Phil Anaba

Humancoin is an achievement blockchain venture, which joins altruists and beneficiaries of assets on a solitary platform in the most advantageous and straightforward way. Contributors (comprising of one of three of us comprehensively) can rapidly make gifts the world over, screen their buys on the web and furthermore get rebates from platform accomplices. Philanthropy activities can get assets with negligible overheads and in a brief time frame in an agreeable cash.

Humancoin is a progressive platform that changes the charitable business for good, which was particularly made to work in cooperative energy with the web-based business and cryptographic money markets, which together have a consolidated estimation of $ 3.5 trillion!

The Humancoin token can without much of a stretch be changed over to tokens, miles, rewards, and different coupons. Proprietor tokens will be urged to hold them to exploit appealing advantages, and this gives stable long-haul request. Since the quantity of accomplices and the size of collaboration in the Humancoin organize developed, the notoriety of tokens developed.

HUMANCOIN now toward the start of the year a crypto organization with specific attributes, with the numerous and high current exchanging crypto-markets that overwhelm the market. organization HUMANCOIN Become one of the enormous organizations that will be extremely fruitful later on. Exchanging the universe of digital money never got away from the ascent and fall of the cash dollar variances and the trading of coins, this is a characteristic thing that is felt by crypto-exchanging organizations. Also, the organization has no imaginative thought that the system can keep out of speculations, obviously, this is a calamity that can be lethal with the annihilation of the organization. Decentralized venture assets on the blockchain platform for financial specialists around the globe are a viable rationality offered by this platform. With the vision and mission of the idea of shared advantage between the venture proprietor and the token proprietor. With such huge numbers of business sectors in the realm of digital money this year that contenders of numerous organizations who act or exchange ought to have more extraordinary capacities and inventiveness, this could be one of the achievement focuses that the crypto-exchanging network can accomplish.


There is most likely that there are significant advancements in how to give, however notwithstanding, for this reason, philanthropy branches can't defeat the fundamental impediment, to be the specific absence of trust.

Contributors, a considerable lot of whom are privately owned businesses, confront the issue of trust, relinquishing in light of the fact that there is no real way to find out whether the assets will get out on time.

It was likewise discovered that most gave reserves were kept as regulatory costs, which are normally utilized for beneficent establishments.

Working expenses are additionally a major issue, as most people and organizations, for the most part, need to spend their well-meaning plans, at last, to take care of exchange costs for exchanges.


Long haul philanthropy chains comprising of banks, NGOs, state offices and law offices will be furnished with dispersed book technology. Utilizing a blockchain platform can give an advanced component that will be utilized to record and view any exchanges.

This new technology on a bigger scale will likewise encourage the advancement of an immediate financing platform. Humanitarians likewise advantage incredibly from computerized scholarly contracts, as this will permit allow beneficiaries to utilize their assets once they effectively defeat such huge numbers of conditions.

The development of the philanthropy business will increment altogether because of the enormous advantages that blockchain technology can offer.

Token Sales

3,055,000,000 ERC20 Humancoins available

All unsold tokens will be burned

The price of one token is $ 0.01

Minimum purchase - 0.1 ETH


July 1 - August 15

It is expected to generate $ 1 million

Token Sales

September 15 - November 1

Soft cap - $ 6 million

Hardcap - $ 26 million

Bonus Token Sales for sale 3 055 000 000

Presale: 50% bonus - 150 000 000

Sale Token Stage 1: 35% bonus - 945 000 000

Sales of Tokens Stage 2: 20% bonus - 960 000 000

Sale Token Stage 3: 0% bonus - 1 000 000 000

Token distribution

3 055 million - For sale

1 000 million - Partnership Development Fund

600 million - Team prizes => 50% blocked by smart contracts for 6 months. => 50% blocked for 12 months

600 million - Advisers and ambassadors

500 million - Consultants and exchanges

245 million - Bounty program, airstrip and referral

Funds collected at Token Sale determine the company's financial strategy and will be spent on project development in the 4th quarter 2018-2019. The ongoing Humancoin operation maintenance will be financed from a 5% fee from fundraising for a charity project.










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