Hairy Aunt Tumblr

Hairy Aunt Tumblr


Hairy Aunt Tumblr
“Mom… you look stunning… though I’m sure that’s no revelation with all these weirdoes gawking at you” I said. She laughed heartily.
“Ryan!.” “Ryan… smell my neck” she winked.
“Um…yeah Mom… just a little tired I guess.””You know … umm… we need to talk.”
“Ryan… don’t look at me like that.” She said eyeing my just-seen-a-ghost face.
“Sweety… remember what I told you earlier.” “umm… Mom… it’s just really confusing. I so want this… but…” “Ssshhh…” she placed her fingers on my lips.
“Aww… My little darling’s going to be all alone.” “ehhh…”
“Maybe these’ll keep you company…” she said with a loving grin.

A Mother and her Son battling temptation. Trials and tribulations.
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My mind was in a haze. Was Mom being swept over by all the positivity and happiness swirling around Ray’s wedding. I had no way to rationalise why Mom would be into me. Even though there was no denying the steaminess of the events lately, I felt a little uneasy.
I needed to know if there was something here, if this was a real relationship.
Today’s gathering would be smaller, just thirty or so members from the grooms family. 
People streaming in and out of the large white tent in aunt Lily’s large grass-filled backyard.
Shades of rustic yellow, paper lamps hung along the sides, the scene turning into a mixture of green and yellow as the Moon made its presence known. Drapes, ribbons, all being laid out for the grand party tomorrow. Lots of running around. Lovely seventies jazz tunes played in the background.
Her hair casually let loose; I knew the effort that took though. Her skin buzzed like a firefly, glowing as she moved from yellow lamp to lamp. The men were staring at her, my pride, my Mother.
A lovely purple figure-hugging gown. Gorgeous as ever. I felt my heart flutter. Having been through many a breakup, I never thought I’d feel those butterflies again. Here they were. Butterflies every-fucking-where, knots in my stomach. This fucker was love struck.
[This is close to what she looked like that evening. Similar dress and figure.]
I made my presence known, sifting through, wishing the elders. People standing around sipping on wine, grape juice, whatever.
I finally caught Mom, tray in her hand, buzzing away in another direction. I grab her by the hip, bring her towards me. 
I had “Oh my fucking goodness.” written all over my face; eyes ghastly, jaw flung open. “No freaking way!” Had she done the pussy juice pheromone thing on her neck, I wondered. She nods.
I bent forward to smell her neck. Sensuous vanilla. She was teasing me. She messed with my hair and walked away.
The evening matured and everyone was inside the tent now.
I had the seat at the far end of the insanely long dinner table. People singing songs. Ray playing the guitar. The ambience was light and playful.
Mom was serving and helping around. She made her way to my side of the table, to serve me some bite-sized entrees. A shy smile escaped her eyes. She placed the rolled-up slices of meat onto my plate slowly, her eyes not leaving mine.
One of Ryan’s uncles, seated at the other end, stood up to share a story. Laughter erupted. Mom was standing by the side of my chair, near the corner.
I let my hand graze the back of her dress. She looked at me for a moment and back at the man bringing the laughter in. I felt her eye flutter as I played with the valley between her thighs. She moved closer to me. Now her back was hidden from everyone.
Despite being through her dress, the material was light, and it felt amazing. My fingers travelled from her thighs, burrowing into the crack between her ass.
She bent over and whispered into my ears, asking me to smell her fingers.
I laughed, as if to mock her. She gives me her “No, seriously” look. All the commotion still going on at the other end.
Unconvinced, I bring her hand towards me and kiss the top of her fingers. The smell was pungent, heavy. Exquisite. Fuck. She’d really done it. All sorts of thoughts rushed into my mind - where had she gotten the time to dip her fingers into her pussy and where could she have done it.
Hours flew by, a few families made their way out after dinner. The sounds of furniture dragging, glasses clinking, hushed chatter around.
The chairs were drawn to the side, almost in a circle. The groom-to-be took to playing his guitar by the center of the room, a temporary stage now. People danced, some sang, some came forth to recall memories out loud.
Mom finally showed up and there were no chairs left. She stood by the pillar next to the lamp, her head resting on the pillar, glowing like an angel. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her.
An elderly couple, takes up the stage now. They’re dancing to a slow classical jazz number. 
Mom tapped her feet to the music. She looked tired. She leaned on the pillar smiling at the old couple. I wanted her. I wanted us to be that couple. She caught my eyes, and I motioned her to join me. She realised there weren’t any chairs left. Playfully she seated herself on my lap.
A younger couple, one of Ray’s friends stole the limelight now. The beats were faster now. The tapping louder.
My hard-on was harder than it’s ever been and my sweet Mom had her soft ass right on top of it. Mom had her eyes glued to the stage, on the dancing couple
My cock grew diamond hard. Mom turned to face me; I think this is the point where she noticed my stick poking her. She laughed. The mood around so playful and light. She found this hilarious. She looked into my eyes. Laughing again. My hungry cock didn’t appreciate the humour.
Mom switched from tapping her feet to swaying her ass gently. Fuck!
Everyone had their eyes glued to the dance floor. Mom let her hands slide over my the back of my neck, playing with my hair. The other hand she balanced herself on the table nearby. She continued the swaying, looking at my grief-stricken face from time to time. She controlled her laughter this time, her hands covering her mouth.
She motioned for me to bring my ears to her. Seriously, now? WTF, I yell inside my mind. I bring my ears to her lips. She covers my ear with her hand as if she’s about to unveil a secret.
Wetness engulfs my ears, as I feel her tongue swirling around. Fuck.
She holds my head tight as she toys with ears. Slow dips, faster swirly dips. Her tongue continued to feel the insides of my ear, her tongue felt so slimy and soft. Tingles firing all over my body.
All the while, she was swaying her ass. Then she turned to face the dance floor again. She place her hand that was on my hair, onto her thigh.
I held her fingers with my free hand. We’re both looking at the dance floor.
The tapping grew to a crescendo. The crowd went wild, the dancing couple ramping up the tempo.
I grabbed tightly onto Mom’s hand, so fucking tight. She stared into my eyes. She knew. My mouth lay partly opened.
She squeezed my hand back, swaying has cushioned bottoms harder. Her ass now rocked forward and back, and swayed in a circle along with the music.
My cock had transcended into an unlocked level of heaven. There was no going back now.
I kept my eyes open, looking into moms. We maintained eye contact, our hands holding tight, while I came vigourously. Spurts exploded, wet gooey liquid streamed down my legs. My pelvis soaked, unable to move. A glow of happiness filled her face, as she watched me trying to control my shuddering body.
My head buried itself into her shoulder. She patted the back of my head, rubbing my neck gently.
This loving Mother had just made her Son come like a wild manic in front of all her relatives.
The music was softer now. The dance floor was empty. Mom kissed me on my forehead and walked away into the backyard.
I dragged myself out into the grass, grabbing on, from one random object to the other, dragging my feet.
The lights dimmed. The tent grew smaller behind me. The music gave way to the chirping. I was slowly dragging myself to the car. I felt like I was leaving civilisation, on a lone journey. The lights kept fading away.
I crawled into the car and crashed into my seat. Fuck, I was going to sleep right here. Beep. I’d received a message from Mom. I message back telling her I was leaving.
I flick my seatbelt over, when I hear knocking on the window. It was Mom. The feeling I had wasn’t love, like I’d felt before. I was in a that post-orgasmic state of mental clarity or something. I ushered Mom in. We both sat there staring into each other’s eyes.
The dim lights from the tent afar still able to illuminate her lovely face in a blueish moon-like hue. She touched my face, running her finger along the sides of my cheek.
She held my chin, looked into my eyes. She leaned into my face, her lips meet mine. This would be our very first kiss. Her lips just stayed there touching, lightly grazing. She made her lips wet. Gently kissing my upper lip and moving onto my lower.
Minutes flew by like an instant, spacetime had warped. And then she drew her face back.
She asked me to come join the group at Ray’s house. I said I had to go grab some clothes for tomorrow, the big day. She kissed me on the forehead. 
She put her feet on the dashboard, and rolled her purple dress up all the way to the top of her thighs. 
My fucking cock, rock hard again, sprung up like a raging bandit maniac. Mom peeled her panties off ever so slowly, not making eye contact with me this time. I stared at the glistening crotch of her panties. So very holy fucking damp. She handed them over to me.
She was still in that light, jovial mood. She kissed me on my forehead before vanishing into the night. The contours of her ass slowly fading away into the tents glow. 
I sat there open-jawed, her panties soaking my hand. I sniffed her glorious vapour. Her thick, meaty, pungent odour. I was in heaven again. Holy fuck.
The woman of my dreams, my Mother. Would she come back to her senses. I realised that was the feeling sticking a fork in my heart. The sinking feeling that she would come to her senses all too soon.
Tomorrow was a different day. The wedding day. I was planning to meet her after the wedding, but everything had changed now. I had to see her right in the morning.
She’s a realtor with a killer smile. Determined, driven woman. She’s intellectual, well read, and can quote Shakespeare. 
She’s curvy, her body still firm for the most part. Some would say surprisingly firm. Especially her breasts; one would expect them to sag a little; not a chance. Her hips and bottom are a lot more spectacular than her upper body. Up close, the three-dimensional effect is mesmerising. 
Luscious hair, gorgeous lips. She recently started her waxing habit again. Her skin is smooth, shiny, creamy and delicious.
She looks a lot lot like this woman. She would often go to work dressed like in these pictures:
The smell of french toast lured me to the kitchen. I hugged Mom from behind and pecked her on the neck. The bright sunlight brought a glow to her shining, wet hair. “Someone’s well rested”.
She quickly went from dripping wet, bunched-up hair, wrapped in a long towel to dressed in her crisp work attire. She looked so fucking sensual in her black pencil skirt that didn’t hide her curves, and a cream coloured silky shirt top.
[This looks pretty darn close to what she was wearing, curves and all.]
She talked about how she absolutely had to make a sale today. That this month, she was behind Susan and the others at her office. The house she was selling had a pool, a tennis court in the backyard and a jacuzzi. She’d invited me to go have a look and I always refused.
I held her hand and assured her she’d do great today. There was an air of tension the way we were touching each other now. Just the texture of her hand, the feeling of her skin aroused me.
I gave her a couple of quick psychological tips, right from the bible of Cialdini.
I gave her an extra bonus tip, half jokingly. I told her how some of my medical sales friends skipped wearing their bras while visiting their doctor clients. The results were ridiculous, I yelled out.
She looked a little shocked, then amused. She laughed.
“No, Mom. Seriously!” I persisted. “Well Honey… your Mommy’s not going to be able to pull that off.” She laughed.
“Turn around…” she said. Holy shit. From the corner of my eye, I saw her bra being flung onto the table nearby. “Hmm…”
I turned to find her buttoning herself back, and then staring down at her chest. Her breasts were incredibly well maintained and un-saggy for how curved they were. In the absence of the bra, the silky shirt draped her bosom with tender love.
“Well … Honey… I don’t know… They can tell, you know.”
“See…” I said tightening her shirt, bunching the material together. “It’s not that obvious… just a gorgeous display of their shape.”
Her nipples poking out, their shape visible through the material. Mom looked down, she could see.
“What if I’m sweating…” she said, teasing me.
I was fucking loving the view. Her hands were almost about to reach out for her bra.
“Ok… Let’s do a little test.” I said. Her classic nervous, puzzled face appeared again.
I started unbuttoning the first few buttons on top. She was starting at my eyes. I tried to avoid her gaze. I pulled the sides of the shirt together, the material squeezing her breasts. Her eyes narrowed.
I looked at my palms and spit into it, swirling my fingers together, getting them all slimy. Mom studied each step I was taking with deep concern. She was visibly nervous. I nudged her with my legs, pushing her towards the counter. She was now resting her back on the edge.
My fingers found their way into her shirt, heading for her left breast. I spread my saliva drenched fingers all over her breasts.
“Unnnnnnggggg” A throaty moan escaped her.
Her eyes still staring at me. I continued spitting into my hand and spreading my slick saliva all over her left and right breasts. I was going mostly by the sense of touch, I could see my hands do their magic through her shirt though. I turned both her breasts into a wet gooey mess. Her nipples slick and damp.
I retracted my hand and pressed her shirt onto her breasts. The silky material managed to conceal the wetness within. “See…” I proclaimed. Silence.
My fingers dug in. Wet slimy spit covered the entirety of her breasts again. I squeezed her breasts softly, spreading my saliva with expertly attention. I milked her the same way I did last night, this time on her milky, raw saliva-drenched breasts.
This time, I let my slimy fingers explore the sides of her breast. She lifted her arm instinctively. I turned both her armpits into damp messy valleys.
“Aaaahhhhg” She cried softly, as I explored both her armpits with my fingers.
I lifted each arm of hers above her head. Pressing the material of the shirt over the armpit region, again displaying to her that the material had done a good job.
Her hands held mine tightly, preventing them from moving as the tip my fingers grazed her swollen nipples.
“Honey… I’m so late for work…” She kissed me on my cheek.
She hurried out, leaving me standing there with one hand stretched out. Shocked.
I texted her around noon, asking her how her displays went.
A few winking smileys later, I learned that she’d managed to get the house sold. She even jokingly thanked me for my suggestion this morning.
We joked and teased around some more. A lot of silly smileys.
I gave her another suggestion. I bet she saw through how ludicrous this was the moment she heard it.
I raved about this website claiming that the lubricating liquid from a woman’s vagina was filled with pheromones that turned men into literal apes. That there were women from certain communities who’d spread their vaginal fluids over their necks. Men around them wouldn’t know what hit them as they found themselves being magnetised by these women.
“Ryan… you’re a good boy… but you’re also such a filthy boy.”
“You want Mommy to spread her… uhhh… Liquids on her neck… Ryan!”
A bunch of smileys later she casually informs me that her nightgowns are at the laundry. That she’s got just one usable one for tonight and none for tomorrow. I told not to worry.
Tomorrow was cousin Ray’s wedding. Mom would be staying at aunt Lily’s for a few days.
“Love you Mom… I’ll see you at aunt Lily’s tonight.”
We cried over the phone for hours. We then talked about how we wouldn’t ever let things get out of hand.
I joked that I was sorry about finishing all her lotion. She let slip that it wasn’t the lotion soaking her that had her concerned that day. Something about the way she said it sent shockwaves spiralling down my spine.
Then we had the most mature conversation we’ve ever had, about love, about the boundaries of love, what the physical dimension of love meant and how our love had to transcend temptation. As Mother and Son, we had a responsibility to make things ok, and we would.
I asked her if she thought I should keep myself from visiting her for a while, till our minds were healed. She pondered the suggestion for more than a moment.
We hugged for what felt like minutes at the door. She was in her work attire; bootcut pants and a shirt.
She then dragged me to the couch, seated me and we continued hugging. I buried my face in her neck. That we missed each other was an understatement. There were tears in her eyes when I faced her. I would make things ok, I assured her.
We were both crazy tired after dinner, and I retired to my room immediately.
It was late. Strangely unable to sleep, I was flipping through my kindle app, when I heard knocking.
Mom walked in - fucking my mind into a quizzical ecstasy - dressed in the white gown I got her previously.
[This is almost identical to what the gown looked like. Mom’s gown had the lace midriff extending a little lower and Mom was a lot curvier than the woman in the picture: Gown ]
She stood there, glowing in the yellowish light. Her panty line was visible. My eyes flung out of their sockets upon realising she wasn’t wearing a bra, unlike last time. The chest of the gown curved around her full breasts, her nipples clearly poking out through the silky material.
My legs were quivering. She said she’d been feeling extremely lonely the past few days and couldn’t sleep. We both stared at each other for a minute.
Half excited, half shocked, I asked her to join me. It had been years since we shared a bed.  
I moved aside, as she crawled into the sheets, lying to my left. Nervous, I kept my tablet away, turned off the lights and turned to face the opposite direction.
Mom broke the silence by asking if I was ok. I didn’t reply. She then said she was feeling a little low, that she’d feel better if I held her. Fucking hell. I turned to face her back, lasers of excitement shooting down my spine, fireworks erupting on the tip of my cock. I placed my arm around her waist. I bet she could feel my nervousness. I ensured my lower body kept an appropriate distance.
She then pushed her ass right into my hard throbbing cock, wiggling a bit. Summoning all the mental gymnastics I could, to deflate my cock, I gave up when she pushed some more before letting her behind rest there.
My cock was rock fucking hard. Tingles gave way to the need to explode. Mom’s curvy luscious bottom felt so warm against my tip. Oh fuck.
I was spooning her. She took my hand and kissed it, telling me how sweet I’d been about everything that happened. That I’d been such a perfect, caring son to her.
My cock couldn’t take it anymore, I realised I needed to pull back before she felt my warm jizz covering my shorts. Before I could, she took my right hand that was now hanging over her waist and placed it on her silk-covered breast. For fuck’s sake.
My hands just lay there on her breast for a few minutes. We kept silent. Her nipples grew harder. Instinctively my fingers went for her nipples. Rolling them softly with my thumb and index finger.
I continued
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