Ashley BrownUniversity of maryland university college application deadline (Niagara) hi traffic cessna 5 805 f is departing runway 2 3 and i I have a good correct people thanks for coming thank you transmitted radiation the topic approach cessna five eight nine or five alphas off whiskey thirty-two and route the victor kilo x-ray which i have in sight the topic approach cessna five eight nine or five alpha five another five transponder deserves reinforced clock so after landing and change to rise therefore the paper frequency change approved keep on the squad but after landing I thought alpha the topic airports us the five eight nine five Apple is on a right cross which or two for Potomac we're gonna traffic 7-7 echo turn and base for 3-0 the atomic traffic sets the high five alpha starting right downwind or to four of atomic three traffic seven seven fo finals for a free zero the topic traffic cessna [Music] mile-high left space Tomic traffic says the 95 alpha star in China - for Potomac Union Theological Seminary.