Hairy Kettiland Teen Porno Photo

Hairy Kettiland Teen Porno Photo


Watch: Jennifer Lopez Admits People's Icon Is Her "Greatest Award"
Jennifer Lopez must be trying to set the internet on fire, because the new promotional photo for her new single "In the Morning" is seriously steamy. 
The "On the Floor" singer shared the photo of herself completely nude to Instagram on Nov. 25 along with the caption "Surprise! Here's the official cover art for #InTheMorning Single drops Friday."
Although the pic is intended to promote her next music venture, the only thing most people could focus on was the 51-year-old star's impressive physique. The comments section was flooded with fire emojis as well as people calling J.Lo a "goddess" and "queen." 
"ARE U KIDDING ME?" one commenter wrote. "GIRL UR BODY IS EVERYTHING."
Another added, "ummm can I be her when I grow up." 
Celebrity trainer Tracy Anderson, who has worked with the Hustlers actress, was particularly impressed, writing in the comments, "If this doesn't break the internet nothing will. WOW!!!!!" 
At first glance, it might appear that Jenny from the block is completely nude, but technically, she is wearing something in the photo: her massive engagement ring from fiancé Alex Rodriguez. 
Jennifer Lopez's Best Looks of All Time
Jennifer's jaw-dropping photo comes more than a week after she accepted the People's Icon Award at the 2020 E! People's Choice Awards.
"Jennifer Lopez has an unmatched global appeal and for more than two decades, has given us some of the most iconic, unforgettable performances of all time." Jen Neal, General Manager of E! News, Live Events & Lifestyle Digital, said in a statement released on Wednesday, Sept. 30. "For paving the way for artists around the world and single-handedly increasing Latinx representation in music, film, television, and fashion, we're honoring Jennifer Lopez with The People's Icon of 2020."
Alex gushed over his soon-to-be bride's well-deserved award, tweeting, "Congrats, Macha! You're the people's icon, and no one deserves it more than you. You're a role model and an inspiration for all. I'm so proud of you! I love you so much!!!"
Let's add this stunning photo to the long list of reasons why J.Lo is so iconic.
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Because we need more representation of Asian bodies in books
{Un}Inhibited is the first elaborate vulva photography book focusing Asian vulvas. It is designed to educate Asian women about their vulvas and their anatomies so that they can understand their bodies and sexualities better.  
A 9x9" colour photo book, we aim to feature images of at least 20 Asian vulvas. The book will also feature quotes from interviews with the models, as well as educational content on the different parts of the vulva. The full transcript from each interview will be posted on the project’s website
Photo taken by Kelvin Lim of
Your vulva is the part on the outside of your genitals, the clitoris and the labia - which have an inner and outer set of lips. 'Vulva' doesn’t mean anus or your vagina – your vagina is actually inside, leading up to your womb. 
1) This book, solely focused on Asian vulvas, would be the first of it’s kind in the world. 
2) I have been asked by many Asian clients about what [‘normal’?] Asian genitals actually look like [add: “are ‘supposed’ to look like?’].
3) I have also found that the lack of sexual anatomical knowledge that causes a significant percentage of the sexual difficulties people encounter.
4) The aim of this book is not to reduce sexuality to only body parts, and ignore the spirituality of our being/sexuality. But rather, with this book, we hope to help and empower people with knowledge of their own and their partners’ bodies.  
5) Due to resource constraints, we are focusing on Asian depictions.  
6) A photo book featuring Asian vulvas would facilitate education, and healing around sexual inhibitions for many people, especially women.
Photo taken by Kelvin Lim of
We’re raising funds to print 100 copies of the book at S$40 per book. We are absorbing the costs of design, storage and transcription of interviews with the models so that our fundraising money will go towards the design and printing of the actual book. We are offering each volunteer model a copy of the book as well as a high-resolution digital image of their choice. We are not paying ourselves for this work.
Photo taken by Kelvin Lim of
I’ve been practising as the only Singaporean Chinese Clinical Sexologist with a doctorate in human sexuality in Singapore since April 2009. When I was in sex school (Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality), I was embarrassed to admit to myself (and to my classmates) that even though I am comfortable with my body and with expressing my sexuality – I didn’t know what “vulva” referred to, was confused between Vagina and Vulva, and knew even less about the different parts of the female sexual anatomy. 
It took me eight attempts researching numerous online websites, books, and various other resources to begin to make sense of all the different parts of the anatomy. What’s so confusing, you might ask? Well, for starters: there are not three “holes” (vagina, anus, and urethra) in the vulva (external female sex organs). The vulva includes the mons pubis, labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, vestibular bulbs, vulval vestibule, urinary meatus, the vaginal opening, and Bartholin's and Skene's vestibular glands. One can visibly see seven “holes” if they knew where to look (Bartholin's and Skene's vestibular glands). What had added to my confusion was that there wasn’t a single anatomical diagram I could find that named every single part of the vulva! 
If I was confused, there must be others who are too! I came across the seminal vulva photography book Petals by Dr. Nick Karras (USA) – capturing the variation and beauty that each woman possesses in sepia. Led by my intent to better support others, I started collecting vulva photography books around the world as a possible resource for my future clients. They include: I'll Show You Mine (Canada), and Heart of the Flower (Australia). I liked parts of, and disliked parts of each of these books. 
Yet none of these books stated the ethnicity of the vulva owner – by not making it a race thing, it didn’t answer one fundamental question: “Do I look different “down there” to other women like me?” I wanted a better vulva photography (and being Asian, an Asian) book! This was the same question my clients, especially my Asian female clients with Vaginismus (a condition where penetrative sex is difficult or impossible – usually due to fear of pain) asked – what is common or normal, and how am I different? I had no answer as we poured through these books together. Over the years, the desire to publish such a vulva book never left me. I explored with different photographers in Singapore but did not find anybody I could work with. Until Kelvin Lim introduced himself via e-mail. 
Before we arranged to meet, I looked him up and understood he was a seasoned and well-established portrait photographer who also does boudoir photography. How does he look like – not sleazy, I decided. When we met, he brought his wife and it was clear that their partnership was a complimentary one. As we explained our work and got to know another through, I finally shared… my long-time dream of a vulva book. Cautious about whether he is my photographer, “How interested are you to do this?” “200%” was the prompt reply. And so, our work began… 
Martha's Selfie at Kelvin Lim's Studio
Early in my career, I was photographing clients with a highly-specific, pre-determined set of expectations - what to wear, what backdrop to use, where to shoot, how to pose. Four years on, with a strong portfolio and an established clientele, I began to question the purpose of my work. Why are people so focused on backdrops and shooting locations? Why are clients so concerned about their outfits, their makeup and hair, their poses? Why was I asked to photograph everything but the individual characters themselves, the real people?
I began to find ways to simplify my portraits by minimising distractions, and maximising the expression of real feelings. No fancy backdrops or poses, no fancy outfits. Without distractions and props, all I had was light, and the person in front of me. The only thing left to do was to start a conversation. 
It was through these conversations that I discovered how people really felt. It wasn’t just about getting great-looking shots that look pretty on the outside. When people come for personal portraits, they’re asking, “How do I really look?” “Am I normal, or different?” “Can you show me how beautiful I can be?” 
It is this emotional bond between a person and her portrait that kept me going for more than 16 years. It was also for this reason that I was drawn to Dr Martha Tara Lee’s work. 
When Dr Lee first expressed her idea of publishing a vulva book, and described one such photo-book showing the different forms of female genitalia, I was hesitant. I didn’t want to be involved - again - in something that was simply graphic, decorative, and shallow. However, as she explained what she liked and disliked about each such book she read - how she didn’t want the photographs to be dressed-up in distracting embellishments, how she loved the stories written by the women being photographed - it became clear that we both want something that connects emotionally to the reader. Furthermore, the book will be immensely useful for Dr Lee and many other professionals around the world in handling cases of Vaginismus - a condition which I never thought was so common, until I met Dr Lee and understood the work she does so passionately. 
The subject of this book can easily be misunderstood, especially in our Asian culture where the slightest hint of intimacy is considered taboo. But there are real issues - both clinical and emotional - that can be addressed in this project, regardless of race or culture. I cannot be more privileged for the opportunity to contribute to the work of Dr Lee. 
Photo taken by Kelvin Lim of
Since 2009, Dr. Martha Tara Lee has taken the path less traveled to support individuals and couples to uncover their human potential as a Relationship Counselor and Clinical Sexologist. As an empath and highly sensitive person, she combines intuition, compassion and humor in all her private coaching sessions (over 2,100 to date) and training (with the biggest being 550 people). She holds four degrees includes a doctorate in human sexuality and masters in counseling. She is only certified sexuality educator and certified sexuality educator supervisor by the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) in Singapore. In addition, she holds certificates in counselling, coaching and sex therapy. Often cited in the local media, Dr. Lee is the appointed sex expert for Men’s Health Singapore, and Men’s Health Malaysia. She was recognised as one of ‘Top 50 Inspiring Women Under 40′ by Her World in July 2010, and one of ‘Top 100 Inspiring Women’ by CozyCot in March 2011. She has published three books: Love, Sex and Everything In-Between, Orgasmic Yoga, and From Princess to Queen. 
Photo taken by Kelvin Lim of
Kelvin Lim was born in Singapore in 1971. In 2002, Kelvin left a promising IT career to be a wedding photographer. It was his first taste of life as a full-time artist. 
Despite enjoying great popularity and commercial success, Kelvin felt restricted by mass expectations of staged romance and surface beauty, and started questioning the authenticity of his own work. Beneath the gorgeous outfits, backdrops and poses, Kelvin sees a real person - a beauty waiting to be discovered. 
Driven by a desire to understand people as unique individuals, Kelvin started photographing people outside weddings. Instead of trying to get that “perfect” shot, he spent his time listening to people, one at a time. In an undecorated studio with plain backdrops and simple lights, Kelvin welcomed people of all race and status - from famous personalities to the common passers-by, from wealthy businessmen to the odd-job worker, from newly-weds to wrinkled old couples, from newborns tasting life, to the terminally ill. 
Kelvin’s subjects range beyond paying clients. Besides telling real-life stories of the less-privileged, Kelvin embraces the minorities, the lonely, and communities that conservative society considers taboo. In a career spanning 16 years thus far, he is heavily involved in several humanitarian projects, including: 
Among Kelvin’s notable achievements was the Best Portrait Photography Award by Singapore Tatler, and being listed among Singapore’s finest services. 
Kelvin continues to express beauty through honest conversation and deep listening. In his own words: “We have an opportunity to give back to society every time we photograph someone— anyone. The camera isn’t just a tool to capture the obvious. If we take the time and heart to listen and empathise, we will discover a beauty beneath how people look on the outside. It’s a wonderful blessing for us, as artists, to have this ability to touch people’s lives."
* Search for Vulva Models - Our photo shoot began on Friday, 17 August, and to date we have completed photography sessions with 11 models. We aim to include at least 20 women in the book. It has been challenging enlisting vulva models, especially with Malay and Indian women, with a rejection rate of about 50%. Any Asian woman open to being a vulva model is encouraged to contact us. Each model will receive the printed book as well as a digital image of their choice. * Publisher - We may well end up self-publishing the book. However, since the intention is to help women, especially Asian women, who wonder how their genitals look, we are actively seeking an international publisher. Any leads will be greatly appreciated. * Cost of publishing - While the photographer Kelvin Lim and I (the interviewer/author) are volunteering our time, we are bracing ourselves for the costs involved in publishing such a book. We have promised each of the models a copy of the book, as well as our Kickstarter contributors of S$40 or more. With printing, bigger quantities will mean a lower cost but we do not relish storing lots of these books. * Other parts of the series in the works - We are committed to publishing an Asian breast book and an Asian penis book as parts of the series. Any interested models, partners, sponsors, and funders are welcome.
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Purchase a life, relationship or sex counseling or coaching session conducted by Relationship Counselor and Clinical Sexologist Dr. Martha Tara Lee of Eros Coaching (usual S$250 for 50mins).
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Inclusive of: an artistic portrait session for an individual or a couple (bespoke, not limited by time); makeup and hairstyling; 5 edited portraits in digital format with Kelvin Lim of
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If you like a talk relating to relationships, sexuality, or the book {Un}Inhibited, we'd be happy to work with you. 2 -3 hours.
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Sep 22 2018 - Nov 21 2018 (60 days)
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