Haircut Punishment Story

Haircut Punishment Story


Haircut Punishment Story
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I have also read this story DeMarlo and yes I agree its true those were bad times for 14-15yr old boys I saw a few boys with very short haircuts who had lots of hair before.
I had a couple of very bad haircuts due to my lack of respect for my Mother its was a sure way to teach you a lesson no hiding no hair!!!
I got my fair share of spankings and in front of others I am ashamed to say but thankfully never at the barbers.
Thankfully I think those times are well gone
Yes did bring back a few memories!!! by Graham on 19 Nov 2021
Just read the story I agree with you DeMarlo just used to happen in them times.
Never understood why parents thought a public spanking would improve there sons attitude.
Still it must have brought the point home.
I thought the 6 month haircut style was a very good idea. by Nigel on 19 Nov 2021
Thank you M DeMarlo I check from time to time see what the comments are most think I got what I deserved.
A long time ago but still very much in my memory.
The shortness of the haircut was a real shock I looked so not me and I had to get the same haircut for 6 months so so unfair.
I thought it was all over when we went back to the shop and apoligised to the owner with our new hair "style".
I never never expected the spanking on the bare in front of all those school friends.They sure enjoyed my humiliation.
Went I went to school the next day it was a nightmare went on for days.
I was the only boy my age with hair that short and for the next 6 months.
I was so sorry I did learn a lesson that day.
I still cringe when I think about it!!

by Peter on 19 Nov 2021
After reading about this story in the comments section I looked it up and read it myself in its entirety. I think there is honesty in this story, that it is nonfiction. I say this because a short haircut at 14 years old and spanked in front of other boys both were once quite common, and accepted. Had the author of this story said his dad shaved him bald I would have taken it as fiction. In real life I have heard of it in fiction but never known or even heard of a parent shaving his kid bald. Parents generally don't want their children looking like the victims of disease or bug infestations. However, a good very short haircut that is maintained for six months was punishment that got results. Great story, a few years old but worth reading if you missed it. by M DeMarlo on 17 Nov 2021
I read your story from the 60s peter and remember how bad those times were.
it seemed quite axceptable for a boy of 14 or 15 to get his longish hair cut off just to teach him a "lesson"
I thankfully never got spanked as well at the Barbers just given a very very short hair cut.I did get spanked but at home but in front of family which was humiliating.
The haircut was bad enough and made me feel so stupid.I did not need my bare but smacked in front of my younger cousins but boy did they enjoy watching and laughing.
I hated the haircuts but it was not fair to spank me in front of others.
Just left me totally humiliated and looking so so stupid!!!

by Donald on 16 Nov 2021
Haircut punishment was common in the 60s. My father took be to the barber after mouthing off during a heated argument, so I know what it's like to be forced to be in that vulnerable situation sitting the the barber chair. The waiting for the inevitable was just as bad anticipating what was going to happen. Then to have bystanders watching the show from start to finish was humiliating from the time you sit in the chair, being caped up, having long hair summarily clippered off short, removal of the cape with all the hair falling to the floor, and then exiting the chair. All while the bystanders look on. You feel like jumping out the the chair and run away, but you know there's no where to go and that would just make the situation worse. When it's over, you feel like hiding, but there's no place to hide and you don't want to cry. It's humiliating enough. In my case, bystanders were congratulating my dad for teaching his hippy son a lesson not soon to be forgot. I only got the belt when we got home because I had put up such a fuss while in the barber chair. by Justin on 15 Nov 2021
I read your story boy that event took place a long time ago.
As you were the ringleader you deserved the harder punishment.
I think the haircut was a great shock to you at that age and you went from cool dude to naughty crying baby in a flash.
To have been spanked at 14 on the bare bottom must have been your worst nightmare but in front of other boys who knew you far far worse.
I believe you deserved what you got and I am sure the watching boys enjoyed your humiliation.
I would have left you standing in the shop less your pants for an hour as well.
It as perfect to read that you had to keep the same style of haircut for 6 months.
You shamed your family and your Dad made sure your humiliation was truly public!!! by Andrew on 15 Nov 2021
I suffered a similar punishment for stealing
My hair was cut very very short I thought that was bad enough but
I had my bare bottom spanked in front of all the boys and men at the barbers
The humiliation islike forever
No one ever forgets they watched it happen
I was the laughing stock at school for months
Never stole again but to late to stop them all watching by John on 14 Nov 2021
Wow that was some punishment!!!
That must have been hell watching your friend get his hair cut short but then to here your Dad tell the barber to cut yours shorter what a nightmare.
Then when you think its all over you both get taken back to the shop for what must have been a mega humiliation!!!
You had to watch your friend get smacked by his Dad and then its your turn and WOW!!!
He takes your jeans and pants down you get it on the bare in front of everyone.
I would have died of shame.
How do you ever live that down
Just so terrible to think about by Paul on 25 Apr 2020
Just read your story.
I think you deserved what you got.
I liked the idea that you had to keep your hair "style" for 6 months.
It was right you got the bare bum smacked. It was what you deserved and in front of your friends was ok.
You were the ringleader so the shame was all yours.
That will have been the end of your street cred. by John on 25 Apr 2020
Just read your story Peter I think the haircut was just right for you shorter!!!
I think the spanking should have been in private BUT you had it coming.
Sometimes a bit of public humiliation works wonders by Graham on 19 Nov 2019
You deserved it but spanking was too much. Did your friends teased u by Milly on 08 Oct 2019
I did a similar big mistake, but my father treated me differently. We lived in France ! I was 16, nearly 17 and I looked like I was 18. My father took me by the arm, brutally, and forced me to join the French Foreign Legion. There I got a serious haircut, what they call a "Boule à Zéro", meaning there is not a single hair left. I was told by my chief to keep it during more than a year. I was not beaten by my father but by my Corporals who knew my story. During 5 years, I had to stay there in Corsica and it was a torture ! by Charles on 08 Jul 2019
If that had happened to me Peter I would never never have told a soul.
It made me cringe with shame for you!!!
What a mad world. by Graham on 02 May 2019
Wow that's one hell of a punishment to have to keep the same hair "style"for that long.
Then to get a bare butt spanking in front of all your friends total shame!!!I bet they enjoyed your humiliation.
I would of died of shame but unlike you I never stole anything.
Yea you deserved your punishment I think your Dad did a good job!!! by John on 02 May 2019
I just read your story I think you deserved what you got.
To use a younger boy and involve him in your crime was so wrong!!!Your Dad was right to make you keep the same "style".
Your Bare butt spanking was long overdue and with your friends watching serves you right.
You deserved to be shamed by Paul on 30 Apr 2019
Eine sehr gute Geschichte und eine wirkungsvolle, wie ich denke, langanhaltende Strafe.
Das der Kurhaarschnitt in den kommenden 6 Monaten beibehalten wurde und regelmäßig zurück geschoren wurde, ist hart, aber auch gerchtfertig und angemessen. by Kurzhaarfeund on 06 Jan 2019
WOW just read this thats one hell of a punishment.
The haircut was over the top to get all your hair cut off at 14 and now you looked like a 5yr old only one with that style in class WOW.
To get spanked is bad but I could never imagine the shame of having people watching.
On the bare in front of your class mates I would never live it down.
To have to get the same "style haircut" for 6 months omg what a punishment. by John on 06 Jan 2019
Yea I agree it was a common punishment when I was young to have your hair cut very short.
I have seen many a boy and a couple of girls get short back and sides or a basin cut!!!
Last I got was when I was 16 just like Peter for stealing. I'm ashamed to say from my Gran.
My Mother caught me and she took me to the Barbers.I had a good head of hair but the barber soon had me looking like a 10yr old!!!
No hair on the back and sides and just a bit on top.I admit I cried sat there.
Then home we went my Mother had rang her sister and she was waiting with her two sons,younger than me.My brother and his friend were also there.
I then got what my Mother said was long overdue.My Mother took my jeans and pants down and spanked me in front of them all.
I was crying with shame before the first smack.
I will regret until my dying day stealing from my Gran.
I am so ashamed did I deserve the punishment I have to admit I did. by Andy on 09 Sep 2018
Seems very common getting haircut punishments. I broke the rule of having my shirt buttoned up tight tight to my neck. I was at the mall with friends and didn’t know my parents were also. My dad didn’t say a word and came up to us. He buttoned my shirt top button up and took me to the mall barber. I was made to get a shaved back and sides and no guard on top. I was crying and he said I’ll give you something to cry about when we get home. He dropped my pants and pulled down my underwear and gave me a good spanking in front of my friends. by Jeremy on 08 Sep 2018
WOW that's a terrible thing to happen at 16 I can only assume you had been warned plenty of times to stop stealing.
I think the haircut would have been enough to teach you a lesson.
There was no need to humiliate you like that.
I bet you did not steal again. by Anon on 07 Sep 2018
Yea I suffered the same humiliating punishment when I was 16.
I got caught stealing and my Dad took me to the barbers { I had been warned before} but I thought I was so clever I would not get caught.
I went from a 16yr old youth with a great cool hairstyle to a looking like a 5yr old in minutes!!!!!
The barber gave me a short back and sides really a NO back and sides.
I just sat in the chair with tears running down my face.
My Dad was not happy with just giving me the haircut I needed to be humiliated completly.
I was to be given a lesson I would not forget!!!!
Out of the chair and down came my jeans and undies.He spanked my bare bum in front of everyone.
There were boys from my school and some were my friends they laughed I cried.
I went from a cool guy to a crying 5yr old in a flash.
I never never thought that could happen to me.
My Dad had told me what would happen if I stole again.
I was so so sorry.
I had to stand and say sorry to everyone there with my pants around my feet then sweep up all my hair.
Terrible day never forgot it my "friends" make sure of that!!! by Paul on 07 Sep 2018
Read your story sure brought back memories.
I got caught stealing same age as you I had been caught before and just warned.
But I thought I was so so clever.
I got dragged to the Barbers for a short short back and sides.
Then back to the shop my Dad did not spare me any way I got the worst bare butt spanking of my life.
All those watching including boys from school just laughed.
My life was hell at school for weeks
I was so ashamed when my hair grew normal again I went back to the Barbers and got a real sort back and sides to the crown.
I wish I had not done that.BIG mistake!!!! by Mike on 30 Dec 2017
Just read your story brought back a memory for me as well.
Yea caught stealing from the local Asian shop my Dad took me to the Barbers.He clipped mine to the crown then lather and shaved the stubble.I was left with a inch fringe and a bit on top.
Then back to the shop word had got out and there was a crowd waiting.
I was crying with shame before my Dad took my pants down bare bottom so humiliating.
I will always remember the laughter.
It was 1966 and I was 16 yrs old. by Doug on 10 May 2017
Yea I do have another story to tell but even though it was 50yrs ago I still feel so ashamed.
I look back at how stupid I was plus I had already been humiliated it beggers belief I tried stealing again.
I still see one or two of the lads [men now]who watched me get my cumppance in the locker room. I still blush even now.
I don't think I want to relive that again.
Sorry. by Peter on 09 Jan 2017
Peter, you say you "got another dose" when you were older. Is there another haircut story to be told? by anon on 08 Jan 2017
Thanks for all the comments even the bad ones.
Yea it's true I was warned about stealing got a few wacks with a belt of my Dad.
I thought I was so clever using Allen.I just never thought he would tell on me.
What a stupid fool I was.
I was crying with shame before he started smacking my bare bum all those lads watching total shame.I must have looked like a naughty 5yr old.
The haircut was unreal just so so short that made me look like a 5yr old as well.I had to go and get it cut like that every 3 weeks or so.The Barber suggested a razor finish my Dad agreed I was bald on the back and sides.
It was 6 months of hell.
Never learned got another dose when I was older. by Peter on 07 Jan 2017
I bet that haircut was one hell of a shock.
To watch your friend get his cut short knowing you were in the chair next must have been a nightmare.Then to have to hear your Dad say cut his shorter what a shock.
Then to stand in the shop watching your friend get his backside smacked in front of all those other boys yea some punishment.
But your Dad kept the best till last taking down your pants and spanking your bare bottom in front of all your school friends.
Don't know how you lived that down!!!!!!!!!!!!
Perfect Dad Perfect punishment by George on 06 Jan 2017
I think Peter that you are not telling the full story.
I bet you got a warning before about stealing.
Am I right!!!
I bet you thought you were so clever.
I would think it was a very humiliating day.
All your own fault!!!! by Anon on 06 Jan 2017
Yea a good punishment you were so wrong to get a younger boy to "look out" for you.
You deserved the spanking just for that alone.
It serves you right your school friends watched on the bare yea what you needed.
I think the haircut was a great idea and I like the 6 month new "style" by Graham on 06 Jan 2017
The haircut was a good punishment yea keep it 6 months remember it well.
To get your bare butt smacked in front of your school friends you loose all your street cread.
I think your Dad was right you deserve your pants taken down I hope he did it more often. by Alec on 05 Jan 2017
Sounds like a good punishment.
A real short haircut to make you remember and I like the 6 months part.
You shamed your family by stealing your Dad shamed you with a bare butt spanking sounds fair to me. by Ken on 05 Jan 2017
Stupid boys and easy going parents by Honduras on 05 Jan 2017
Good story. Well told by thadeusz on 05 Jan 2017
OMG Peter I understand you were the "ringleader"but that was one hell of a haircut at 14.
To be spanked is bad enough but to get it on the bare in front of your school friends the humiliation and shame is beyond words .I would have died of shame.
Yea children are so cruel to laugh at you as you cried.
Plus the same haircut for 6 months one hell of a punishment. by Anon on 05 Jan 2017
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3449 Stories - Awaiting Approval:Stories 0; Comments 0. This site is for Male Haircut Stories and Comments only.
Good. Story would be more interesting if it was from Jack's or Zack's POV by Anon on 15 Apr 2022
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