Hacken Monthly Report

Hacken Monthly Report

Hacken Token Sale

During the last few weeks, a lot of interesting events occurred in the world of blockchain and cryptocurrency. So, we decided to summarize them to make valuable conclusions that may be helpful for our community in future!

Dmitry Budorin and Olga Samoilova with our advisor, Dr. Moe Levin at the World Blockchain Forum that took place in London.

Here is a brief outline!

  • Industry summary
  • Our Achievements
  • Our Goals

Nowadays, tokenization is an increasingly popular and effective way of implementing a blockchain to different business processes across the globe. However, the main thing is that the price of each token directly correlates with a particular industry and business to bring value to the community. As a result, the sustainability of a business behind a certain token and demand for services related to an industry are the crucial determinants of a token's price.

So, we’d love to share some info about Hacken and our achievements over the last couple of weeks!

Nowadays, the cybersecurity industry is on the grow. Along with a huge number of opportunities for common folks, the rapidly developing IT sector provides many opportunities for cybercriminals. Evidently, the cost of the stolen information and money that happened because of these vulnerabilities will reach $6 trillion by 2021.

As a result, we decided to create Hacken Ecosystem, the first ICO startup in the cybersecurity field. We believe that by implementing blockchain in the cybersecurity industry, we’ll make the world a better place.

Our Achievements:

- Second place at  d10e PITCH CONTEST, the global conference on decentralization with winning prize of 33 BTC (+100 participants registered, 28 pitches);

- Developed the alpha version of HackenProof, a bug bounty marketplace for white hat hackers and their clients;

- Held HackIT onsight bug bounty, where the 30 best hackers from all over the world were hacking (actually demolishing) products in Kiev. You can watch the video here. The best hackers were honoured by Steve Woznyak in the biggest aircraft in the world. (Please see some pictures);

- Signed Phil Zimmerman, PGP protocol creator, as an advisor and escrow agent;

- Signed Shahmeer Amir, 3rd best white hat hacker in the world as an advisor and team lead for the HackenProof platform development;

- Formed a team of blockchain enthusiasts as an advisors;

- Closed presale. We sold more than 800K of HKNs without any investment in traffic.

Our Goals:

- Focus on product development;

- Bug bounty platform clients seek;

-  Asia tour Singapore – Hong Kong – Tokio – Seul with Startuptoken;

- Current smart contracts audits in progress;

-  Elite blockchain and cybersecurity advisor partnership in final negotiations stage.

Hope you will be satisfied with our accomplishments.

We deeply appreciate your support!  

PS: Here you can ask any question regarding our project and leave your feedback!


Hacken Team

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