Hairy Bushes Worshipped By Shaft

Hairy Bushes Worshipped By Shaft


Hairy Bushes Worshipped By Shaft
If you've paid attention to a modern woman, you might notice that she does a lot of things in the bathroom after a shower. This is called self-care. It might include using a special facial scrub, applying lotion, or any number of other things that are good for the body.
A lot of people talk about male grooming, and there is no shortage of strong opinions. You'll see style experts and celebrities promote it. You probably have a gruff friend who is entirely against it. It's time to face a simple truth. The opinions of men aren't what matters here. Most of us first explore male grooming for the sake of the ladies. Let's stop making assumptions and find out: Do women like pubic hair, or should men just shave it off?
There have been a lot of polls on this topic. We weren't the first to ask if women like pubic hair or whether men should pay attention to groin grooming. We won't be the last. With all of that data, you're going to run into some discrepancies. There's this weird thing where not all women are completely identical. No one gets it, but here we are.
So, we looked at several polls and averaged the results. We're going to cover the basics first. Then, we'll get into some of the deeper topics of what women like.
A combination of polls shows that 80 to 90 percent of women prefer some amount of grooming for starters. Only 10 to 20 percent prefer guys with a completely unkempt bush; this means that going wild below the waist is not the default look. It may require less work, but you're not playing the odds.
In this day and age, people expect more, even out of male grooming. There are many reasons why, and we'll cover some of them later, but rule number one is that you have to groom. And, if you're still not convinced, you should know that roughly 20 percent of women will straight up not date a guy if they don't like his pubic situation. It's something to think about.
The 80 to 90 percent figure comes from aggregate data of national U.S. polls. Most of those polls were a little more regional or specific, and they turned out a few facts that might surprise you. For instance, a woman's preference for pubic hair tends to vary with location. It's less geographical and more about the population density of where they live.
Here's what we mean by that. In rural communities, women are a lot more in favor of pubic hair than ladies in urban and suburban areas. Keep in mind that a clear majority of rural females still prefer grooming, but it's a smaller majority.
Similarly, urban women like guys who are completely shaved more than the other groups. We'll talk about some of these numbers next, but accounting for your community size can help you play the numbers a little better — if that's what you're into.
Now that we know that most women like some grooming doesn't give you a lot to work with. Should you be shaving? Are they interested in high-tech, advanced grooming techniques that you've never tried? There's a lot to consider, so we will break down some preferences in this section. We'll cover the most commonly discussed styles, and you can make your own decisions from there.
Au naturel is basically French for wild bush. It's the inverse of women preferring grooming, so it's fairly obvious. If 80 to 90 percent of women want you to groom, then only 10 to 20 percent like a guy to keep things completely natural downstairs. It shouldn't be too surprising. There's an unshakable history about natural looks. Modern technology might cause trends to shift, but there will always be people who prefer sleeping outside, not having a cell phone, and members of the opposite sex who don't groom.
We shouldn't make assumptions, but this same group of women might also like rugged mountain man beards, long hair on guys, and rough or dirty hands. We're guessing, but all of that feels right.
Regardless of all of that, there's something worth noting. 10 to 20 percent of a population might not be a majority, but it's a lot. If you're seeing the same woman on repeat, it's probably worth asking what she likes. Assuming she's in the majority could lead you astray.
The opposite of a natural bush is to shave everything completely. Going completely bare is a concept that has been around much longer than most modern male grooming approaches. Even men of ancient times practiced shaving below the waist, so you have to assume that some women like this look.
That assumption is right. Between 12 and 16 percent of women want you to shave it all. They want you completely smooth and pristine down there. What's interesting about this number is that it fits right in line with the number of women who like it unkempt. For everyone who likes a bush, there's someone who can't stand it.
Unfortunately, that means you can't pick a single look and please everyone. It's tough, but it's better to know this now and account for it than to be surprised after a date that was going well. That's our philosophy anyway.
If you like safe bets, then you need to trim but not shave your pubes. Women who don't fit in the other categories fit into this one. That means roughly two-thirds of all women in the U.S. want you to trim your pubes but not go completely bare. That means you can get a trimmer, use the longest cutting guard, give your unmentionables a once-over and call it good. If you aren't already trimming down to this look like 68% of men, you need to get caught up.
On the bright side, this makes things pretty easy. On the other hand, many variations fit into the broad category of "some trimming." Don't worry too much. We'll break those down too. We're not going to leave you wondering or hanging today.
Ok. We've narrowed things down a bit. It's time to zoom in even more to get a better idea of what women want. We're going to skip talking about completely untrimmed and fully shaven grooming options since they're discussed above. Style choices is all about what decisions you should make if and when you commit to trimming.
Life is going to prove less difficult than you might have thought. A clear majority of women prefer a simple trim. While there will be eternal debate over whether or not the balls and anus should be smooth, most women agree that as long as things are kept in order, the style of trimming isn't a deal-breaker. You really can stick with a simple design and please most of the ladies.
With that in mind, here are a few variations we saw mentioned a lot. One is trimming the pubes and shaving the balls (although you don't necessarily have to use a razor). It's considered a classic in the male grooming world. It's hard to say exactly why, but it's worth noting.
Another popular style is varied length gradients. Things are shortest next to the junk and a little longer as you move up towards the waistline. It takes a little more work, but it creates a clean, deliberate aesthetic. We guess that people appreciate the thought and effort.
All of that said, a uniform trim across the board is still acceptable if that's all you're comfortable trying. Also worth noting, not all styles are beloved.
We found a poll ( by Cosmopolitan of all groups ) that specifically listed the landing strip as a pubic hairstyle. In that poll, the majority of women were not fans. Only 1 percent of those polled said that they preferred a landing strip. There weren't numbers on how many considered it to be a deal-breaker, but those abysmal polling numbers shouldn't be taken lightly. If it only pleases 1 percent, it's not a safe style (unless you happen to be with that 1 percent). We're not politicians out here.
Poll numbers on creative trimming are less reliable. Some questionnaires mentioned specific styles. Others were more vague. The best we can give you is that roughly 5 percent of women prefer some type of creativity in their man's pubic hair. If you were thinking of trimming her initials into your curly hair from down under, you might want to rethink the strategy. It might be novel for a minute, but there's a good chance it won't cause her to swoon.
In the end, simplicity is king, and that's honestly a nice thing for all of us. You don't have to become a master barber. Instead, you merely need to understand the basics and apply them. We'll cover these basics in a minute.
Before we get into male grooming practices, we should reflect on what we're discussing. Why does anyone care about someone else's pubic hair? You might have some ideas, but you're probably also missing some obvious points. Pubic hair might have an evolutionary purpose (science seems to assume this but hasn't proven it yet). It might not be the best idea to shave off all of your stuff. But, you can probably get the natural benefits of pubes while still keeping them under control. These are just a few motivations to consider.
Let's face it. Your mind went there first. For many women, the presence of overgrown pubic hair does alter the nature of a sexual relationship. How can we keep this safe for work? Some non-traditional sexual practices that have risen in popularity don't benefit from an abundance of pubic hair. If you get the drift, people who aren't devoted missionaries might prefer to keep things trimmed. It's pretty straightforward.
Some science suggests pubic hair is good for your hygiene. That science is ignoring something that every human being knows all too well: balls stink. They're gross. We all love our own, but they aren't pleasant things, and fluffy hair contributes to that problem. It can trap sweat and the stuff that makes everything gross. No one needs that.
A simple trim can cut through the problem and leave you fresher and happier. More importantly, it makes you more appealing to members of the opposite sex. Heck, it makes you more appealing to any sex.
Regardless of why ladies might want you to trim, there's a reason we haven't discussed yet. You can do it for yourself. Most guys who groom agree that it makes them feel sexier, cleaner, healthier, and more confident. That's a powerful list of reasons to consider investing in a trimmer. When you consider how little work you need to put into this for anyone else, it seems pretty easy to justify trimming for your own sake. Personal gain is the real reason we groom, and it's the core motivation for why we run a male grooming company.
Ok. Let's discuss the actual techniques that will help you groom. We're not going to tell you how to use a trimmer in general. That's pretty easy. Instead, we're going to give you a few pro tips to help you have a better male grooming experience. If you're enjoying it, there's a good chance you're doing it in a way that someone else can enjoy it too. Just don't quote that out of context. We're only referring to male grooming here.
Trimming is extremely easy as long as you have the right tools and understand what is the right trimmer for you . The Lawn Mower® 4.0 trimmer is the best body trimmer for guys. It's specifically designed to work on the boys. You can get as close or as long as you like without worry. It works hard to protect you from tugging, nicks, cuts, and all manner of unpleasantness.
Here's your pro tip. Trim before you shower. You might worry about cleaning up, but with a Magic Mat™ shaving mat, cleaning up is easy. Showering after you trim ensures that you wash away the annoying hair clippings, and it sets you up for a good, healthy male grooming routine.
A shower should follow any trimming. As we mentioned, it helps you get rid of irritating leftovers. It also helps your skin and hair recover from the damage they can sustain in a grooming session. The Lawn Mower 4.0 is gentle, but it still literally slices through your hair. A good body cleanser will treat that hair to make sure it stays healthy and strong. Most importantly, it can help keep the hair soft.
Crop Cleanser® is a specialized cleanser that is designed specifically for your groin. It makes things easy and rests at the core of a good groin care routine.
When it comes to taking care of your skin (especially below the waist), we've simplified the process. Once you towel dry, rub some Crop Preserver® into your skin (just around the ball area). It will help keep you hydrated, restore your skin, reduce friction throughout the day and make you smell nice. It's something we carefully engineered to take care of you when you groom.
After applying the ball deodorant, spray a little Crop Reviver® down there. It's the icing on the cake of self-care. When you use the three formulas daily (Cleanser, Preserver, and Reviver), you adhere to a skincare regimen that will keep you healthy and feeling great below the waist. That means you should be using these things on days you don't groom.
That concludes today's lesson. So, do women like pubic hair? It kind of depends. You can use this information wisely, or you can ignore it. It's entirely up to you. But, if you want to enjoy all that male grooming has to offer men, you can find everything you need right here. We recommend you start by checking out The Perfect Package 4.0 , where you'll find our famous pube trimmer .
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by Eric Spitznagel and Louis Baragona Published: Jul 17, 2018
Eric Spitznagel is a frequent contributor to magazines like Playboy, Esquire, and the New York Times, and was employed for over two decades by the Second City comedy theater, where Stephen Colbert was his Secret Santa _twice.
Louis is a New York-based writer focusing on style, gear and grooming
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Everything you did (or didn't) want to know about the hair down there.
As humans, we spend a large portion of our lives shaving . We spend an even larger portion of our lives dreading, avoiding, or attempting to shave our pubic hair . For men in particular, the practice of intimate grooming is one that's kind of confusing, a catch-22 of too hairy or not hairy enough. Question number one: why the hell do we even shave down there in the first place?
It's likely that you have your fair share of questions about your hair below the belt, questions that you've never even deigned to Google, let alone ask a professional.
The following FAQ attempts to answer everything you didn’t know and didn’t realize you needed to know about your pubic hair. You've been warned: once you've got the info, you can't un-know these things. Godspeed.
We talked to a lot of doctors, dermatologists, hair specialist, urologists, and pubic hair enthusiasts trying to find the answer. Most of them had no idea, and a few had educated guesses.
Marc Glashofer , a dermatologist and fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology, claims that the texture of pubic hair tends to be thicker and more coarse than hair on the rest of our body because of its origins as a buffer.
“It prevents friction during intercourse that can cause skin abrasion and rashes,” he says. “More importantly, pubic hair serves as protection against bacteria and other pathogens.”
As for the curliness of pubes, Brian Steixner , M.D., Director of the Institute of Men’s Health at Jersey Urology Group in Atlantic City, suspects it’s because curly hair does a better job at trapping the pheromones secreted from sweat glands around the groin area.
In fact, it's theorized that nearly three million years ago, when human beings were still walking around half-naked, a nice pungent odor wafting up from your junk was actually considered an aphrodisiac.
That’s one way to look at it, yes. It was also how your great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandparent announced to a mate that they were sexually mature enough to procreate, says Andrew Thompson , author of What Did We Use Before Toilet Paper?: 200 Curious Questions and Intriguing Answers .
“Some anthropologists have suggested that pubic hair in males might have been an ancient way of impressing and deterring other males who were in competition with them,” says Thompson. “Similar to a lion’s mane.”
Robin Weiss , a Professor of Viral Oncology at University College London, proposed another interesting animal-based theory in the 2010 issue of the Journal of Biology .
According to Weiss, the coarse, thick texture of our pubes is evolutionarily similar to that of gorillas. And phthirus pubis — or as you probably know it, “crabs” — is something we acquired, in Weiss’ words, "probably directly from gorillas."
“Because [crabs] were already adapted to the coarse body hair of the gorilla,” Weiss wrote in his study, "crabs would have found a suitable niche in human pubic hair.”
The pests may have found their way to humans who ate gorillas and came into regular contact with gorilla carcasses, which made it possible for crabs to make the leap and feel right at home on humans' gorilla-esque pubes.
Shampooing isn’t necessary, says Ricardo Mejia , M.D., a dermatologist from Jupiter, Florida. A little soap and water is more than enough.
"The shampoos these days are used to maximize volume in the hair, to give it excellent shine and bounce," he says. "Unless you are a pubic hair model, I don’t see why it is necessary to shampoo."
Most pubes grow between half an inch and 1.5 inches, according to Steixner.
But if the Illustrated Book of Sexual Records — published in 1983 by G. L. Simons — is to be believed, a young lady named Maoni Vi of Cape Town, South Africa once possessed pubic hair that dangled down to her knees. According to the book, her hair reached 28 inches.
As Glashofer reminds us, “Each hair follicle on our body is genetically programmed to have different growth cycles which influences the hair length... The hairs of the pubic region have been biologically programmed to grow only to a certain length.”
Your crotch will not start balding as dramatically as it happens on your head. As you age and your testosterone decreases, usually in your 50s, you’ll start to notice things are a little less bushy down there.
“It’s a slow progressive loss,” Steixner explains. “It’s not so much balding as a progressive thinning of hair until it appears to be almost non-existent.”
A 2013 study conducted by the University of California San Diego found that between 2002 and 2010, groin shaving mishaps requiring emergency room visits increased five-fold between 2002 and 2010. With the dangers involved, is it any wonder that pubic hair may be making a comeback ?
In 83 percent of penile injuries, there was a razor involved. Scissors were responsible for 22 percent of the balls-bleeding. And hot wax accounted for less than 2 percent of reported ER visits. Which is still a lot, if you think about it.
“The skin on the scrotum is very unique in that it has nooks and crannies,” says Steixner. “Those areas have been proven to trap huge amounts of bacteria. When you shave that pubic area, even a minor cut or laceration can cause bacteria to get inside there, and can very easily cause cellulitis, abscesses, and in very rare conditions, something called Fournier gangrene.”
If you thought about Googling Fournier gangrene, don't. Steixner calls it “flesh eating bacteria of the balls.”
Steixner tells us that the condition is actually “quite common."
"I see it once every three months," Steixner says. "And it’s not a joke. I’ve seen people die from this.”
It happens primarily in people with weakened immune systems, like severe diabetics or HIV carriers. But in some cases, it can happen to perfectly healthy guys.
“It starts with a knick to a hair follicle during shaving,” Steixner says. “A very specific bacteria gets under the skin, and it travels fast. It basically starts
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