
Honeypod finishes an equipment venture that is associated with your home switch to evacuate commercials and following frameworks for all gadgets associated with your web while additionally verification and installment exchange administrations. The perspective on the Internet as we probably know is currently fabricated totally around concealed administrations that have the aim to track and screen every individual's developments, their identity, what they see, and who they partner without affirmation or endorsement. Honeypod changes that and not just give you the opportunity to control who and what approaches your web association, yet in addition advantage you to surf the web.

Honeypod  is a protection arranged gadget that interfaces your switch to erase ads and track the structure of your whole home system, and is additionally helpful for surfing the Internet. Display of the Internet, as we probably know today, is based on concealed recommendations that works for following and observing the developments of everybody, their identity, what they see and with whom they are without affirmation or endorsement. Honeypod changes this with assistance, which never again gives you the opportunity to control who and what is incorporated into your Internet association, yet it is likewise helpful for taking a shot at the Internet.

What is Honeypod

The Honeypod is a protection centering gadget that interfaces with your switch to expel ads and following frameworks from the majority of your home system while likewise offering honors to the web. You to investigate the web scene as we probably know it today is manufactured totally around concealed administrations that have the aim of following and checking every individual's developments, their identity, what they see, and who they partner without affirmation or endorsement. Honeypod changes that by giving you great opportunity and advantage to control everything about your web and internet and gives you confidence in surfing the web.


CRYPTO PRODUCTIVE  - Through the utilization of Honeypod, all clients get digital money tokens in a structure like mining dependent on the quantity of employments of their Honeypod. within a short while, associates, clients and accomplices with Honeypod will likewise get tokens.

PROMOTION BLOCKING - Unfortunately, publicizing is ending up progressively compelled to coordinate web clients into spam which causes serious data transmission utilization, long page stacking times, and malevolent malware assaulting client gadgets.

BLOCKING TRACKER - Tracking administrations frequently piggyback on authentic administrations to compel Internet clients to be careful about releasing delicate individual data that Internet clients won't give unreservedly. Individual data is then regularly sold to different administrations and organizations.

VERIFICATION - Honeypod can be utilized as a validation framework to get tokens or purchase online administrations utilizing digital currency. No compelling reason to renounce your wallet each time you have to purchase an administration, yet a Honeypod is your authenticator that is associated with a wallet or character.

COMPLETE DATA MONITORING - Complete access that screens all information solicitations and outsiders attempting to get to your gadget enables you to have continuous experiences blocked, how often they endeavor to get to you, and on which gadgets.

Token Details

Token Ticker- HNY

Platform - Stellar  

Pre-ICO 1 HNY = 0.0375 USD

Price in ICO = 0,0500 USD

Tokens sell for 200,000,000

Min. Investment - 1,500 USD

Accepting - BTC, ETH, XLM

Distributed in ICO20%

Soft cap - 2.000.000 USD

Hard cap - 10,000,000 USD


Token distribution

Honeypod Team

Important links for more information about the project are listed below :

Webiste : http://honeypod.org/

whitepaper : https://docsend.com/see/6w2kpua

facebook : https://www.facebook.com/gethoneypod

Twitter: https://twitter.com/gethoneypod

Telegram : https :/t.me/honeypod

Writers details

Bitcointalk username : Tunapa

Bitcointalk profile URL : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1529843;sa=forumProfile 


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