Hairy Penis

Hairy Penis


Hairy Penis



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By Jbon | 12 posts, last post 4 months ago

Hi im 17, i have a full beard on my face and my whole body is hairy. Trouble is my penis shaft has alot of hairs on it and shaving creates stubble and everytime i pluck i get an ingrown hair which wont go away and they look disgusting. This problem shuts down my self confidence anytime im hooking up with a girl. Why is there hair there and what can i do to get help

Just another post confirming to me that hairy guys like ME and YOU "Jbon" can grow a full beard by 17. I could have done that but my parents would not allow me, just like you I had hairy legs, chest hair also by 17, eventully I got a very hairy neck and those hairs spread down over my shoulders as well. Of course I also had like you a very hairy pubic area with the hair spreading up my penis shaft BUT unlike you I just left the hair alone and it did not give me any problems whatsoever I would advise you just to let the hair on your penis shaft grow out naturally. Ingrown hair I agree looks disgusting but with a little help with cream that gets rid of ingrown hair from a chemist there should be no problems thereafter, just let the pubic hair around and on your penis shaft grow out long and thick naturally like I have, no problems after that.

In reply to medic-dan109453 on 2014-04-06 - click to read

Never can understand why naturally hairy guys hate themselves for being hairy, I can guess that there are far more men who are not considered hairy, for example only a few hairs on their legs, chest etc, BUT the ones who are hairy like this guy are in the minority, so I suppose they have a case in grumbling. I was so happy that I became hairy in my teens, it felt very manly, I was so glad that I was among that minority who are above average when it comes to beng hairy, that should apply to all those hairy men who hate it just because we hairy dudes are in the minority, my motto is "hairy and proud" and so should all of us hairy guys be as well

In reply to medic-dan109453 on 2014-04-06 - click to read

Good example of what I have always thought about hairy guys, if they are hairy in all the places you have described they will also have a hairy shaft as well. Good that you can grow a beard as well, it would have been unusual if you could could not, yes a man as hairy as you and me as well will have hairs growing up the shaft of his 'organ' as you describe your penis. I was very happy to be hairy everywhere like you including my penis and private parts in general. I remember way back when I was 14 other boys in my class at school telling me that I had the hairiest private part region that they had seen on any boy. That was proved a year later when I was 15 and drying out after swimming lessons, I noticed many men older than I were less hairy than me, sounds like you are also like me at that age. Many girls don't like hairy guys BUT many do, so I just hope you meet a girl who appreciates a 'real man' like you who is hairy.

I'm very hairy and I have hair growing up my penis shaft all the way up to my circumcision cut mark's scar located below my penis head. I'm very proud to be extra hairy all over and everyone who has even noticed it on my penis shaft had to be very close up to my penis to be able to tell my penis shaft hair from my really hairy pubic and scrotum hair. Its all hairy down there so its hard for other people to tell where its all growing out of from far away in locker rooms and saunas.

Don't shave hair on your penis body or the hair stubble left growing back on your penis shaft will cut condoms to ribbons and cut women's vaginas as you thrust in and out of her during sex and even oral sex hurts on hair stubble covered penises and cuts her mouth. Plucking hairs always causes risky opens sores in your penis skin that invites disease transmissions and all STD infections for both the man and his sex partners. Don't pluck, that is hazardous to all during sex. A shorter trim of your animal hair down to shorter hairs by using simple scizzors will take that animal looking hairy penis down a notch toward looking more human and still not cause stubble or beard burn on women's vaginas or rip condoms to shreds like shaving does. Shorter hairs 1/2 inch or so long get caught less when unrolling condoms on your penis too. Leave it long enough not to scratch her as too being too short and sharp, and short enough to make sex easy. I leave mine long and animal looking just to be different and to give my lovers something new and different to feel, play with, stimulate them during sex, and enjoy on me during sex.

The biggest bother is unrolling condoms and pulling condoms off your penis and all that penis shaft hair getting caught in unrolling condoms and tearing out hairs when you pull a used condom off your hard penis after sex. Use a good lube inside the condom before you onroll and on your penis shaft and head and unroll condoms slowly and gently while gently shoving the penis hairs into the condom as you unroll it down your hairy shaft to avoid your hairs catching in the condoms when unrolling them down your penis shaft.

Women like the extra stimulation of all that hair on the penis shaft tickling their vagina lips, clits, and deeper vagina insides when you get lucky enough to enjoy bareback intercourse in a woman's vagina. Birth control and condoms are a hassle, we all know. I can grow my own french tickler that other men have to buy and wear on their penis to stimulate women's clits and vaginas like my ample penis shaft hair does all the time.

You'll have to use lubes to jack off a hairy penis shaft too to avoid all those hairs rubbing your penis skin all raw in jacking off without lube.

But its all worth it to be an extra hairy and extra masculine man and to proudly show off your half animal hairy penis any chance you get. I do. Most men and boys want to be more hairy than they are. Hairy guys should be extra proud and show off their extra manly hairy bodies. The women who love hairy men will thank you for not shaving your great body hair off. Be proud you're half animal and such a stud.

In reply to anonymous on 2015-08-31 - click to read

I am so pleased to know that like me you are also very hairy and have hair growing up your penis shaft all the way to circumcision cut marks scar, I was never circumcised so I don't have any marks, I wonder if you regret having been circumcised!, of course you did not have a choice regarding that matter. Yes, I could also be described as you say "extra hairy" a bit more hairy than my friends who I think were a bit envious of me, even a little jealous as they told me I should trim down a bit, especially the thick hair surrounding my private parts, I just ignored them. This all happened when I was 14 or early 15. Of course, other people have to be close up to see just how hairy we guys are around and on our penis shaft, not always easy unless you invite them to do that. If any stranger was looking closely to me on those parts I would be a bit annoyed, staring at someone's private parts is not the proper thing to do
It's not a thing I have ever dreamt of doing shaving or trimming any hair off ever, I am now 70 years of age and not 1cm of hair has ever been cut off anywhere on my body, including my private parts in all those years, only my face and head hair have been cut, nothing ever below my neck. I thought that whenever I was using a condom when having sex what you described would have been awkward, hairs cutting into my wives vagina or hurting me, but carefully using them made sex OK, so nothing hurt.
I like the way you describe our type of hairy shaft penis, "half animal" it is very hairy, I have a clump of about 10 hairs almost at the very top of my shaft on one side of it, the other side is hair free, but that is the case in even the hairiest of guys, the only difference is some men have thick black hairs whereas mine a bit finer and brown, not black.

I think hairy shafts are sexy. I think its so manly, don't remove it

In reply to anonymous on 2017-01-22 - click to read

agree, as I said I have NEVER trimmed, let alone shaved any hair off my body below the neck, including penis shaft or bush of thick long pubic and scrotum hair, I agree with you, don't remove it ever, sexy and very manly

In reply to anonymous on 2015-08-31 - click to read

Has a woman ever complained that you’re grown out shaft hairs are cutting up the inside of their vagina? I am dating a guy right now that has hair on his shaft. This is the first time I’ve been with someone who has hair there. It doesn’t bother me aesthetically but sex has been very painful. What can be done about this?

In reply to anonymous on 2021-03-06 - click to read

I am dealing with this too and he shaves it but doesn't like too because the hair re grows and gets ingrown hairs and he hates shaving it. But yes it cut me up so bad the first few times. Suggestions greatly appreciated!

In reply to anonymous on 2015-08-31 - click to read

Be cautious about applying lube inside the condom....can easily slip off during intercourse....everything else is a total thumbs up here !

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