Hair loss

Hair loss


Hair loss (alopecia) is a partial or complete loss of hair on the head or other parts of the body caused by various external and/or internal causes.

Moderate hair loss is a natural physiological process. Normally, a person loses about 100 hairs daily and may not even notice it. The life cycle of a hair consists of periods that asynchronously replace each other, so a small percentage of hair falls out at the same time. They imperceptibly leave the scalp, and new hairs begin to grow in their place.

As a rule, the reason for concern in patients are:

increased hair loss in any period;

aesthetic change: visual extension of the parting, translucence of the scalp through the hair, complete absence of hair in any area, thinning, baldness, complete loss of hair on the head and other parts of the body [2].


Hair loss problems are common all over the world: according to statistics, about 60-70% of men and 25-40% of women suffer from some form of hair loss [1]. 8% of all referrals to dermatologists and trichologists are for hair diseases [3].

Causes of hair loss

Causes that can provoke abundant hair loss or thinning:

Physiological conditions associated with hormonal changes: newborn, postpartum period, post-puberty period, elderly age of the patient.

Neuropsychiatric overstrain — in stressful situations, the hormone cortisol is produced, which negatively affects the hair.

Deficient conditions of the body.

The period after operations or injuries.

Diseases accompanied by an increase in body temperature above 38.5 ° C, and hair loss may increase even after a short rise in temperature.

Taking some medications: fibrates, vitamin A and its derivatives, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), antiestrogenic drugs, antidepressants, cytostatics, lithium preparations, beta-blockers (selective and non-selective), anticoagulants, 6-aminoquinoline derivatives, thyrostatics, interferon alpha preparations, anticonvulsants, antiparkinsonian, anthelmintic, antiherpetic, antiviral and some antibacterial drugs, neuroleptics, hydroxychloroquine derivatives, triazole derivatives, oral contraceptives, dopaminomimetics, etc.

Problems of the hair apparatus, for example, hereditary hypersensitivity of follicles to the effects of hormones.

Treatment of hair loss

The choice of tactics for the treatment of hair loss depends on the type and activity of the process. There are temporary factors, after the cessation of their effects, hair growth resumes in the same volume. Other factors require correction and treatment, and the earlier therapy is initiated, the fewer hair follicles will be involved in the pathological process read more about medicines...

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