip with a thong :)))) Full bush with a thong, hahahahaha!!! Are you fucking kidding me?
No its upto you and by the way im a guy and i wear mens thongs as daily underware i think thongs doea the purpose of covering you know what. If your pubic hair are visible it doesn't matter if you are ok with it. I wear thong without shaving my pubic hair.
I don't care for them. They do not perform the normal functions of underwear, which are leakage and odor containment. I would think that pubic hair dies not make them less comfortable (maybe more) but foliage would make them look comical.
u gonna need to wax or shave or at least trim to wear a thong
Who said guys don't wear them? YOU can't JUDGE OKAYY!!
remove your pubic hair and wear if you wish to
I don't know, but pubic hair doesn't bother me.

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I Am Not Ukrainian But I Support You! 🌻💙💛🌻
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"Femininity is a strength not a weakness. I want women to feel empowered without giving up their femininity"
"Feminism isn't about making women stronger. Women are already strong. It's about changing the way the world perceives that strength"
I am so grateful to be included in this wonderful campaign. Thank you Lawrence 💛. When I saw it was about honouring both the beauty and strength of women I was hooked! This is something I am really passionate about. Breaking down the stigma and misconceptions of what it means to be a strong, empowered woman. What it means to honour the blood and tears of our sisters who rose before us and pathed the way through the women's rights movement. Who wore the badge of feminist with pride.
We now find ourselves in a time when feminism is a dirty word, when it conjures up thoughts of women who go around breaking the balls of men with their hairy armpits and masculine ways. This is a deliberate falsification of reality. It is my dream for women to stand in solidarity with one another, in every corner of the globe, to keep striving for equity and respect in every facet of life. Both at home and in the corporate and political arenas. But to be able to do so without giving up our most beautiful quality which is our femininity as that is where our greatest strengths are found.
🏁 [Optmus Race] JP Enduro 4X4 Rally Series] 🏁
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Bees make honey, who needs money? No, not poor me
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I Am Not Ukrainian But I Support You! 🌻💙💛🌻
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SE: Phototools: *AK* Bayou 1 Custom (modified)
A couple of summers ago, I witnessed the most meaningful ceremony I've ever seen. My friend G married her longtime love. And before I go on... a word about their love.
It's something you can feel when you walk into their house. It emanates... not just from them, but from the house itself... the furniture... the animals... the garden... the bric a brac. Entering that house is like walking into some big yellow-warm sunshine embrace; it is nothing short of palpable. And seeing them together is even more powerful.
These are two people who just so clearly delight in each other's company. Like all of us, they have their share of less than stellar days, but they're strong for each other, they support one another, they complement each other... and, like I said, when you see them together, you can't help but share a little hiccup in your heart... a skip-step of giddiness. In short, if ever two people should be married, G and her love were those two people. And they're both from backgrounds that value marriage; that see it as the highest expression of togetherness.
But there was one more factor at play that made their wedding the specialest occasion. Until that year, they had not had the legal right to marry. Why? Because G and her One True Love are women. To which I say... So fucking what??
Marriage, as I understand it, is all about love and commitment. And no two people were ever more in love or more committed.
And to those who argue same-sex marriage somehow undermines the so-called sanctity of the so-called institution of marriage... I say heterosexual couples... with their soaring divorce rates, and rampant infidelity, and vicious child-custody disputes... are doing that themselves.
Besides. Why should anyone's choice of who to love... or who to marry... be anyone else's business? As long as no one's being victimized, what's the problem?
One of the arguments advanced here in Canada, where same-sex marriage is legal (for the time being, anyway)... is that, if THIS is okay, then what's next? Polygamy?
To which I say... what's the hairy issue with polygamy? If three people (or four or five or whatever) choose to form a legal bond and raise their family collectively... again, as long as no one's being victimized... what is the problem?
Oh, say the critics, but polygamy's tied to child abuse. Uh, right. That's the same thing they say about same-sex unions... based on their ludicrous assumption that all homosexuals are somehow pedophiles, or sex fiends. Ridiculous.
I've heard otherwise rational men say... I'd never go to a gay male doctor.
To which I say.... don't flatter yourself. Just because a man may be in a love with another man, that doesn't mean he's uncontrollably flinging himself at every damned man who walks through the door. I mean... I have a straight male doctor. That means... oooooohhhh.... gasp.... he has sex with women!!!! But that has absolutely nothing to do with him examining me in his professional capacity.
We have a polygamist sect here in British Columbia, and it's under near-constant scrutiny for child abuse. The allegation is that very young girls are married off to men, against their will.
To which I say... if that's the case, it's child abuse, for sure. But it's an entirely separate issue from the marital status of the parents involved.
Sorry if I'm ranting here, but this whole issue gets my knickers in a major twist. I think it's because... as one of those kids who was teased and taunted for simply being who I was... I sort of understand what it must be like to face such senseless discrimination.
We have today, in too many parts of North America, a culture that says... while most other forms of organized hate and discrimination are frowned upon... it's okay to ostracize and mistreat people... solely on the basis of who they love.
It's insane. I mean... I remember when I first encountered boys. There was an instant ZING! From that time on, I pretty much always had a crush on some boy or other and... lucky me... I was part of a majority, so having those feelings was a-okay.
The gay and lesbian people I've talked to had similar experiences somewhere in their lives.... where they felt that overwhelming sense of attraction and excitement and curiosity. But... unlucky them, they were part of a minority, and made to think that what they felt was somehow bad or wrong.
I'm on this topic today because our federal government (recently elected and right wing) is threatening to undo the same-sex marriage law. This is just the latest in a string of reversals that's included:
- killing the nearly-enacted bill that would've decriminalized marijuana
- killing an agreement with aboriginal people that would've finally begun addressing the deplorable conditions many of them live in
- reversing the country's commitment to do its part to address climate change, and
- killing a multi-year agreement with the provinces that would've made child care somewhat more affordable and accessible.
In the government's eyes, child care is bad. I mean, everyone knows mommies should stay home with their babies while daddies work. Climate change is just a bunch of made-up garbage; after all, those scientists are all a bunch of liberals. Aboriginal people... notwithstanding the fact that white people stole their land, stuck them on reserves, legislated away their rights and tore a whole generation of children away from their families and communities... Notwithstanding that, "those people" are just lazy; they just need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. As for marijuana... well, we all know it's FAR more harmful than booze, which government not only endorses but shamelessly profits from. I mean... just look at all the domestic strife, and public brawls, and armed standoffs, and traffic carnage caused by those crazed, violent potheads. And those humsexuals... well. We can't deport them 'cause they're from here (darnit anyway). But we sure as hell owe it to the citizenry to make sure they're denied the most fundamental of human rights... the right to freely love.
I'm sorry if this is a downer but I'm sick at heart for my country today. I fear where we're going and I feel so helpless... watching our common sense progress slip away.
I guess I should just be glad that G and her One True Love are already married... and no one... not even right wing governments... can take what they have away from them.
(Sonnet) a BED of ROSES... - written HTR Stevens
Pain, hardships and suff’ring are of earth born.
Life is not a road that runs smooth and straight;
They on whom we shower love may return hate.
Life has many a wild and worthless dream;
Yet, how many a low thing we esteem!
Power and all fade with the breaking dawn;
And with them all bright prospects are withdrawn.
Farewell to thee, o sweet and fragrant flower;
Power and Beauty take leave at Death’s hour.
Howe’er great or grand to men thou may be,
When Death looms o’erhead, no man can save thee.
Fare-thee-well, dear reader, be brave at heart;
Fight the good fight, then with a smile depart.
The image of a witch on a broomstick first appeared in the 15th century. Two women in illustrations of the 1451 edition of French poet Martin Le Franc’s Le Champion des Dames, are flying, one on a stick, the other on a broom.
Dylan Thuras at Atlas Obscura wrote that the “broom was a symbol of female domesticity, yet the broom was also phallic, so riding on one was a symbol of female sexuality, thus femininity and domesticity gone wild.” The two women in Le Champion des Dames are ordinary, so their corruption cannot be visually perceived. And pagan rituals before the 15th century had involved phallic forms, so the shape of the broomstick between a woman’s legs had both a sexual and spiritually deviant meaning to the Church.
The vulgar belief, and the witches confess, that on certain days or nights they anoint a staff and ride on it to the appointed place or anoint themselves under the arms and in other hairy places.
Since many witch “confessions” were got under torture, and the Catholic Church and others could be wildly reactionary to any deviance, all of this is hearsay. But the image of the witch on the broomstick combined anxieties about women’s sexuality, and religious freedom into one enduring myth.
The football that is! For all those women who don't think men show emotions, just go out tonight and watch them cry if we lose!
Me, I don't give a damn. I get my ups & downs in other ways - like spending 3 hours hoping & praying a Hairy (dragonfly of course!) would land just once for a photo opportunity. And I wasn't the only one!
When it did finally land to partake of a snack (a Large Red Damselfly) the elation shown by two grown men (and one grown woman) was akin to winning the final. It meant we could go home satisfied with a winning result,and we weren't going to get drunk and beat up total strangers....
since the last few were oldies, as promised .. a new shot.
one of my co-workers. when i told him i'd post this he said "oh yea? let me show them my sexy leg". this is the guy your mother warned you about. he has a girlfriend in every country. just got transferred to Saudi Arabia .. women of Saudi, you've been warned :p
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Oh the bushes and braids of the hair parade
Nobody looks for great hair i
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