Habooz - A Job Search Site in Kazakhstan

Habooz - A Job Search Site in Kazakhstan

Habooz is a job search site in Kazakhstan that allows you to search for jobs in the country. The site searches different websites and collects all the vacancies into a single place. The website also allows Employers to post their vacancies directly. We're a one-stop-shop for employers and job seekers.

We search for vacancies on different sites

If you're a foreign national looking for a job in Kazakhstan, you might want to consider working with a local company. The United States and Canada are two of the largest foreign investors in the country, and many American companies have local branches. While you might not be able to find a full-time position through these companies, you can still find a job in Kazakhstan.

If you're a native English speaker who's looking for a new job, teaching English in Kazakhstan might be a good fit. There are several sites that feature Kazakhstan teaching job vacancies, and all have an enormous database of available positions. One website even includes a table of average salaries for teachers in different countries.

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