Hairy Prostitutes In Canton Ohio

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6th Street And Newton Canton, Ohio


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City of Canton, OH


City of Canton IT Department_1 assigned this issue to City of Canton IT Department

The Newton Zone needs to be taken seriously by our Ward 1 leadership and City Council. I am sure they would not want these nasty people plying their trade in their backyards. I am growing weary of picking up the "debris" left from these "transactions"!! Do you think City Council will take it seriously if we start bringing these "souvenirs" to their meetings? Maybe they require visual aids to understand the problem!!!

What does the IT department have to do with making our neighborhood prostitute free??? Just curious.

I guess we are not allowed to ask questions about the effectiveness of the IT department.

Urban I completely agree with you, this is ridiculously out of hand, I have children and they see this crap, even for these hookers to walk out in front of an on coming vehicle and or block the road is getting old! Something has got to be done!

You have to understand. It’s not important to city council. They only worry about what’s happening around the HOF

Ok so what ya saying the next time one of these hookers steps in front of my nephews truck it's ok to hit them? So now a person gets charged with vehicular assault, is that what you're saying is suppose to happen before something gets done? That's a bunch of crap if you ask me. I don't think they would want their PRECIOUS hall of fame tarnished by neighborhoods that are in close proximity. If I didn't live down here and I heard about this, do you think I would visit this city NOPE.

Canton Police non emergency number 330-649-5800

The police have been called and by the time they get into the neighborhood the hookers are gone.

Well I see how you think of y'all's voters and everything, simple answer call the cops? Really by the time they get out here the hookers are gone.

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By the time the city see this it be aweek and there be gone good luck call cops. Been fighting this issue for years an the nieghberhood nothing done. Good day

Well I see how much they truly care about their citizens that express concerns then. I doubt it do any good but what about setting up a neighborhood watch in this area?

Been there us citziens have tryed for 10 pluse years city cant stop it. If the take 3 hookers of the street 8 more come. Losing battle this an every. Place across us all ends of town. Its a loseing battle. I called 1000000 pluse times about the issue all way from 2nd newton too 12 down two cherry. Fail

What's the penalty if they get busted? If it's weak why not make the laws tougher? Maybe start a neighborhood watch over here? I don't doubt there are people who would do it. It' seems like all the traffic is coming from canton Inn. Start there it also seems like the people who wanna clean up their neighborhood need to stand up for it and fight back.

Calling the cops and giving them detail reports replete with descriptions, license plates, etc. does nothing. For a period of over several years, I emailed a weekly log of prostitution activities adjacent to my property... and the problem continues. When our city has a dwindling population base, with an average household income of $30,000, does it make sense to alienate the few resident homeowners in the Newton Zone who truly care and who have real professional, white collar jobs supporting the soon to be raised City Income Tax... Just wondering how many of the HOF and Chamber executives actually LIVE IN CANTON! Yet, they have the plan for what's best for US poor slobs...

I hear ya on that Urban, you make very well valid points. Me I happen to rent a home here and I like the neighborhood. But it could use some cleaning up. I see so many run down homes weeds over grown it's just ridiculous that it really seems like our councilman don't even care, I even tried to inquire about turning empty lots I to a kids playground or community garden, I'm sorry but I really think we need better councilman for this area that's going stick to his guns and fight for his ward

I hear ya on that Urban, you make very well valid points. Me I happen to rent a home here and I like the neighborhood. But it could use some cleaning up. I see so many run down homes weeds over grown it's just ridiculous that it really seems like our councilman don't even care, I even tried to inquire about turning empty lots I to a kids playground or community garden, I'm sorry but I really think we need better councilman for this area that's going stick to his guns and fight for his ward

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Who keeps blocking these posts? How are they rejected? Or will this get rejected, too???

I wish I knew Urban this just tells me they don't wanna hear the truth. Well these councilmans just lost my vote in next election.

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I don't understand why they can't remove them either. We know them by name for crying out loud. It's ridiculous. They are out in the middle of the day. The Canton Inn needs to be dealt with. It attracts this type of behavior. I'm glad to see that other people care about this neighborhood.

There is a somewhat defunct neighborhood association (because no one would show up) that meets at Kennedy's. We haven't met since November. Look it up on FB. Monument Community Corridor Association. I'm on vacation right now. Talk to Michael, the former cook there, he is the current President.

Thanks NW neighbor hmm maybe we can try to get it up and going again. I have kids and I want them to be safe and feel safe in their home and neighborhood, if they're out playing I don't them to see something they shouldn't, it's bad enough I have seen drug deals as well take place, I don't go for that crap can't stand it,

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There is a Summit United Neighbors Association meeting on Wednesday, June 20th at 5:30 pm at the Lincoln Highway train station (which is part of the Canton Park District). All are welcome to attend.

Somebody needs to see click canton inn it definitely needs painted and has structural issues then maybe price of room goes up chases people awAy

I know I come up 5 the right there and it's always trashy outside people hanging around beside or behind it

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think i will check on this in the morning

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City of Canton IT Department_1 assigned this issue to City of Canton Police Department

What does it mean that the Police Department has closed this dialogue? Are they again washing their hands of the prostitute situation in our neighborhood? Or, can we be assured that we no longer see prostitutes trolling our streets and performing their services in our backyards? If it is truly closed, then I guess will no longer have their "party favors" left for me to pick-up with a long stick. Yecch, it is so very gross!

Seriously, IT Department! How can you have the gumption to decide that this case is closed!!! I bet it would not be if these ladies were performing their apparently much needed services in your neighborhoods!

On Sunday, chased away 3 transactions in process! And as soon as I did, another car pulls up for his "pit stop." Ughhhhh.... If our neighbors can see this happening all the time, why can't the Police and Ward One officials acknowledge it?? Do we need to bring the used "party favors" to Council for some show and tell!

I was told (over and over again, year after year) that police on bicycles, even one day a week for four hours was impossible due to budget. Now that we have this new tax increase, I don't see that as an issue in the future. Perhaps we should press our Council people to get our police on bicycles back in our neighborhood. As Vice is here listening, thank you Vice for always being helpful, they can press the department to get us a couple of police officers back on bicycles patrolling the area. The bicycles would not be newly purchased equipment as they are sitting in the police department basement collecting dust.

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All of the above information has been forwarded to our Vice Unit for further investigation. If you would like to speak with the Vice unit directly please contact 330-649-5929.

Hell yeah I will gladly help out. I have children in this neighborhood and there are good families here that don't need to see this.

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Amen, Sharon! We are dutifully reporting the 'transactions' to 330 649 5800! Let's clean our neighborhood up!

Got flagged down yesterday on the corner of 4th and Brown NW! How utterly brazen! And disgusting.

Urban they have stepped right out in front of my nephews truck before and I had to swerve around them, that is also my kids bus stop.

I hear ya on that Urban a kinda tall skinny girl with short reddish blonde hair walk around with a black dude is the one I see all the time. She literally tried to pick up my cousin in front of my house! I had to say something to her, told her to take her trick butt away from my house and this was right on 6th nw

I think that is the one who conducted a transaction Sunday morning with a white guy in a Dark Blue Dodge Dakota in the parking lot by the Hart Company. Dutifully reported it real time to the PD. Of course, the act was completed and the John and Prostitute were gone by the time the PD arrived. It is fun on a Sunday morning to watch all the SWM's cruising around looking for the HOF Hostesses!

Let's try again. She and a John in pick-up truck were doing the nasty Sunday morning. Called it in to the PD. Every Sunday morning, there are plenty of customers cruising in the Newton Zone neighborhood.

Flagged down by a lady of the evening at 8:45 pm on Tuesday, July 10th at the corner of Fifth and McGregor NW. Please do not block this post, the neighbors and the PD are working together to solve this plague and it is not fair that you continually block these posts...

I called police last night about one in the neighborhood gave them a description of what she looks like everything. When I left my house to go to store she was on 5th and Fulton when I came back she was on my street of 6th and Newton, kept walking back and forth between 7th and canton Inn, wearing a pink/peach colored shirt, black Capri pants flip flops long reddish brown hair pulled into a ponytail and carrying silver purse. She flagged down the car who was behind me when I was headed to store. And if CPD came out idk. But this is bs. We deserve to have our neighborhood free of this crap.

Sharon! That is the exact same one who tried to flag us down last night! She is always around. Should not be hard to miss her. Great description!

Cleaned up more party favors last night! Yechhhhhh!

All quiet on the Southern Front of Ward One for the last few days... Hopefully a sign of things to come!

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Flagged down twice in three days by WF Red hair in jean shorts and t-shirt. This disgusting when you can't drive down your neighborhood streets without this. Bet you, it doesn't happen in Mayor Bernabei's neighborhood. And we both pay the same city income tax rate...

Flagged down twice in three days by WF Red hair in jean shorts and t-shirt. This disgusting when you can't drive down your neighborhood streets without this. Bet you, it doesn't happen in Mayor Bernabei's neighborhood. And we both pay the same city income tax rate...

Maybe the Mayor should think of a different type of "let's clean up downtown for HOF"! Let's expand it to the prostitutes who troll our streets all year round, not just during the HOF activities...

Of course, my posts are being held for moderator approval!

Flagged down again two days ago by the same WF Red Hair thin build skank. This is not the image our city needs to portray during HOF week and the other 51 weeks in the year...

I think her name is Brandy. Just politely ask her to walk somewhere else first and see if that works. She has been working here for like 15 years, they know about her, but PD can't do much if the courts and council don't help us more. Last night we had women walking up and down as usual for HOF. Football season is trafficking season. Maybe we can work with PATHS to make a difference. They only made like $60 at their recent fundraiser at the Arcadia. Yelling online doesn't fix anything, unfortunately.

You make valid arguments. I fail to understand why our Ward One neighborhood is such a low priority for fixing this problem. I pay the same tax rates as the residents of Ridgewood, Harter Heights, Colonial Heights, and Market Heights. Yet, if Brandy relocated to one of the aforementioned neighbors, I bet your head would spin with the city's lightning fast response.

I agree completely. And it irritates me to no end when people and friends from Jackson and "better" neighborhoods tell me to move. They are the ones keeping these girls and dealers in business. We s
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