Hacken's Q1 Summary

Hacken's Q1 Summary

Hacken Ecosystem

Here we go. Check this out - Hacken's report for the First Quarter of 2018

The first quarter has official come to a close. The following is a summary of the many achievements we’ve made in this short amount of time.

1️⃣ In Q1 we announced numerous partnerships:

JAN 2018 @SingularityNET

JAN 2018 @NapoleonX

FEB 2018 @Skraps

FEB 2018 @Legolas Exchange

FEB 2018 @KunaExchange

MAR 2018 @Remme

MAR 2018 @Membrana


MAR 2018 @NucleusVision




2️⃣ We’ve also been listed on Kucoin - one of the most secured and reliable exchanges, and for that we’ve received a lot of positive feedback.

3️⃣ We have been working very hard on our bug bounty marketplace, HackenProof. Our latest article on the benefits of ethical hacking for business can be found here: http://bit.ly/hknwibb❗️

4️⃣ Team Hacken participated in Troopers 18🎉. Must-visit conference for every cybersecurity geek (https://www.troopers.de). At the conference, our Team hosted 2 Challenges, where we successfully tested the technical functionality of HackenProof and promoted its release.

More - http://bit.ly/2HQ5JTl

5️⃣ Launched Hacken’s First Referral Program, aimed to support the release of our most desired product HackenProof (https://hub.hacken.io/bug-bounty).‼️

The basic point is quite clear and simple - “Clients for HKNs.” By the way, be aware that, in response to your requests, the registration deadline for the referral program has been postponed.

📌NEW DEADLINE - 02.04.2018. 📌

JOIN NOW - http://bit.ly/2FPhKbc

And below you may find answers to the most frequently asked questions:

Will release of HackenProof happen as planned?

✔️Friends, we have talked a lot about this big event. 

Moreover, we’ve launched the Referral campaign that was aimed to support its release. We believe in this project, and hope you do too. If you or your referrals still have some questions about it take a chance to ask them during the Q&A session.

And one more beneficial surprise is waiting for you. Simultaneously with HackenProof our dev team was working on another product that you are going to love! A little of patience before we officially announce it. 💯

❓When are we going to be featured by major youtube channels and other big social media influencers?

✔️Almost as often as “when exchange?”, frequently we have been asked about the marketing activities that we are going to implement in order to give Hacken the exposure it deserves. We’ve listened to you and are happy to announce that in the next three weeks Hacken will be featured by 2 YouTubers that are well-known and respectful in the cryptoverse. Keep in mind, we are working hard to promote Hacken through other channels as well.

Thanks for all your support and belief in Hacken. Together we gonna rock🚀🚀🚀

Stay tuned!

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